
After 3 hard years of good control ive have given in too the constant sugar temptation. I feel like sh## but just cant be bothered to inject any more!! :( :( Nevermind moan over!!


Well-Known Member

Climb straight back onto that wagon or you're going to feel a whole lot worse.

Do as you're told!


Well-Known Member

Hi Paul,

Was it just today that you felt like this? Maybe you will feel better tomorrow...Please don't give up, life is too important!



Hi Paul,
You have to control the diabetes and don't let the beast control you. We all find it a slog and there are times when we give in. Think how much better you felt when you were controlling it and you know what to do to get back in the saddle. Don't give in, just start again. We are all in this together so get cracking.
Regards, Catherine.


Just feeling sorry for myself. Im 30years old type1 injecting 80units of lantus morning and night and humalog at meal times thats about 5 or 6 injections a day ( I know im no different to anybody else here) like i said just feeling sorry for myself. Moan Over promise!! :) :)


Please keep us informed of your progress Paul.
Regards, Catherine


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hya paul,
chin up hun, tomorrows a new day, i know how u feel, it gets to us all at times :? we are all allowed to have a good ruddy moan and to feel sorry for ourselves now and then :)


Well-Known Member
Have a good moan on here Paul, don't let it build up and then in turn harm your body, wallow all you like on here :)


Well-Known Member
Hi Paul,
If you read my postings at all, you'll realise I too have fallen off the wagon now and then. It really does get to us all at times but I reckon if God meant us to have halos, he'd have given us wings too. :wink: The important thing to do is not beat yourself up about falling off the wagon (says she who does JUST that :lol: )and get right back on track again, ASAP.
All the best, Chocoholic.


Well-Known Member
Hi Paul

Don't apologise for moaning. Do write in and tell us how it's going - it's good to have somewhere to moan about this stuff.I bet all of us on here feel fed up from time to time with these b****y injections and diets and exercising and hypos - I definitely get waves of apathy/annoyance.

Try and set yourself a small goal each day with regards to keeping the blood sugars down and build up from there.

How are you doing today?



Thanks for your kind words of support. I'm back on the wagon. Reading some of the problems other people have i'am lucky at the moment everything works and i have no complications. I'am a fairly young diabetic so I do realise how important good control is as i have many years left to deal with this condition.

Thanks again for your kindness xxx all


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hya paul,
glad your feeling better :D keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
Self absorbed and rude people! Motorists who are oblivious to the rest of the world, and really don't give a ****!
Glad you made it back, I am a Type 2 diabetic, diagnosed just a year and a half ago, boy was I upset when diagnosed! Having been a sweet toothed person and fortunately of no considerable weight it came as huge shock! Yes, it is hard and I keep thinking I am managing okish, then the thought of having to watch my eating for life I get somewhat disillusioned, and can well imagine how you were feeling. I thought I should write a post of encouragement, and I so glad to see many others have done, for I feel that this is what this forum is about - supporting one and other. Glad to see it worked for you and good luck for future :)


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dishonesty and ********
how many times have I fallen off the wagon??!!!!
its hard...what I've found most difficult is that if the effort worked...then i would find it a whole load easier to continue....but I have about 20 years of it not working behind me!!!
this last year after much requesting I found a dr willing to put me on metformin...I am type 1....I am insulin resistent....its such a pain...nothing was working before...but fingers crossed...this seems to be working...

it didn't straight off....I think its been an accumulative thing over the last 8 months.
I have also been on prozac for a year and had the dose doubled about 7 months ago...

I really don't know which one has done the trick....what I do know is that i couldn't go on feeling so ****..although my diabetes team had told me it was just the way my diabetes was and that I just had to live with it...

blood sugars always in double figures was not my idea of fun!!!!

i feel like a different person for having better sugars....i can hardly put it in to words at times!!!!!

over the last year also....my IBS....vulvodynia.......constant UTI's have also pretty much gone away!!!! FANTASTIC!!!!!!! I can wear jeans.....for the first time in 15 years....

I do have weight to lose...and unfortunatly having had cognitive behavoural therapy for the last 8 months....I am more and more aware of how much I kept inside...all the emotions!!!!

In my 30's and I had no idea that it is possible to have 'stress', anxiety and so on...just trying to learn how to get rid of it.....I feel now that years of struggling ...not just with the diabetes but with the diabetes dr and nurse.....what a night mare......

hard work........more than I ever could have imagined...when I get low...I feel lonely and almost void of emotion or upset.....but then I try the positive thinking.....doesn't always work...but i count myself lucky for all that I do have... :D

it s been so good to have this place to come to......a breath of fresh air after years of feeling alone...

thanks....and keep in touch......and don't beat yourself up for falling off the wagon.....you CAN get back up!!!!


Active Member
Dear Paul

Know the feeling, started well but still drink too much alcohol and have put weight on again but not to much that can't come off if I make an effort.

Despite this average 30 day BM on meter is 5.8 but am getting some 7's in mornings possibly due to too much snacking at night.

I got really low in mood as well.

I think part of it is all the "Incoming" we face in terms of dealing with the diagnosis, getting anxious about BM readings and having every conceivable person teling you what you MUST do lest your feet drop off or you lose your sight etc. I think at some point everyone must just say "F### it".

Every time you see a doctor or go for your eye scan it's "Have you had a diabetic check, have you checked your feet daily, are you sticking to a meal plan (Meal plan, I work for a living plus other work related things often til late , where do I get time to draw up F####### meal plans!) See a dietician and it's "You really need to aim for an ideal weight of 11 and a half stone but your weight is rising-you should buy a rowing machine, how far exactly a day do you walk? you really should be getting higher blood sugars given your weight rise are you SURE you are testing enough?"

Incoming, incoming-theyve all got it in for me.

Even getting the kit is a pain in the ****, keep track of supplies, do advanced orders for repeat precriptions-go to a pharmacy and it's "We dont have Lantus solo star can you come back tommorow" then another "We don't have this can you wait three hours and come back then".Did three chemists yesterday before finding my insulin pens.

It does get tou you, people think you can be some kind of 24 -7 diabetic obsessive but most of us don't want to be defined by a medical condition and most of the working population don't have the time to be obsessed in this way. Yes we are luckier than pre 1921 when there was no insulin shots and way better than the time people had to put syringes togetther but you will stumble at times.Thing is I suppose is to learn from it and not to fall.

So I have had my rant now but I believe that everyon will have times when they are on top of things and times where they are not. Sometimes it's the sheer level of information coming at you and a life that can seem like a thousand wagging their fingers at you. It is like loading a bloated bulky anti virus scanner on to a home PC, it will slow you down and often **** you off.

I do intend to sort out the weight, Im off walking in Cornwall for a week which is a good starting point and am shedding the alcohol (Lots of calories in red wine which used to be a friend of mine)

In addition I will finally go and have the blood tests I should have done 2 months ago re my nurse advising that I may get to reduce and maybe not end up using insulin (She is very good) as she wants to try me on metformin. I think that what with other things going on in life I found the idea of reducing and stopping insulin when you had been told you would need it for life a bit too much.
Suppose I have spent 2 months hiding from stuff so I can quite understand others who want to do the same.

Like someone said-best get it out here-yes we are constantly reminded of what can happen if sugars go consistently high but no-one can live life in a bunker thinking every blip on the radar is a missile attack. For me it seems to be a question of getting the balance right.



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I've struggled through 10 days of low carb diet and increase on my exercise and feeling rotton!

I've slept more...I feel exhausted and rotton!!!

got worse and have actually managed to gain a pound in weight!!!...not the intention obviously..

utterely fed up with it.....every time I fall I pick myself up again but it is getting harder

I feel myself today still struggling against this feeling but it now feels like a trigger for a bout of emotionless blurry depression


sorry about the moan x