Digestion trouble on low carb


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I've had a lot of problems recently on low carb including back pain, bloating and nausea (and the occasional headache, which I think is related to the back pain...) after eating. Has anyone else experienced this? Do you have any tips on how to explore the issue and tweak the diet to find out what triggers it?

I've a feeling it is inflammation related and will be asking the doctor as I have gallstones (which is a possible candidate for the cause! Although the pain it seems to cause often happens in my left shoulder for some odd reason...). Until then I would like to try changing my diet to lessen the symptoms...



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As I have stated before, strict keto really messed up with my tummy. First I suggest taking a pro-biotic supplement first thing in the morning, it can't do any harm and will re-establish a healthy gut microbiome. If you get more then 30g of fat a day, gallstone formation is rare, but it could happen, up to you to get it checked. Also pro-biotic foods that are low carb if you want will help. Yoghurt, saurkraut if you want. Also green leafy vegetables like spinach, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower help. Also too much fat can cause digestive upsets in some people. If all else fails, switch to higher carb if you want, I have been ok keeping net carbs under 100g according to my meter, but we will see with my latest HBA1c in a fortnight.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
If you already have gallstones the higher fat might aggravate this and left shoulder pain is a classic symptom.

Please note that higher fat isn’t the cause, it just it makes the gallbladder work as it should - thus it contracts around the stones (that in a perfect world wouldn’t be there and probably are due to low fat eating previously). There are medications that dissipate stones, but are rarely used. One because they work very slowly, two drs assume they will reform on the basis they also assume eating style doesn’t change. Three because smaller stones are more likely to become stuck in ducts that larger stones can’t get into. The only other option seems to be gallbladder removal. (Source: I lost my gallbladder and then did the research!)

Management would be lowering and more evenly spreading fat consumption if the problem is the gallbladder. Though if you are also low carb that might leave you susceptible to hunger. Maybe protein could step in here to fill the gap if that doesn’t cause you bgl problems.

Not sure why you think back pain and headache are linked or why you think it’s inflammatory


Well-Known Member
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As I have stated before, strict keto really messed up with my tummy. First I suggest taking a pro-biotic supplement first thing in the morning, it can't do any harm and will re-establish a healthy gut microbiome. If you get more then 30g of fat a day, gallstone formation is rare, but it could happen, up to you to get it checked. Also pro-biotic foods that are low carb if you want will help. Yoghurt, saurkraut if you want. Also green leafy vegetables like spinach, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower help. Also too much fat can cause digestive upsets in some people. If all else fails, switch to higher carb if you want, I have been ok keeping net carbs under 100g according to my meter, but we will see with my latest HBA1c in a fortnight.

Thanks for the tip - I actually haven't had yogurt for a while... But would other things like cheese/cream do a similar thing? I will check out the saurkraut as well
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If you already have gallstones the higher fat might aggravate this and left shoulder pain is a classic symptom.

Please note that higher fat isn’t the cause, it just it makes the gallbladder work as it should - thus it contracts around the stones (that in a perfect world wouldn’t be there and probably are due to low fat eating previously). There are medications that dissipate stones, but are rarely used. One because they work very slowly, two drs assume they will reform on the basis they also assume eating style doesn’t change. Three because smaller stones are more likely to become stuck in ducts that larger stones can’t get into. The only other option seems to be gallbladder removal. (Source: I lost my gallbladder and then did the research!)

Management would be lowering and more evenly spreading fat consumption if the problem is the gallbladder. Though if you are also low carb that might leave you susceptible to hunger. Maybe protein could step in here to fill the gap if that doesn’t cause you bgl problems.

Not sure why you think back pain and headache are linked or why you think it’s inflammatory

Thanks HSSS for the info on gallstones, I was not aware they could cause pain in that region - the GP didn't really explain anything about them other than, if it is causing you pain have your gallbladder out, which reading other people's experiences can be a mixed blessing.

The headache I believe is from tension in the upper back caused by the pain. It seems to be a lot calmer now my digestive issues have calmed a bit so I assume they are related.


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It may not be diet related. Or diabetes related. We still get other conditions. I recommend checking it with a GP.
Completely agree! I did see the GP today and she thinks it is the gallstones and asked me to tone down on the fat and see if that helps :D


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Thanks for the tip - I actually haven't had yogurt for a while... But would other things like cheese/cream do a similar thing? I will check out the saurkraut as well
no cream cheese wouldn't, yogurt is a kind of fermented pro-biotic food, much the same as sauerkraut, keifter. No harm in trying a bit of good quality greek yoghurt with some fresh berries.
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After almost two years eating low fat foods, when I returned to eating fats I think I got rid of several gallstones - very painful, but once they were gone, no further problem. I know that they could have got stuck, which would not have been good, but fortunately the pain was short lived.
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Have to say gallstone pain was worse than childbirth. Many a night in the 4 yrs I was misdiagnosed with reflux I literally rolled on the floor crying and rocking in pain for hours at a time. Twice ambulances were called. Both took 5 hrs +. One trip to a and e got a diagnosis of a torn rotator cuff!!! The other still failed to diagnose the problem. Surgery was a welcome relief despite being very much not wanted.

No long term issues (short term was an issue for a few months but still better than the pain ) and keto with whatever fats I need not a problem once gently adjusted to.


Well-Known Member
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Have to say gallstone pain was worse than childbirth. Many a night in the 4 yrs I was misdiagnosed with reflux I literally rolled on the floor crying and rocking in pain for hours at a time. Twice ambulances were called. Both took 5 hrs +. One trip to a and e got a diagnosis of a torn rotator cuff!!! The other still failed to diagnose the problem. Surgery was a welcome relief despite being very much not wanted.

No long term issues (short term was an issue for a few months but still better than the pain ) and keto with whatever fats I need not a problem once gently adjusted to.

I think I had an attack when I first started the LCHF diet (but didnt know about the gallstones) - I thought I was having a heart attack. So I can imagine what you went through :(

Perhaps I also need to be gentler in introducing the fats, I realise I was eating a lot more than I usually did leading up to it...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I think I had an attack when I first started the LCHF diet (but didnt know about the gallstones) - I thought I was having a heart attack. So I can imagine what you went through :(

Perhaps I also need to be gentler in introducing the fats, I realise I was eating a lot more than I usually did leading up to it...
I understand the heart attack assumptions! I did too and even the docs weren’t sure to start with.

Yes definitely add fats in gradually, especially if you have gallstone issues. A little at a time and spread evenly. I will say I only tried higher fats after surgery (and diagnosis) not before.

Deleted member 475901

Research with lab animals showed that yoyo dieting was a great way to create gallstones - eat fat, stop fat, eat fat, stop fat, ...
Your gallbladder stores bile in anticipation of needing it when you eat fat, stopping it means the bile sit there and stones can then form.
Mine got so bad I had no option to stop eating fat while waiting for surgery, but I would advise you to check the research before cutting out too much fat from your diet. (I also ended up with a serious Vit D deficiency.)


Hi All,

Just thought I would mention my experience with gallstones.

I was diagnosed after several years of intermittent pain which eventually turned into very frequent pain to the point I was told surgery was the only option as tests showed my GB to be 'diseased' and flat.

While waiting for a date for surgery one of my friends suggested going to see a homeopath. Yes I didnt really hold out much hope but at this point I would have tried anything.

I went to see her and was given several tinctures and potions, none of them I can remember the name of but they were to get my liver, kidneys and GB all back to good health and working properly together before doing a GB flush.

So after 1 month of the tinctures and a very low fat diet I went back to her for a checkup and was given the go ahead to fast for a day and to drink a pint of olive oil one shot glass full at a time. Which I did.

As disgusting as it was there appeared well over 100 gallstones the very next morning completely painlessly. In fact it was so easy I didnt think anything had happened at all.

This was in probably 92 or 93 and I have had to do it once more since.

When I went to see the surgeon again he didnt believe me and was furious and sent me down immediately for a ultrasound which, to his horror, was completely healthy. He practically threw me out of his office.

There will be differing opinions on the safety of this but I thought I would share it any way.



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@Haglis Thanks for your response. I have heard of a gallbladder flush, however (and please forgive me) I am a little sceptical of this as I have read that the 'stones' are simply the result of the fat from the olive oil reacting in your gut and are not an output from your gallbladder. I would be curious to know when you had your scan redone? Was that a few months after the flush or many years later? (apologies that was not clear from your post).

Having said that, I do believe stones from the gallbladder do pass through into the digestive track (and I believe I have felt this happen). However if the stone is too large to pass I logically conclude it doesn't matter how hard your gallbladder squeezes that thing is never coming out...

I have heard of an sound treatment which breaks larger stones into smaller fragments which then might be passed... However doctors are often sceptical of doing it as the gallstones are likely to return...

I agree its confusing - it is difficult to know what is right or wrong as most in the medical profession are settled on surgery to remove the gallbladder and convinced that it has no detrimental effect which does not always align to stories I have read...