What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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Poor Archie and what a worry for you. Our Labrador Moet had one of those buckets on his head, not pleasant but a needs must to prevent him causing larger problems from licking his wound.
He definitely needs a bucket on his head. He really won't like it but it will have to be done.


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football, both the game and the culture.
Just what I was thinking - we have blackout blinds or curtains in all our bedrooms - they work a treat.
Can you get a volunteer to put curtain up @gennepher ? Can get expanding curtain rails which go up in seconds, possibly use the hook or rod style tie back, so no need to pull them every night? I remember you saying that was difficult for you.


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football, both the game and the culture.
Woken by howling cat. Not happy no breakfast for him this early. Tested anyway.
5.55am FBG 5.4
Back to bed, cat quietened for short while the got louder and more persistant. Gave up about 7 30
Fed cat
FBG now 6 0 presumably mixture of DP and irritation.
He will have to relearn better manners when we go back to the Motorhome.
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Fusion mindfood from an addled mind incoming - bear with.. Thanksgiving all around me made me get Alexa to play this which naturally made me aware that what I "see" in it is a romanticised/perfected dream of beauty. Obviously, I go from there, via the econometric school of historiography, to Keats and the artists on here. Their view of the world is very different to what I see and allows them to see and produce beauty I just don't see but I do recognise through what that song conjures up. Linking to my paradigm for dealing with lc/keto and wellbeing is this beauty is truth and truth is beauty schtick. BUT only in the romaticised mental realm. The jagged edged, messy reality ruins that vision. Christmas day never lives up to the idea/ideal kind of thing. One of my quieter days inside the noggin. Julie says people should try living with me. IDK what she means.:angelic:
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Morning all another great late autumn day in prospect. I will have to get a few jobs done outside but it's a bit chilly.

Bad news about the Oxford vaccine emerging. Its looking like they messed up the test data. Hope the latest data is more positive.
In our present situation we cannot afford to rush into premature assessments.
And at the same time we shall all get a massive wack from a no deal brexit as well as the virus.
Unless we have companies outside the uk like Dyson and Fogg, as my son in law calls him.
I don't think Britains trump is about to have a new Rule Britannia.



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Hahah not surprisingly the Govt website is down trying to search for the tiers!
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Hahah not surprisingly the Govt website is down trying to search for the tiers!
Unless you are in Cornwall, IOW or Scilly Isles, Tier 2 mainly. All 32 London Boroughs Tier 2. Tier 3 appears to be mainly the fabled Red Wall turncoats. One needs a very, very, very long spoon if supping with the Devil. To wilful men, the injuries that they themselves procure must be their schoolmasters.
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Unless you are in Cornwall, IOW or Scilly Isles, Tier 2 mainly. All 32 London Boroughs Tier 2. Tier 3 appears to be mainly the fabled Red Wall turncoats. One needs a very, very, very long spoon if supping with the Devil. To wilful men, the injuries that they themselves procure must be their schoolmasters.
I was chatting with my bestie who is in Manc and now feels she won’t even be able to go to her folks in Chepstow for Xmas which is sad.

I have a friend struggling with a lot but who seems to want to break the bubble rules and I find myself feeling horrible when I tell her I cannot put MY bubble for Christmas at risk because she wants to break the rules.

Her parents are in Liverpuddle (also Tier 2) so that is her support bubble but her attitude is “from next week no-one will know so what harm will it do”... thus far I have declined to add a further reply!

There are lot of other underlying issues that I won’t bore you guys with but having had this at the start of lockdown the next step will be to tell me that I make no effort for her (I have suggested FaceTime... she refused, she point blank won’t eat in a restaurant, if we arrange to meet, she leaves at the time we are supposed to meet and leaves me in town for 30m plus)... so I am a bit stuck now. She will rant and rave about how I will talk to my other friends but not her (difficult when she refuses to pick up the phone, answer the door, answer her texts) and... that I won’t break the rules for her.

But if I try to tell her that I am suffering from anxiety from being unemployed at 51, managing diabetes and arthritis etc..she will say she can’t take on any one elses’s issues right now. Again this is totally the depression talking and she was very supportive when my mum died three years ago. So... I guess I just absorb the oncoming storm of “you are a horrible person and not my friend” and wait for the inevitable “I’m sorry for what I said”

For the first time in a while I feel quite weary of this pandemic now!


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Diet only
I was chatting with my bestie who is in Manc and now feels she won’t even be able to go to her folks in Chepstow for Xmas which is sad.

I have a friend struggling with a lot but who seems to want to break the bubble rules and I find myself feeling horrible when I tell her I cannot put MY bubble for Christmas at risk because she wants to break the rules.

Her parents are in Liverpuddle (also Tier 2) so that is her support bubble but her attitude is “from next week no-one will know so what harm will it do”... thus far I have declined to add a further reply!

There are lot of other underlying issues that I won’t bore you guys with but having had this at the start of lockdown the next step will be to tell me that I make no effort for her (I have suggested FaceTime... she refused, she point blank won’t eat in a restaurant, if we arrange to meet, she leaves at the time we are supposed to meet and leaves me in town for 30m plus)... so I am a bit stuck now. She will rant and rave about how I will talk to my other friends but not her (difficult when she refuses to pick up the phone, answer the door, answer her texts) and... that I won’t break the rules for her.

But if I try to tell her that I am suffering from anxiety from being unemployed at 51, managing diabetes and arthritis etc..she will say she can’t take on any one elses’s issues right now. Again this is totally the depression talking and she was very supportive when my mum died three years ago. So... I guess I just absorb the oncoming storm of “you are a horrible person and not my friend” and wait for the inevitable “I’m sorry for what I said”

For the first time in a while I feel quite weary of this pandemic now!
You have my sympathy. One of the advantages of steering clear of making friends as such is not having to deal with their issues. The family we have raised and blood relatives, dad's line really, is enough for me. I have taken to emailing 3 people I was closest to at Uni over 40 years ago. Julie has a friend with multiple issues. I'm sympathetic when she visits but good fences make good neighbours. I hope the commentary works out for you and of course I have empathy for those who feel anxious due to COVID/lockdown or anything else. I am grateful for the undue Grace shown to me. Take care.
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You have my sympathy. One of the advantages of steering clear of making friends as such is not having to deal with their issues. The family we have raised and blood relatives, dad's line really, is enough for me. I have taken to emailing 3 people I was closest to at Uni over 40 years ago. Julie has a friend with multiple issues. I'm sympathetic when she visits but good fences make good neighbours. I hope the commentary works out for you and of course I have empathy for those who feel anxious due to COVID/lockdown or anything else. I am grateful for the undue Grace shown to me. Take care.

yeah she is a friend from tennis... but I am lucky I have good old mates from School, Uni, from my years jumping over hurdles... I feel for that mate as she is in Manchester and we were chatting last night - she was trying to put a brave face in it but her folks live in Wales and the borders might be shut to Mancunians is they are in Tier 3...

all a bit of a mess.., but the good news is my cousins are in T2 (although I view N LONDON like another country half the ti,e) so Christmas is all sorted so I have just been given my instructions as to what to make/bring.


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Finally found the right people to help me, no criticism of you lot ;)

Age UK is championing my corner now, just been sent a load of bumpf by email and I've been 'attached' to a new 'friend' who is local and will be my advocate in sorting my mess out. Hopefully, I can get out of my situation soon.

Her ladyships shot over the bows today was to call me a liar regarding having had covid. She also pointed out that it's all nonsense and only weak-minded people fall for it.

If I had a van I'd be living in it about now.
Lord, she sounds like some of the people in my local NextDoor app who accuse anyone of getting their flu vaccines as perpetuating the myth/nanny state/alien landings/shooting of JFK [/insert appropriate conspiracy theory here]


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Diet only
Finally found the right people to help me, no criticism of you lot ;)

Age UK is championing my corner now, just been sent a load of bumpf by email and I've been 'attached' to a new 'friend' who is local and will be my advocate in sorting my mess out. Hopefully, I can get out of my situation soon.

Her ladyships shot over the bows today was to call me a liar regarding having had covid. She also pointed out that it's all nonsense and only weak-minded people fall for it.

If I had a van I'd be living in it about now.
I hope Age UK help ameliorate your plight. Without wishing ill on anyone I feel a form of justice should befall Her Ladyship but judgement is mine etc. For parsimony of posting one can see why certain areas may be rife with/hotspots of COVID: "Britons stricken with coronavirus have the lowest mandatory sick pay of the OECD industrialised nations as a proportion of average earnings" - soucre = Owen Jones in Guardian so take yer salt.
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Finally found the right people to help me, no criticism of you lot ;)

Age UK is championing my corner now, just been sent a load of bumpf by email and I've been 'attached' to a new 'friend' who is local and will be my advocate in sorting my mess out. Hopefully, I can get out of my situation soon.

Her ladyships shot over the bows today was to call me a liar regarding having had covid. She also pointed out that it's all nonsense and only weak-minded people fall for it.

If I had a van I'd be living in it about now.
No man is an island unto himself alone.
Sometimes friends can be a lot more genuine than family.
Family sometimes has to be endured.
My sister was a monster until she got dementia and was concerned continually for the state of our long dead mother.
But I understood what made her tick and who and what pulled her strings, but she did not deserve the way my b.i.l. dumped her in a home to die.

Muddy Cyclist

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I was chatting with my bestie who is in Manc and now feels she won’t even be able to go to her folks in Chepstow for Xmas which is sad.

I have a friend struggling with a lot but who seems to want to break the bubble rules and I find myself feeling horrible when I tell her I cannot put MY bubble for Christmas at risk because she wants to break the rules.

Her parents are in Liverpuddle (also Tier 2) so that is her support bubble but her attitude is “from next week no-one will know so what harm will it do”... thus far I have declined to add a further reply!

There are lot of other underlying issues that I won’t bore you guys with but having had this at the start of lockdown the next step will be to tell me that I make no effort for her (I have suggested FaceTime... she refused, she point blank won’t eat in a restaurant, if we arrange to meet, she leaves at the time we are supposed to meet and leaves me in town for 30m plus)... so I am a bit stuck now. She will rant and rave about how I will talk to my other friends but not her (difficult when she refuses to pick up the phone, answer the door, answer her texts) and... that I won’t break the rules for her.

But if I try to tell her that I am suffering from anxiety from being unemployed at 51, managing diabetes and arthritis etc..she will say she can’t take on any one elses’s issues right now. Again this is totally the depression talking and she was very supportive when my mum died three years ago. So... I guess I just absorb the oncoming storm of “you are a horrible person and not my friend” and wait for the inevitable “I’m sorry for what I said”

For the first time in a while I feel quite weary of this pandemic now!
Be strong and stick to your principles, doing so won't make you any less of a friend to this person, pampering to their needs won't help you or help them, just remain supportive but firm.


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Be strong and stick to your principles, doing so won't make you any less of a friend to this person, pampering to their needs won't help you or help them, just remain supportive but firm.
I know... she has all but cut off her best mate and worried her sufficiently during the first lockdown for her friend to drive down from Ruislip and come knocking on her door which she then refused to answer. She feel we aren't doing enough and when I sent her some links from the recent BBC Breakfast push to circulate mental health helplines, I got a retort of "I am NOT phoning them, I will just book myself into The Priory"...

Right now I am getting texts of "I don't know that I even want to go to Liverpool... do you want to come over on Christmas Day?" Shortly followed by "Oh I suppose you will prefer to see your family"

I have this darned commentary to do once I have had a fortifying cup of coffee. Will reply tonight when I am cooking my dinner.

ETA: My rellies in N London are on dad's side. He was a non-practicing muslim who drank, smoked, married a hindu and raised a CofE daughter (me) who then decided she was agnostic. My cousin and her husband don't really celebrate Xmas but they know I would be on my own over the river, and always invite me over and we do Christmas Mauritian-style, and I for one am very grateful that they offer every year.

I just broke my own rule and replied that I would have hoped her own family would understand what she's been through and that despite having grown up kids of their own, my cousins always have me over on Christmas Day so that I can spend the day with family. I also made the point that this year I can't even trek to the parents' graveside and stop off at my schoolfriend's parents place to say hi/stop for a cuppa as I can't risk contaminating their bubbles.

I think for the first time the real importance of bubbles (now... that's a sentence I never thought I would write as a trained journalist!) is becoming clear and even if BoJo and chums give us their Christmas leeway there is still some thought to be had about how to do this...!
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Muddy Cyclist

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She also pointed out that it's all nonsense and only weak-minded people fall for it.
Sadly I have seen and heard this spoken about Covid too many times this year and often by educated older people who are fortunate enough to live in the countryside away from crowded urban sprawl, most believe it is all a means of controlling the hoi polloi. They are fond of asking, "do you know anyone who's got it or died from it?" And of course they don't as I don't, such attitudes are not easily changed and if you challenge them you are considered a fool.
My attitude is to remain strong, trust in my principles and continue to show love and friendship whist disagreeing with their beliefs. However such people are dangerous.
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Muddy Cyclist

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Good cold Muddy Bike Ride, three hours and it froze my water bottle :)

A couple of pics from the ride, I may attempt a painting of them once my sons dog painting finished..



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Sadly I have seen and heard this spoken about Covid too many times this year and often by educated older people who are fortunate enough to live in the countryside away from crowded urban sprawl, most believe it is all a means of controlling the hoi polloi. They are fond of asking, "do you know anyone who's got it or died from it?" And of course they don't as I don't, such attitudes are not easily changed and if you challeng them you are considered a fool.
My attitude is to remain strong, trust in my principles and continue to show love and friendship whist disagreeing with their beliefs. However such people are dangerous.

It is frustrating. As someone who comes from a realm where science and logic rule it literally does my head in when they start. Last night I was in a text exchange with a thirty-year-old aspie I met last year, we'd often meet up at the cafe for a breakfast but this year put paid to it.

He called to let me know that he had covid in June, a bad case, and is still in 'long covid'. His lungs are scarred and he feels more like 60, it's just a horrible thing to go through.