@cdpm. I'm very pleased you got/have gotten/have been getting the ED help, even so. I have always hoped too, that you were able to get dentures or at least the dentristy help that would hugely help what kind of food you can eat too.
i really feel for you having a metabolic disease where food and drink is such a huge part of any treatment. It just adds to the complexity of your situaiton enormously.
Because of the ED I don't want to focus on your weight, or even talk about it at all unless you want to? But I am hoping, absolutely, that you are being medically monitored with your eating plan. Which would be crucial if your plan to eat once a day, and only 500 calories, has been proceeding? Because I believe you would have to be nutritionally supplemented on such a plan, to ensure you are not or don't get nutritionally deficient. But as you have a fair bit of energy stored on your body already? That's right isn't it? I am assuming that is how you are keeping on keeping on, which such a tiny amount of food every day. (Excuse me if I am being too blunt? Tell me if I am and I will rein it in!) When I did some research into long term fasting diets, they were closely monitored, but of course, they have gone way out of favour for some time. We humans can live off fat stores for quite a long time, but my understanding is it is far from good for longetivity.
Anyway - I said I wouldn't talk about fat stores, and I started to talk about fat stores - hoping you are doing OK?