What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Cue snake juice month - Snake Juicary has a certain ring to it and is, of course, authentic with a check shirt and beard as well:angelic:

Snakeruary....sounds kinda stupid, but who knows..I thought the veganuary was a dumb choice as well, but what do I know...:wacky:
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I agree this is all a bit of a "mad riddle" TM Mr D Dyer. What I don't follow is why T2D doesn't affect over 90% of the UK population or why 74% of the same cohort aren't obese. I wouldn't want anyone to stop reading and enquiring or to abandon LCHF WOE. Just a nagging doubt in my mind as to why those points never seem to be addressed. I need to leave it there . I don't understand how my microwave works or how painkillers work (and frankly why should I care?) but I still use them without understanding or liking them. Let's all hug and sing kumbaya:angelic:

I'm glad you posted about us all hugging and singing kumbaya. I woke up feeling very negative and wondering if I would bother to post here.

Your post answered one of the questions I was asking of myself and life in general.



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Snakeruary....sounds kinda stupid, but who knows..I thought the veganuary was a dumb choice as well, but what do I know...:wacky:
Actually like Snakeruary and totes forgot the essential "repurposed" enamel p*** chamber pot for the faithful to drink from:angelic:
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
An even better reason to celebrate -- and also to mourn -- February 25th is George Harrison's birthday. A day to celebrate his life, and to mourn his too-early death.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6.6 which I'm happy and surprised with! I slipped and fell on the ice yesterday. Hurt, didn’t want to cook, so I ordered a medium pan pizza from a take-out place. My first take-out food in seven months since diagnosis. I ate the whole thing! Probably ate more carbs than I have in a week. Only had two 7.4 readings overnight. Good job, body! Now back to our regularly scheduled LCHF.

Happy Friday from ice-rink Toronto!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks, @PenguinMum . It wasn't y'all, it was just life.

How are you feeling today?
I know but even if things arent as good as it should be its good to talk. I am turning the corner. During the night when I couldnt sleep I did a big online grocery shop to be delivered early tomo so it wasnt atotally wasted night. Lol. The girls have competed for my attention even more than usual which has made me smile. Arent animals just great, they teach us a lot. Hope you and KittenCat are having an ok day?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks. I'm glad you are turning the corner. :) The KittenCat and I are having a good day. She has been sleeping in her house all morning (it's an indoor fleecy house), and just a few minutes ago she came out and asked for lunch. Today she is liking Meow Mix Shrimp & Tuna, and I wish I had bought more than one can of it yesterday!

I am shopping online for ideas for my living room.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6.6 which I'm happy and surprised with! I slipped and fell on the ice yesterday. Hurt, didn’t want to cook, so I ordered a medium pan pizza from a take-out place. My first take-out food in seven months since diagnosis. I ate the whole thing! Probably ate more carbs than I have in a week. Only had two 7.4 readings overnight. Good job, body! Now back to our regularly scheduled LCHF.

Happy Friday from ice-rink Toronto!

Wow, I hope you're OK!

I've been wanting a pizza all week.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I agree this is all a bit of a "mad riddle" TM Mr D Dyer. What I don't follow is why T2D doesn't affect over 90% of the UK population or why 74% of the same cohort aren't obese. I wouldn't want anyone to stop reading and enquiring or to abandon LCHF WOE. Just a nagging doubt in my mind as to why those points never seem to be addressed. I need to leave it there . I don't understand how my microwave works or how painkillers work (and frankly why should I care?) but I still use them without understanding or liking them. Let's all hug and sing kumbaya:angelic:

"NSAIDs prevent the creation of prostaglandins, the hormone-like chemicals that cause swelling and increase pain."

"Paracetamol is thought to reduce the intensity of pain signals to the brain. It may also prevent the release of substances, called prostaglandins, that increase pain and body temperature."



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
"NSAIDs prevent the creation of prostaglandins, the hormone-like chemicals that cause swelling and increase pain."

"Paracetamol is thought to reduce the intensity of pain signals to the brain. It may also prevent the release of substances, called prostaglandins, that increase pain and body temperature."

I see the words and could even pronounce them but beyond that I just cloud over but thanks
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I see the words and could even pronounce them but beyond that I just cloud over but thanks

This is how I think of them -- NSAIDS reduce inflammation that causes pain; paracetamol block/buffers pain signals from getting to the brain. That's probably wildly inaccurate but it works for me. :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6.6 which I'm happy and surprised with! I slipped and fell on the ice yesterday. Hurt, didn’t want to cook, so I ordered a medium pan pizza from a take-out place. My first take-out food in seven months since diagnosis. I ate the whole thing! Probably ate more carbs than I have in a week. Only had two 7.4 readings overnight. Good job, body! Now back to our regularly scheduled LCHF.

Happy Friday from ice-rink Toronto!

I just went to the grocery store for cat food and pizza. The KittenCat got some of the cat food and now she is sleeping in my lap and preventing me from getting up to put the pizza in the oven. Anyone would think she knows I shouldn't eat it. :D
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