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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Negative people.
Went to docs, he told me I have reversed type 2, can I come off statins then doctor I asked, don’t think so they are working for you so there’s no need, I want to come off this poison..
Don't know about statins but I slowly withdrew my blood pressure tablets as I progressed. A gamble I know and not one I would recommend unless you are so anti statin. I would seek further advice. In my experience many doctors don't even believe it is possible to reverse diabetes and after all many are in the pay of drug companies


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
HbA1c result 24th December is 38 - using an A1C now device.
Down from 40, which I thought was odd given that my FBG's have risen of late
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Well-Known Member
Has anyone else out there had the same problem as me. I haven’t had a yearly check since November 2014. Although I do get seen every 6 months. My diabetic nurse says she doesn’t understand why I haven’t had my appointment as she had marked me down for it. I have been low carbing and went to see my doctor to try and find out the results of an eye test. Of course he didn’t have report but did say he would look into it. I mentioned my change in diet he wasn’t pleased with me at all. Well I just decided I would show him. I’m due wait for it another yearly appointment in December. Of course no letter yet. I’m hoping by the time it comes in and I get my results my doctor will be surprised. Although I won’t hold my breath. I have been keeping my hba1c under 7 according to my diary. I think I will be a bit strict over Christmas.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@hilmat01 I always have to make the appointment for my HbA1b blood test myself. I never get a reminder or appointment made by the surgery when it is due.
The blood tests are now done by a local health clinic, not my surgery, so I see the surgery receptionist and ask her for the referral letter.
When the tests were previously done at the surgery, I would make the appointment for the test myself at reception, then make an appointment to see GP afterwards to discuss the test results.
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Well-Known Member
Prem51 you are lucky we have to wait as an appointment is always made for us every six months. If I ring up to find out when mine is I’m told the diabetic nurse hasn’t put it through yet. I am going to ring after Christmas to see what’s going on with my appt. I have been with this surgery since 1972 and have no other complaint. Thanks for your reply and a happy Christmas to you and yours.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Has anyone else out there had the same problem as me. I haven’t had a yearly check since November 2014. Although I do get seen every 6 months. My diabetic nurse says she doesn’t understand why I haven’t had my appointment as she had marked me down for it. I have been low carbing and went to see my doctor to try and find out the results of an eye test. Of course he didn’t have report but did say he would look into it. I mentioned my change in diet he wasn’t pleased with me at all. Well I just decided I would show him. I’m due wait for it another yearly appointment in December. Of course no letter yet. I’m hoping by the time it comes in and I get my results my doctor will be surprised. Although I won’t hold my breath. I have been keeping my hba1c under 7 according to my diary. I think I will be a bit strict over Christmas.
Surely the DN should be chasing this up for you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@hilmat01 Your GP surgery gets an additional payment simply because you are diabetic. In exchange they must adhere to minimum service levels, which is that you are tested once a year. Tell them that you will report them if you don't get the service expected


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your reply. I will keep that in mind. To tell you the truth I’m hoping that when I ring they will be in the process of sorting me an appointment.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Don't get me started
Enough of all these success stories!
After 15 months of being Type 2, I have not lost any weight, I now detest food & when I do eat, low carb or not, I fall asleep or feel constantly tired.
I need to focus & achieve on some different approach?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hate the doctor's surgery. The Doctor is okay though.
Yesterday my trousers fell down of their own accord. I was in my front porch on full view. I am over the moon. Last month I had difficulty fastening the waist band. I suppose I had better make another hole in my belt! The only downside is I shall have to order some new cords with a 46 inch waist instead of 48! (By the way, when the embarrassing incident happened it was gone midnight; and I was just locking up for the night!

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Regards Phub. :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
cold weather
Yesterday my trousers fell down of their own accord. I was in my front porch on full view. I am over the moon. Last month I had difficulty fastening the waist band. I suppose I had better make another hole in my belt! The only downside is I shall have to order some new cords with a 46 inch waist instead of 48! (By the way, when the embarrassing incident happened it was gone midnight; and I was just locking up for the night!

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Regards Phub. :)
Magic pants, well done
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Rude ignorant people
Hba1c of 10.8 in November and 5.4 in March after following a low carb diet.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Rude ignorant people
Enough of all these success stories!
After 15 months of being Type 2, I have not lost any weight, I now detest food & when I do eat, low carb or not, I fall asleep or feel constantly tired.
I need to focus & achieve on some different approach?
Have your vitamin B12 levels been checked? I felt like you and now have a little injection every 3 months and feel much better.


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

My doctor advised me that I was no longer diabetic and MyDiabetesMyWay website shows my HbA1c as 5.7% which is my best result in 6 years since my T2 diagnosis! I do WFPB Vegan Monday to Friday and moderate carnivore at the weekend AND I walk 4 miles 6 days a week.

Dr Snoddy

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Just had my annual blood results. HbA1c in non-diabetic range for the fourth year in a row. Cholesterol still high at 7.4 and B12 still low despite supplementation but everything else fine. Would not known about LCHF without this forum. Thank you all!

Dr Snoddy

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
View attachment 25713

My doctor advised me that I was no longer diabetic and MyDiabetesMyWay website shows my HbA1c as 5.7% which is my best result in 6 years since my T2 diagnosis! I do WFPB Vegan Monday to Friday and moderate carnivore at the weekend AND I walk 4 miles 6 days a week.
Love the graph!