Getting more regular Hba1c tests - and Fatty Liver disease


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Since getting my Blood sugar levels to below 40 on the Hba1c test, my doctor informed me that because my blood sugar level's are now normal I only needed to be tested once a year.
My view is that I have reversed but not cured my T2 diabetes, and that this reversal is depended upon me maintaining the changes in my life style concerning 1) What I eat and 2) When I eat. The test is an objective measurement of how well I am doing with that and should be more than 1 once a year. I wrote a letter to my doctor, giving her the history and experience of T2 diabetes, as well as all the advantages to the NHS re saving them money and the test being an objective monitor of how well I was doing in maintaining or otherwise that reversal. Also my Blood sugar levels are still in the top end of normal. ( 39 in July, up from 37 in December 2018 ) I also argued that my official NHS diagnoses was that I was 'T2 diabeties controlled through diet alone'. It is not cured just controlled and needs more regular monitoring than once a year. . I am glad to say that the doctor has now agreed that I can have the test every 3-4 months. Has anyone else had these problems and have you got that decision reversed ?

They have also agreed to do scan to assess if my fat burning eating program has managed to reverse, totally or in part my Non Alcohol Fatty Liver disease. My next Hba1c test and the scan are due to take place in November. Happy to let you know the results.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
The NICE guidelines for Type 2 say that tests should be every six months once stable so it’s good that you objected to yearly ones. I have had HbA1cs in the 30s for over two years now and have had regular tests, supposedly six monthly, but due to a few other things happening (two surgeries and such like) I have had a few more frequently too! Here’s the link to the NICE guidelines in case you need to quote them in the future:
see paragraph 1.6


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Well done on your results and for being proactive with your doctor. :)

After I had controlled my T2 I was told I would be put on annual tests and reviews. I put an argument forward similar to yours, and came to an agreement with my nurse that I could have 6 monthly blood tests with a nurse review once a year. This suits me fine. I don't really need to see the nurse any more often that that, and am happy on 6 monthly blood tests.


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I get a test every 12 months too. To be fair I haven't really challenged it as it sort of suits me but it seems like it's a bit hit or miss dependent upon area.


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Does anyone know how accurate hba1c tests are? I know about reasons which might them give an inaccurate measure for an individual (eg anaemia), but I am wondering about the accuracy of the measurement. If I tokk 3 simultaneous blood samples and sent them to 3 different labs, what would be the difference between the results?


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Yes, I also was told once a year. I persuaded my surgery that every 6 months was a good compromise, due to my very high initial HbA1c and normal very low kidney function (which concerned me more). I stated that I was testing foods and protocols, so that my choices were broad for quality of life, and that I was also getting private tests for insulin etc. The UK system is too busy for individualised care, which is understandable, so "we" have to be our own health advocates and take responsibility - PHS (Personal Health Service).
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Does anyone know how accurate hba1c tests are? I know about reasons which might them give an inaccurate measure for an individual (eg anaemia), but I am wondering about the accuracy of the measurement. If I tokk 3 simultaneous blood samples and sent them to 3 different labs, what would be the difference between the results?

There is an error tolerance but I'm not sure what it is. Somewhere around 4% I think.

Because my HbA1cs are always way higher than expected, my GP arranged for it to be tested at 2 different labs from the same blood sample. One came back at 40, the other at 44. Make of it what you will.


I'm somewhat of the opposite view. Certainly for myself. I don't currently have diabetes and I have the means to alert myself if it were ever to show signs of returning. To be honest once per year is once too much for me. I can do without the hassle of being told I weigh the same, I'm the same height, I can feel my feet and I should eat more sugar. Plus I personally feel that HbA1c on its own is a vastly overrated measure of metabolic health.

Obviously that is just me, though. Others have different needs and views on things. Some may even have a decent surgery whose staff know what they're talking about :nurse:


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks for that ! I have tried to find out the NICE guidelines so this is brilliant ! I am wanting to bring my blood sugar levels even lower ! Brilliant ! John