Bit of a slap in the face


Sharon Anne

Hey guys well quick recap of my story Diagnosed type 2 in May 2014 and after three months had HbcA1 of 35 and since then it has come down more okay here lies the slap in the face today.
Due to having a bone condition I asked my nurse if I could see a dietician and I now do.
Last week I went to see the diabetic nurse for my latest results and they are has follows
My HbcA1 is 32
My cholestrol was at last test 3.8 it is now4.2 but she said that she was overjoyed with this has my good cholestrol had risen so that was fine .
Everything else was good the only issue was some protein in my water ???

Okay since diagnosis I have lost over 4 stone in waight I am on a next to no carbs
Now I know my diet at the moment is not great but for months I have had no taste buds so to be honest I have very little interest in food I hope you will be able to understand that .
My diet is not bad though I eat chicken , veg , berries, ryvitta , meats , yogurt, cheese, fish.
Anyway she told me she was very happy with me and will see me in six months and I do not need treatment ( I have no treatment this is diet alone )

Well today I saw the dietician who asked me to keep a food chart and I did i saw him in December and when he waighed me I had only lost half kg he was bloody horrible and I have left feeling a failure he said that I will not be able to survive on what I am eating because of the lack of carbs and the diet I am following is the total opposite to what they set out he said you need carbs at every meal.
He said he can't understand why my waight loss has slowed down to this I said to him well I wouldn't call a total waight loss of 4 stone slowing down and I have been off my feet due to my bone condition since Xmas.
He says that the HbcA1 of 32 is unrealistic and I won't be able to maintain it and once I start to eat normal again it will mean I need treatment.
You know what I have fought so hard with this diabetes because I already have a bone conduion and other stuff going on I don't want another.
When I left the nurse I was pretty chuffed at my efforts but now I just want to cry.
I know I am not eating enough but that is down to having no taste something the Drs are doing nothing about to find the root cause so eating is a thing I do because I have to but that said if you look at my diet it's not that bad.
The only thing I have noticed is I am very constipated but to that he just laughed and said well what do you expect.
Talk about bringing me down to earth don't know what to think now.
Was supposed to be going out for a meal and a glass or two of wine with my Son tonight for his birthday and I was going to let myself have a night off but now I just feel like someone slapped me xx
Sorry I needed o rant at you guys xxx
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Well enjoy your night off! You deserve it.

As regards the constipation - do you drink plenty of water? I found psyllium husks and plenty of veggies helped. Obviously the lack of exercise in the past few months doesn't help this, but that's been enforced on you.

Well done, you have fought diabetes and are winning. :) So what if an HbA1c of 32 in unrealistic in the long term? If it rises to as much as 47 you still won't be in the diabetic range.

So, remember the nurse was chuffed with your efforts. That's brilliant. Have a lovely meal. :)
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Diet only
Hi sharonanne,first very well done on your weight loss and your hba1c if great! Most important, how are you feeling in general? Are you fit and well otherwise? We all know what these so called dieticians are like, just carry on doing what works for you,and enjoy your meal out,you desrve it!!!
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Just remember that your dietician is PAID to spout the party line on diet, and that unfortunately is " eat plenty of carbs". There is no leeway in that for most dieticians.

The important thing in your post is that your nurse is pleased with your progress, and actually, you have done brilliantly :) Don't let the ill considered comments of your dietician tKe the shine off that.

In my opinion, it may be an idea to request seeing another dietician in stead of this one, as there is an obvious personality clash. Or even ask your nurse if you need to see a dietician anyway , unless there is a sound medical reason or desire on your part to see one ?

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Maybe he just had a bad day or maybe he was miffed that you are doing so well on a regime that he didn't thi
nk would work ,some people hate to be wrong!You are doing great :):)Don't let a miserable Dietician ruin your day
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Hey guys well quick recap of my story Diagnosed type 2 in May 2014 and after three months had HbcA1 of 35 and since then it has come down more okay here lies the slap in the face today.
Due to having a bone condition I asked my nurse if I could see a dietician and I now do.
Last week I went to see the diabetic nurse for my latest results and they are has follows
My HbcA1 is 32
My cholestrol was at last test 3.8 it is now4.2 but she said that she was overjoyed with this has my good cholestrol had risen so that was fine .
Everything else was good the only issue was some protein in my water ???

Okay since diagnosis I have lost over 4 stone in waight I am on a next to no carbs
Now I know my diet at the moment is not great but for months I have had no taste buds so to be honest I have very little interest in food I hope you will be able to understand that .
My diet is not bad though I eat chicken , veg , berries, ryvitta , meats , yogurt, cheese, fish.
Anyway she told me she was very happy with me and will see me in six months and I do not need treatment ( I have no treatment this is diet alone )

Well today I saw the dietician who asked me to keep a food chart and I did i saw him in December and when he waighed me I had only lost half kg he was bloody horrible and I have left feeling a failure he said that I will not be able to survive on what I am eating because of the lack of carbs and the diet I am following is the total opposite to what they set out he said you need carbs at every meal.
He said he can't understand why my waight loss has slowed down to this I said to him well I wouldn't call a total waight loss of 4 stone slowing down and I have been off my feet due to my bone condition since Xmas.
He says that the HbcA1 of 32 is unrealistic and I won't be able to maintain it and once I start to eat normal again it will mean I need treatment.
You know what I have fought so hard with this diabetes because I already have a bone conduion and other stuff going on I don't want another.
When I left the nurse I was pretty chuffed at my efforts but now I just want to cry.
I know I am not eating enough but that is down to having no taste something the Drs are doing nothing about to find the root cause so eating is a thing I do because I have to but that said if you look at my diet it's not that bad.
The only thing I have noticed is I am very constipated but to that he just laughed and said well what do you expect.
Talk about bringing me down to earth don't know what to think now.
Was supposed to be going out for a meal and a glass or two of wine with my Son tonight for his birthday and I was going to let myself have a night off but now I just feel like someone slapped me xx
Sorry I needed o rant at you guys xxx

Who knows If an HbA1c of 32 is sustainable longer term, but I'm certainly having a go at it. My numbers are below. I know a year isn't long term, but it's a start. I have no issue if mine does go up a bit, but I'd like to keep it under 40 for(ever) as long as I can.


As long as it does not become dangerous to your health ..
Low hba1c,s may cause health complications I understand ...for some people ..

Well done on all your work , that is great wishes ...
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Hello, if its doing you good and in control, then carry on doing what you are doing and well done :)
(I feel as though I have just had one of those :rolleyes:)

Best wishes RRB
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Well-Known Member
As long as it does not become dangerous to your health ..
Low hba1c,s may cause health complications I understand ...for some people ..

Well done on all your work , that is great wishes ...

'Low hba1c,s may cause health complications'? Must be tough for all those non-diabetics....
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Well done,that is great,you go out and enjoy yourself
Best wishes
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Arab Horse

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Have a great evening out. I had a meal out with my son and his family at Christmas and stuck to my diet but really enjoyed it. I had steak and salad and after had one biscuit and a small portion of cheese from his cheese board and had a liqeur coffee; years since I had one of those and I really enjoyed it. Was difficult watching everyone else have the "naughty" puds I would have loved but not worth the long term consequences.

Your dietician is 10 years out of date and if I had carbs at every meal I would be dead before too long. I try to have almost no carbs as far as possible. Ask to see a different dietician or better still do what I do and read what has worked for others on the forums here and save the NHS some money as they won't have to pay the dietician to (mis)treat you!!!!
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'Low hba1c,s may cause health complications'? Must be tough for all those non-diabetics....

I make no reference to non diabetics ....

I was thinking about strokes, lack of brain function for example , when targets get to low and damage can be done ...I understand ....

I really think that targets and health are essential in knowing how low an individual's hb1c can go ....

Medical advice can always be sort ...
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
So far, my brain function seems fine. To me anyway.

Of course, others' views may differ.

I'll take my chances for now.
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Well-Known Member
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The nurse is right to praise your results, and the NHS dietician is an NHS dietician.
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Sharon Anne

Well enjoy your night off! You deserve it.

As regards the constipation - do you drink plenty of water? I found psyllium husks and plenty of veggies helped. Obviously the lack of exercise in the past few months doesn't help this, but that's been enforced on you.

Well done, you have fought diabetes and are winning. :) So what if an HbA1c of 32 in unrealistic in the long term? If it rises to as much as 47 you still won't be in the diabetic range.

So, remember the nurse was chuffed with your efforts. That's brilliant. Have a lovely meal. :)

Sharon Anne

Thank you x I too left thinking so what if that range isnt going last long term I have some scope to work with xx
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Sharon Anne

Really really love you guys I needed to hear all this tonight before going out xx so I have my lippy on and I am off out with my boy to celebrate him turning 18 x I will raise my glass to you all , tomorrow I am going back to see the nurse and tell her what happened and I don't think I will be seeing him again . Will let you all know how it goes xxx
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Go enjoy yourself, tomorrow is another day & today will be gone.
Your doing a good work & if your happy with it, sod what others think. It,s your wellbeing physically & mentally that's the important factor. ♡

Sharon Anne

Go enjoy yourself, tomorrow is another day & today will be gone.
Your doing a good work & if your happy with it, sod what others think. It,s your wellbeing physically & mentally that's the important factor. ♡

Sharon Anne

thank you so much x I wished I could stop worrying about what others think of me Hun . It used to drive my Mum nuts when she was alive , so wshed I was more like her in so many ways xx
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