Can a diabetic 1 really eat anything?


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I’ve got no choice, I’m allergic to cow dairy! So I was stoked when I found goat butter - costs me an arm and a leg but it’s so much nicer... Was a great reason to go keto, I can eat it with a spoon now :D


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@Mel dCP @Scott-C . Really .....goats butter!!!!!!!
You've gotta be "kidding":):):).

Gotta move with the times, man. I lived in Glasgow for six years, and in the last couple, I'd pop into a chip shop for a fish supper after a night on the town, and it'd be, "dy'e want some balsamic vinegar wi that?"


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Also someone just told me how he "bolused for a crunchie bar."

Am I the only person round here who likes her eyesight?
Struggle with crunchies but give me a choccie bar with a bit more fat and I'll happily bolus for that


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Also someone just told me how he "bolused for a crunchie bar."

Am I the only person round here who likes her eyesight?

Ah hah, caught you out! I didn't say I ate all the chips, did I?!

That sort of meal, slice of pizza, fish and chips, on the way home after a night on the town is a sound call - complex pizza effect is very good for tailing off drops caused by the interplay between liver, insulin and alcohol.

You don't know that yet, so don't second guess someone who's been doing it for longer than you've been born.
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Anyone can chew and swallow.

The real question is "can you SENSIBLY eat what you like"

To which the answer is very definitely "no."
Yeah, the human race consistent of many varied individuals, with a huge variation of 'wants'! :)
I am personally a very reasonable person (I think), so I do indeed follow some very strict guidelines of what I eat and how much of it, also as I consider the conqu

Also someone just told me how he "bolused for a crunchie bar."

Am I the only person round here who likes her eyesight?
I prefer the Sneakers bar though!
When doing intense sports for hours, we all need energy and I cant bring or eat kilos of apples or what have you.
And trust me, you get tired of saving a devastating low by drinking your friend's CocaCola.
And so does he...

As long as you keep your bg below 8-10 mmol/L, you can do what you want.

And it so happens that 1 Snickers bar contains 55g of carbohydrates, so its takes just short of 1 unit of bolus for me to metabolize that little devil, as I take 1 unit per 60g of carbohydrates. They also come in minis, and fit easily into your pockets. Great when out on the slopes skiing or in my wetsuit pocket when '30 minutes paddling' out on the reef in the waves!
(another place where the Libre works great, but you need to vacuum pack it first from home :woot: so it stays watertight)
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
I used to love Lion Bars, and Topic. I tried a Lion Bar the other day: what have they done to it!!! It’s now a mass of over sweet Yuk. However, Twix are still good for hypo-treats, or bolused for, and so is baklava.
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Most chocolate bars have worsened in quality or shrinkflated into what used to be their fun size serving. Can't comment on any of those ones containing nuts :yuck: but it happened just last year to the Double Decker. Crunchies taste less like honeycomb and more like brittle cardboard now.


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Twix are still good for hypo-treats

Twix were my go-to hypo treatments for a long time!

I thought I was being really sophisticated with them - some simple carbs with the shortbread bit as a longer slow release stuff.

Was dissuaded a bit by that after doing DAFNE, too much fat in them, so too slow absorption etc. etc. Too imprecise.

I still find room, though, for a Kinder Bueno, dark chocolate, if I'm on a slow slide.


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I do not have diabetes
You can eat what you want if you carb count. But people using this website tend use the diagnosis as a wake up call for not just diet but other aspects of lifestyle such as exercise


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I'd say that in fact you can't 'just' eat anything, to me the digestion speed of sweet food (simple carbs) comes a lot quicker than my Humalog works, and even getting the timings right you've the tail to watch out for a few hours later.

Saying that I've a multipack of 37g (I think) mars bars in my swim bag and if I'm under 7 pre swim I eat one :p as glucose tablets seem to 'wear' off quicker giving me a rapid drop post swim, whereas the mars bar seems to delay that.
I eat little processed food, all my meal carbs are complex ones and I cook from fresh (frozen chicken tho) daily, which ',ostly' works for me.


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I'd say that in fact you can't 'just' eat anything, to me the digestion speed of sweet food (simple carbs) comes a lot quicker than my Humalog works, and even getting the timings right you've the tail to watch out for a few hours later.

Saying that I've a multipack of 37g (I think) mars bars in my swim bag and if I'm under 7 pre swim I eat one :p as glucose tablets seem to 'wear' off quicker giving me a rapid drop post swim, whereas the mars bar seems to delay that.
I eat little processed food, all my meal carbs are complex ones and I cook from fresh (frozen chicken tho) daily, which ',ostly' works for me.
Fun you mention it! I tested out the Humalog myself and benchmarked it up against the NovoRapid which I still use today. I found that for me personally the Humalog had onset and peak like 30 minutes later than then NovoRapid. And as you also remark, the tail effect was also showing 2-3 hours after, while the NovoRapid for me burns out in max one hour. So for me the Novorapid is easier to dose with for the type of food I like and eat the most. And maybe also the best rapid weapon in our arsenal to take down an incoming chocolate bar missile? :)


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****, isn't it liberating and refreshing discussing eating "the forbidden fruits" and then even here at this holy diabetes website forum?! ;)
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So for me the Novorapid is easier to dose with for the type of food I like and eat the most. And maybe also the best rapid weapon in our arsenal to take down an incoming chocolate bar missile? :)

If you get chance to try Fiasp give it a shot, halved my pre-bolus times across the board! It apparently doesn't work well for everyone compared to Novorapid but I've been impressed with it. For meals with a bit of fat (medium not high) I employed a new tactic of taking the dose in 2 places - one in the stomach/arms and one in the leg to slow it down a bit.


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If you get chance to try Fiasp give it a shot, halved my pre-bolus times across the board! It apparently doesn't work well for everyone compared to Novorapid but I've been impressed with it. For meals with a bit of fat (medium not high) I employed a new tactic of taking the dose in 2 places - one in the stomach/arms and one in the leg to slow it down a bit.
Yes good point db89!
I am already on the waiting list to get access to it, but currently living in a country where they are a bit slow to adopt their reimbursement to cover new drugs coming out on the market. Like for the Abbott Libre I paid out of my own pocket for the first 18 months and had to buy it through friends in a foreign country to get my hands on it. For the insulin you cant do that without local prescription, so will have to wait for local market release. Have indeed looked forward to try it, as its even sharper on the front-end than NovoRapid and also better (shorter) burn-off time!

Only 'worry's is of course the usual paradigm:
If you get it wrong (dose and/or timing) then it will probably kick you like a horse! :hungover: