Bacon and recovery from diabetes 2 ?


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
in this comunity in here there are quite a lot with a very low blood glucose and a Hb1Ac lower than 3.8

There are many who have fingerprick reading of that and lower, including myself, but I don't think I know of anyone with an HbA1c of 3.8. Could you name anyone, please?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
There are many who have fingerprick reading of that and lower, including myself, but I don't think I know of anyone with an HbA1c of 3.8. Could you name anyone, please?
I have been reding the numbers wrongly and confused 38 with 3.8 and so on sorry !

Avocado Sevenfold

I have been reding the numbers wrongly and confused 38 with 3.8 and so on sorry !
I am still confused about why you are using DCCT units in your signature information. Is that what they use in Denmark?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
how big a part of your meals are fats
If that question is for me then a fairly high proportion of fats but not in my opinion excessive , I eat butter and avoid margarine I have high fat creams, yoghurt , I drink whole milk not skimmed and avoid any thing that is labelled low fat. Also I do eat cheese, avocado not so many nuts but that's because cant chew them I like bacon and eat red meats but not huge amounts of any of them some times I eat vegetarian meals and on occasion even vegan I am a true omnivore but carbs I try to keep as low as possible. for me that's between 50 to 80 grams a day some times go higher and very occasionally will eat a highly carby meal but only recently to test my tolerance for them.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)

as the newly published research concludes ; that 2 slices of bacon a day increases diabetes threats by 50% , I can´t help wondering if the high fat aproach in LCHF is the right way to solve our problems with high blood glucose

what is your thoughts about that.....?

The information in the article is too generic - so I can't tell whether other variables ere controlled for.

My guess is that it is the high fat content of the processed foods mentioned - in combination with high carb (which they may not have tracked) that increases the risk.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I am still confused about why you are using DCCT units in your signature information. Is that what they use in Denmark?

Yes in Denmark the DCCT is used But the system is changing to the same measurement type as you use here in the UK now slowly so soon we will be speaking the same "diabetic language"


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I think I'd like to know how old this dude is, what kind of heart diseases he had/has and the progression to his eliminating or making better whatever he had.

reading his blog now
that is indeed interesting news glad I refused statins then even though my doctor got angry with me.... this seems fasting will be the way... if I could only force myself to 3 days of fasting... after 3 days the insuline level is only 1/3 of what it was at a fasting start .... so the most important is to get the insulin level down it seems
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
that is indeed interesting news glad I refused statins then even though my doctor got angry with me.... this seems fasting will be the way... if I could nly force myself to 3 daays of fasting... after 3 days the insuli level is only 1/3 of what it was at a fasting start .... so the most important is to get the insulin level down it seems

After stopping taking statins my doctor asked why I stopped. He agreed with me that they don't prevent heart attacks.


Well-Known Member
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Not a red meat eater myself so obviously no bacon so can't say it caused my diabetes. My diet has been moderate carbs and low fat for years and I still do that At 77 I am very healthy for my age apart from the T2 which has mystified my doctor as I am not typical for it. I have never been overweight have no other illnesses or mobility problems and my HbA1c results stay in the prediabetic range now. I believe my diet suits me so that is all that matters and I will continue with it.. All these studies about what diet is best and what causes diabetes are always going to be conflicting what matters is what is best for us as individuals to do and that can differ greatly as we are all different people
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
well I think that in a few years we instead of all the other medications will have to inject us selves with enzymes or hormones or alike that regulates isulin levels in our bodies instead of taking body-strange medications..


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
yes I can avoid it if I want to, just I am afraid if we are missing something very important when not being critical about what kind of foods we eat instead of the carbs we no longer can eat in the amount healthy people can..

is the low blood glucose the only important nail in creating a healthy body and to live longer or are there many other components creating the much shorter lifespan that diabetics do have en general... like 10-20 years earlier death and very often very low life quality the last many years of our lives...

My personal goal is to finally end up cured.. not only managing diabetes 2 ... but after I came to this forum it seems to me that the most people in here thinks it is an illusion that we actually can get cured and return to normal regulation of blood glucose ...

why shouldn´t diabetes 2 be an illness that could be curable ?

I am sure that one day it will be cured but at the moment we can only try to keep it controlled .Many have said they have reversed it but the only true way to prove that is if they can eat all the things they ate before diabetes ... carbs and sugar stuff medication.and still maintain non diabetic blood levels all the time then I think we can say it is reversed but I would still be sceptical to actually say cured until we are told a cure has been found. .
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Type 2
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Diet only
Add to that that antidepressants are being prescribed at HUGE levels, and are known to cause T2D.
All of these studies are highly suspect.
You can blame just about every foodstuff if you don't take into account everything else
Having said that, I don't willingly touch standard chemical filled bacon
I do find it sad - and telling - that most big food companies at now owned by chemical companies and it's only going to get worse
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