1 week in


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi Folks,

I was diagnosed last week with type 2 diabetes after being ill for about 3 months.

HbA1c was 102 I’ve been prescribed Gliclazide and Metformin which seems to have things under control for the time being.

There was some debate as to whether I was type 1 or 2 as I’m 35 and not massively overweight but as the medication is working seems to be type 2.

What I would said is this week I didn’t realise just how bad I was as I’ve loads more energy especially in the mornings.

So far though I still get very tired about 3/4pm in the afternoon and my vision is dreadful.

Thought I would join the forum for advice and encouragement. I was alright last week but today starting to feel a bit sorry for myself.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Folks,

I was diagnosed last week with type 2 diabetes after being ill for about 3 months.

HbA1c was 102 I’ve been prescribed Gliclazide and Metformin which seems to have things under control for the time being.

There was some debate as to whether I was type 1 or 2 as I’m 35 and not massively overweight but as the medication is working seems to be type 2.

What I would said is this week I didn’t realise just how bad I was as I’ve loads more energy especially in the mornings.

So far though I still get very tired about 3/4pm in the afternoon and my vision is dreadful.

Thought I would join the forum for advice and encouragement. I was alright last week but today starting to feel a bit sorry for myself.
The dreadful eyesight's due to the change in blood sugar levels. Your brain was used to compensating for the sugar distorting your vision... And it has to quit doing that. If it gets really annoying, get yourself some cheap reading glasses; it's not likely to last more than a few weeks anyway. So that's a good thing, believe it or not: the bad stuff's leaving your system. Yay!

Do you have a meter, by the way? Higher levels can make you feel fatigued, so it'd help if you knew what your bloods were doing in the afternoon eh. (Most likely linked to what you had for lunch).

In any case... You'll be okay. It takes a little while, the diagnosis alone is a kick in the head, and getting used to this whole new life... It takes time. So cut yourself a break eh.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
You should have been prescribed a meter - Gliclazide lowers blood glucose and can cause hypos, so you need to monitor your levels, particularly if you drive.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Have you definitely been diagnosed as T2 or are they doing test to see if you have another type?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks everyone,

things have been going ok over Christmas, I’ve got a meter and need to check 2/3 times a day depending on how I’m feeling.

move just been told because meds are working and no ketones it’s likely type 2.

I’ve been feeling really good though, especially in the mornings and since my original post the afternoon slumps have all but disappeared. Although I’m going to bed a bit earlier than I used to.

lots of changes but mostly positive results so far.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Many of us who are type 2 have had great success with a low carb lifestyle.If you are type 2 it may be worth a try as it can lower sugars fairly quickly to around normal levels.Just be careful and use your meter to make sure you don’t go too low too fast.Many here eat to their meter so just take a reading before you eat and then 2 hr after to see what you can tolerate.It may surprise you.There is plenty more info on here about all this kinda thing so stick around and read around.
Good luck and you are in the right place.
I’m off for breakfast...Steak and eggs.......it’s very low carb so ideal for me...who knew?..


You r in the right place. Being a newbie too this forum has been really helpful. If you follow my thread u will b able 2 see the advise and links that have made all the difference. Mandy2019
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Being sick
Hi Folks,

I was diagnosed last week with type 2 diabetes after being ill for about 3 months.

HbA1c was 102 I’ve been prescribed Gliclazide and Metformin which seems to have things under control for the time being.

There was some debate as to whether I was type 1 or 2 as I’m 35 and not massively overweight but as the medication is working seems to be type 2.

What I would said is this week I didn’t realise just how bad I was as I’ve loads more energy especially in the mornings.

So far though I still get very tired about 3/4pm in the afternoon and my vision is dreadful.

Thought I would join the forum for advice and encouragement. I was alright last week but today starting to feel a bit sorry for myself.

Reading your post that is me right there. Thanks for sharing. I was diagnosed ten days ago after being sick for a few weeks the same. It feels like a total rollercoaster. Have learnt loads from the forum in just two day it’s a brilliant place for info and reaching out.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi and welcome,

If you are actually a type 2 a low carb way of eating may reduce the need for any medication other than metformin. However, since you are on other medication you will need to check with your meter regularly and maybe gradually reduce your carbs rather than doing it quickly. You should keep records of what you eat, what medication you take and the blood sugar levels- this will help you and your medical professional make decisions about what medication you need.

Good luck- let us know how you are going- test frequently to make sure you are not going too low


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks for all the comments guys, I haven’t been on too often but had an updated of HbA1c a few weeks ago and it has come down to 77 which the nurse seemed very pleased with. Have to go in another 8 weeks.

they’ve reduced my Gliclazide as was often getting pretty low said will re-evaluate in a month and they might just have me on metformin soon.

Lots of positives in that regard and I’ve been feeling a lot better in general.

One of my main problems just now is if I try to do any excercise I have a hypo, not sure what I can do about that apart from wait till I’m off gliclazide?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Reading your post that is me right there. Thanks for sharing. I was diagnosed ten days ago after being sick for a few weeks the same. It feels like a total rollercoaster. Have learnt loads from the forum in just two day it’s a brilliant place for info and reaching out.

thanks for your reply. Yeah it has been pretty chaotic at times. I’m feeling a lot better and I think I’m getting better at managing it. How are you getting on? Hope you’re well and adjusting ok. :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Lots of positives in that regard and I’ve been feeling a lot better in general.

One of my main problems just now is if I try to do any exercise I have a hypo, not sure what I can do about that apart from wait till I’m off gliclazide?[/QUOTE]

Agree with that one, as hard as it is, pushing hard to remove that medicine will make a world of difference. I started at 87 HBA1c and was lucky they only started me on Metformin with the threat of something else, i really hit the diet hard and got it right down to 33 quickly.

Same as you, early 30's - bit of a shock. I have had to give up loads of food i love and 6 months on its still hard, but I don’t find myself reaching for bread like I used to.

If you have the opportunity I would do my best to focus on the next 8 weeks with diet as best you can, if you get a little lower they will probably let you drop the gliclazide then making larger changes to diet is much simpler to get the numbers right down
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi, I'm newly diagnosed too, and just started on insulin.
I'm having to check after each exercise class if I'm low and often had to eat a banana and some nuts between classes to make sure I am ok for the next class.
I'm also still learning about what foods give enough energy but don't spike too much vs what keeps me safe from a hypo.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi Folks,

I was diagnosed last week with type 2 diabetes after being ill for about 3 months.

HbA1c was 102 I’ve been prescribed Gliclazide and Metformin which seems to have things under control for the time being.

There was some debate as to whether I was type 1 or 2 as I’m 35 and not massively overweight but as the medication is working seems to be type 2.

What I would said is this week I didn’t realise just how bad I was as I’ve loads more energy especially in the mornings.

So far though I still get very tired about 3/4pm in the afternoon and my vision is dreadful.

Thought I would join the forum for advice and encouragement. I was alright last week but today starting to feel a bit sorry for myself.
I can completely relate to the vision issues - terribly blurred vision was one of the symptoms (along with thirst) which sent me trotting off for diagnosis in December. I went from middle-aged long sight to being pretty short-sighted overnight. None of my specs worked for me, and since my distance vision was badly affected, I wasn’t safe (or legal) to drive and I couldn’t just get specs because everything changed on a daily basis.

Fortunately my employers were understanding and I was able to work from home for a couple of weeks until things recovered a bit. I read on here that it was temporary, but OMG it was very tiresome for probably around 6 weeks. I had constant eyestrain from working on computers without quite the right specs, and I got very fed up of walking around with the world as a blur.

However everything has indeed returned to my normal, my current specs work fine again and distance vision has returned. But this little taste of ‘impaired’ sight and the loss of independence it caused was a real lesson learnt about getting a grip on this T2, and doing everything I can to prevent complications. I like being able to see!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, I'm newly diagnosed too, and just started on insulin.
I'm having to check after each exercise class if I'm low and often had to eat a banana and some nuts between classes to make sure I am ok for the next class.
I'm also still learning about what foods give enough energy but don't spike too much vs what keeps me safe from a hypo.
Good that it’s working for you but a type 2 is better having less meds than more carbs in general. Obviously for type 1’s meds aren’t optional but for a 2 then best way to avoid hypo is to not be on glucose lowering meds. This means reducing insulin resistance by having less insulin flowing (which the glicazide increases) and decreasing demand for it by eating fewer carbs is for most people the most beneficial way to go.