Aaah 'she must have cheated and got a quick fix'people I know who have seen the new me refuse to believe it's all down to diet, and give me that funny look before telling me I have either had gastric sleeve surgery or else am on injectables.
Aaah 'she must have cheated and got a quick fix'people I know who have seen the new me refuse to believe it's all down to diet, and give me that funny look before telling me I have either had gastric sleeve surgery or else am on injectables.
My wife said "it really irritates me that work colleagues only started to talk to me afyter I had lost 7 stone! I'm still me!"I wonder why people think it is an ok topic to comment on my weight, whether that be loss or gain.
When I lost 49kg, casual aquaintances were curious and asked some very personal questions. My response after a while became ‘ I only discuss such personal and medical issues with my medical team, and my loved ones’. Any that persisted in questioning were told “I am not sure you have understood that this is not something I wish to discuss with you”. If that didn’t work it escalated to “Mind your own business!” That usually worked. If not I resorted to expletives. Not able to repeat here. I figure anyone so rude as to not get the message deserved rude response.
And presumably it never entered their heads that you were the only example of success!My surgery didn’t have a diabetes nurse for the first few years after my diagnosis, so my F/Us were with my GP. At my first appt, he expressed amazement at my improvement in HbA1c and my substantial weight loss, but didn’t ask how I’d done it! I wasn’t letting that pass by and asked, “can I tell you how I did it?” He didn’t pass much comment, I think he didn’t know much about low carb eating to be honest! At subsequent reviews with him and then the newly appointed diabetes nurse, they just said oh you’re the one who eats low carb!
I was a very thin or a young athletic pre teen.I am having a ‘me too moment’.
When I was young, I wasn’t brave enough to answer back. Next generation, I made sure my daughter had the courage to call out any sort of body shaming comments.
Oh yes! A neighbour…. “Don’t lose any more weight. You will just look gaunt! “I even remember one of my ever changing dsns, advising me not to lose too much weight!!!!!!
Jealousy again...Oh yes! A neighbour…. “Don’t lose any more weight. You will just look gaunt! “
How very dare you! For once I remained silent.
God loves a trier!I am trying nit to turn it into a personal rant.![]()
Fantastic effort ...bravoBear with me. I do try not to whinge.
Here I am very happy with now-normal BG and weight loss through four clothes sizes, all due to keto/low carb and the support from you lot (thanks ever so).
And apart from no medic has even SEEN me since original diagnosis 2 and a half years ago, nor asked what I have done to get here - people I know who have seen the new me refuse to believe it's all down to diet, and give me that funny look before telling me I have either had gastric sleeve surgery or else am on injectables.
There is nothing to criticise about those lifelines - whatever works is good - but how I wish I could have some acknowledgement of what I (and you) have actually done. It could help so many others.
That typo(?) just made me spit out my drink!but no one asked how Eatwell & die, worked so well
No typo...that's the plan, right.That typo(?) just made me spit out my drink!![]()
Are these know-it-all folk overweight @Outlier? Have they tried to lose weight and failed? If so, could be a touch of schadenfreude.Thank you all SO much for your kind empathetic comments. I feel so much less whingy having read them. I'd give you all a Trophy if I could.
It is awful but you have to think why would they understand it if it's not their problem ? I had to bite my tongue several times last week on holiday with a couple of friends who told me several times I should relax and eat whatever I wanted , my mate who I've known for 50 yrs jokes that he eats whatever he wants, and he does, even though he's pre diabetic and a bit chubby and moans and groans about aches and pains and is always nodding off with tiredness , i'me too polite to say to him I look after myself because I don't want to end up like you !Even when weight is not an issue, you're not immune from insensitive comments. Just as irritating are those busybodies who tell me I'm unnecessarily strict with carbs.
The reason? Because a casual acquaintance (usually a workmate) is "diabetic" and often eats a chocolate bar during their tea break.
These days, I simply say that diabetes is a very individual disorder. Some of us can handle a light snack between meals, many of us can't and swiftly change the subject.
Repoert this every time, as we have rules.I felt belittled when people mentioned my weight/body shape.
Sadly I sometimes feel the same way on this forum. People who have successfully lost weight (often at the first time of trying) tell me I can't count calories, eat too much, don't exercise enough etc. In other words it's all my fault, it worked for them and therefore I'm not doing it properly. I get that from my GPs (and used to get it from my nasty aunt) I don't expect it here. Thankfully it's just a minority of people. Most will listen to the experiences of others without judging.
Rant over. Onwards.