
  1. C

    Confusing A1C levels?

    Im currently away in México at the moment. Ive been bitten so many times and after getting a potential infection on one of the bug bites i went to the DR. Though they deemed a blood test necessary. (does anyone else get constantly bitten? I have 25%DEET spray, it doesnt seem to be working)...
  2. S

    OGTT test - HbA1c: HELP

    Good afternoon, A couple of years ago, my doctor prescribed some blood tests. The outcome of the HbA1c was 41 mmol/mol (5.9%), just below the pre-diabetes level. It was strange because my glucose levels had always been fine. Following the outcome of the blood test, I kept getting tested with...
  3. H

    “Low” hb1ac … help?

    Hi all I’m new to the forum but not newly diagnosed. Initially type 2 but now awaiting both lada and mody testing. My diabetes has been really hard to control - my doctors have struggled to understand it, up and down like a yo-yo so currently waiting the referral to an Endo. I’m in Scotland...
  4. S

    Pre-diabetes: higher glucose in the morning than 2 hours after lunch.

    Hello, I am now 43. I've had some cholesterol for years (family issue) and was advised to change my lifestyle. I also have fatty liver. All blood tests for liver functions have always been fine. Cholesterol has never been very high so I was advised to keep it under control with diet and...
  5. L

    High Hb1ac and pregnant. (Terrified)

    Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with Type 1 2 years ago and haven't had good control of my blood sugars since. But I just found out im pregnant, ideally I would of loved to get everything under control yet here we are. My Hb1ac just came back as 9.7 and after doing some reading online I am beyond...
  6. C

    Is it the vaccine!?!?!

    We’re to start with out giving so much data away it becomes a GDPR nightmare 43 type 1 for 4 years Using Toujeo 60 units a day Recently moved onto Lyumjev was on Fissp Roll the clock 2 years back my Hba1c was low 50’s Now it’s 74 mmol What does the consultant say well not allot really there...
  7. S


    Hi guys, just had my HbA1C done and got a result of 78mmol/mol which apparently is 9.3 in the old readings. I’m trying to work out if that’s really bad but all the info online is outdated. I’m panicking as I am trying and this is simply depressing me. Any advice appreciated.
  8. finsit

    Falsely low or high HbA1c due to RBC lifespan

    Even though A1c is largely used now a days for diabetes diagnosis, its still just a relative figure due to variation in our RBC lifespan. There are some many conditions that can mess up with your RBC lifespan and your a1c could be lower or higher than the actual value. A study showed that a...
  9. S

    Confused why numbers are so high

    I am overweight (BMI 38) and My H1c was slowly rising and crossed the line to 6.6 in January when I got my diagnosis. After talking to my doctor we decided I would try to lower it by working on diet. fast forward to 2 weeks ago and my fasting glucose at the blood clinic was 9.3 and my Hba1c was...
  10. A

    Honeymoon period experiences

    Hello, was wondering what other people’s honeymoons with type 1 were like? I was diagnosed 3 months ago after going in DKA and significant weight loss. I have firmly believed ever since that I am Not diabetic (despite what my DN tell me haha) After gradually reducing my insulin after...
  11. V

    Pre-diabetes figures causing concern

    Hi, I’m writing this on behalf of my dad. He‘s 64, lives on his own and was told by his GP that he‘s ‘pre-diabetic‘. His HBA1C is between 40 and 45 over the last 2 years. Since then he‘s been rather panicked with what he should be eating and „getting it down“. But what‘s the aim? Is it OK to be...
  12. R

    Blood Test Coming up - nervous!

    Hi guys! So I got diagnosed as pre-diabetic in February. My HbA1c was 43 after two tests (first one was 48 but apparently it's policy to only diagnose after 2 tests.) Since then I have been Low Carb then Keto and lost about 33kg. I have a blood test coming up and I am SUPER nervous. What if...
  13. C

    Query from a former Gestational Diabetic now potentially pre-diabetic

    Hello! At the start of the year I had my annual Hba1c test having had two Gestational Diabetes pregnancies which both involved Humilin I and Novorapid from week 8 of pregnancy with weekly increased doses. Anyway, hbA1c came back as 6.5%, right on the cusp, I wasn’t told that I was prediabetic...
  14. A

    Some advice needed

    Hello Last thursday I had my annual health checkup done and on friday my doctor called me and said my sugar levels are rather high (5.7% Hb1Ac). I did some searching online and it seems like in the US (where I am based) the prediabetes levels start from 5.7% to 6.4%. My doctor was not too...
  15. elizasue

    Does anyone find that milk puts up blood sugar?

    I've recently started testing blood sugar fasting levels and am trying to get these down. Used to drink up 4 or 5 cups of tea with semi-skimmed or full fat milk but will try without for a few days to see if it makes a difference. Following a low carb diet, but don't want to lose weight, as BMI...
  16. want_to_be_well_

    Getting more regular Hba1c tests - and Fatty Liver disease

    Since getting my Blood sugar levels to below 40 on the Hba1c test, my doctor informed me that because my blood sugar level's are now normal I only needed to be tested once a year. My view is that I have reversed but not cured my T2 diabetes, and that this reversal is depended upon me...
  17. P


    Results are in, I've literally just left the doctors office with a hba1c result of 58 down from 103 April 2019. I actually cried, I'm so happy. I know I still have a way to go but I am shocked, I really wasn't expecting that. Thankyou to everyone for support/help/advice etc. Hope everyone is well!
  18. M

    Latest HBA1C result for Type 1

    Hi fellow diabetics I’ve just had my latest hba1c result and while it’s good and much better it’s not as good as I thought it might’ve been yet I feel I don’t have any options to take with it next. At this point last year my hba1c was the highest it had ever been 62/7.8%, this brought me to...
  19. M

    Just been for my second blood test.

    So I had my second blood test today to confirm if I have diabetes or not....I mentioned in my first post I was told my number was 8.4, which was my hba1c result I think converted the new way it’s 68mmol/mol....so I am very nervous now they said they should get my results back tomorrow. I have...
  20. jamesmsawyer


    Hi! I am a type 1 diabetic, having had it for 6 years ish and having spent years hiding away the diabetes, by not talking about it to anyone if at all possible, trying to keep it hidden, or just trying to forget I have it, I have started to become more and more open with my condition, hence I...