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After receiving a considerable amount of flak this afternoon and having to defend myself and what I have posted in good faith on three separate occasions, I have decided to quit. I can't beat (or be bothered with) the posting police any more.
Since joining the forum I have tried to help, support and advise others in the context of what I have learned since I became a member .. but it now seems as though this puts me in the firing line for all those seeking to criticise and condemn. I recognise that I may be wrong but my feelings are that, while I post with a genuine intention of trying to help, this will never be good enough for the "posting police"
Accordingly, while I will continue to read and learn from the forum, I will not be making any more posts

Thanks to everyone who has helped me to learn and progress


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
@AM1874 Don't Quit mate you are a valued member of this forum and we need your input.
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tony n

After receiving a considerable amount of flak this afternoon and having to defend myself and what I have posted in good faith on three separate occasions, I have decided to quit. I can't beat (or be bothered with) the posting police any more.
Since joining the forum I have tried to help, support and advise others in the context of what I have learned since I became a member .. but it now seems as though this puts me in the firing line for all those seeking to criticise and condemn. I recognise that I may be wrong but my feelings are that, while I post with a genuine intention of trying to help, this will never be good enough for the "posting police"
Accordingly, while I will continue to read and learn from the forum, I will not be making any more posts

Thanks to everyone who has helped me to learn and progress
you did your best my friend maybe its not the real world I don't no you but good night tony


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Holy cr*p don't go, we get judged all the time from non diabetics, you name it it's been said well to me anyway, so you can't have been that bad that someone on here has said something nasty to you we all have opinions, that's what it's all about, if you can't say it here, were then. Count to ten and stay just saying x x x

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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Really? Don’t let them get to you! You’re the first person who responded to my first ‘Shell Shocked’ post in May, the day I was diagnosed. Your speedy reassuring post help to dispel my anxiety very quickly and you consistently continue to do the same for many others I’m sure. You’ll be sorely missed. Please reconsider x


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
After receiving a considerable amount of flak this afternoon and having to defend myself and what I have posted in good faith on three separate occasions, I have decided to quit. I can't beat (or be bothered with) the posting police any more.
Since joining the forum I have tried to help, support and advise others in the context of what I have learned since I became a member .. but it now seems as though this puts me in the firing line for all those seeking to criticise and condemn. I recognise that I may be wrong but my feelings are that, while I post with a genuine intention of trying to help, this will never be good enough for the "posting police"
Accordingly, while I will continue to read and learn from the forum, I will not be making any more posts

Thanks to everyone who has helped me to learn and progress

AM1874 - If you feel you are in the receiving end of undue criticism, then hitting the report button might be useful to you. I wasn't around much this afternoon, so it looks like I may have missed the entries you refer to.

If I, or any of the other mods, can help, please feel free to tag us, report the relevant posts or send a PM, and your concerns will be investigated.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
After receiving a considerable amount of flak this afternoon and having to defend myself and what I have posted in good faith on three separate occasions, I have decided to quit. I can't beat (or be bothered with) the posting police any more.
Since joining the forum I have tried to help, support and advise others in the context of what I have learned since I became a member .. but it now seems as though this puts me in the firing line for all those seeking to criticise and condemn. I recognise that I may be wrong but my feelings are that, while I post with a genuine intention of trying to help, this will never be good enough for the "posting police"
Accordingly, while I will continue to read and learn from the forum, I will not be making any more posts

Thanks to everyone who has helped me to learn and progress

This is crazy - I have never read anything from you that wasn't informative and helpful.
Ignore them - don't go for them - stay for all the people you help every time you post. The amount of good people who are forced from this site is to much.

Deleted member 308541

@AM1874 Please do not leave as it will be a win for the "posting police" as you call them.
Remember this and do not Illegitimi non carborundum, and stick with the mob who appreciates your posts.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I had a look at your postings this afternoon to see what flack you are referring to.

In this thread - - you directed someone to the low carb forum and diet doctor despite the OP saying doctors had told the, not to change their 11 year old sons diet while investigations into diabetes were going on. Someone highlighted the medical advice not to change diet to you, you apologised for missing this reference in the OPs post and confusing the issue. It reads like a pretty polite exchange and there doesn't seem to be any flack.

In this thread - - you provided a newly diagnosed type 1 with information on where to buy a metre and strips. OP is still in the hospital and himself doesn't seem to know that type 1s don't have to buy metres or strips. I posted a reply to your posted which contained details on the costs of codefree and tee2 strips to clarify for the OP that all his strips would be free on prescription and when you queried whether that would apply to a second metre confirmed that it did. I don't think my posts gave you any flack, it just explained to both you and the OP how access to monitors and strips worked for type 1. I didn't interpret your response to me as you defending yourself, as I don't think you had anything to defend yourself against, I just thought you were querying if strips for a second metre for a type 1 would remain free on prescription and I confirmed that they would. I hope that wasn't taken as a "considerable amount of flack" or any kind of criticism or condemnation, it certainly wasn't intended to be. I did use the phrase pain in the bum, but wasn't directed at you, it was to explain how awkward it would be to be carrying around two different kinds of strips.

I can't see a third occasion this afternoon of anything that might be interpreted as flack towards you. And the two I mention above also don't seem like flack directed at you.

You say you post with good intentions to help, if your posts are misdirected or inapplicable and might point the person you are trying to help in the wrong direction (for example a mother going against medical advise onto a low carb diet for her son before investigations into whether he has diabetes are completed, or a type 1 who is still in Hospital having been diagnosed this weekend thinking they will have pay for test strips) and someone corrects you they are also trying to help and are also providing you with further opportunities for learning on the forum.

I'm sorry you feel like there are posting police. I hope you are able to view it differently as other posters who are trying to help and provide you with valuable information about things that you otherwise might not have been aware of. You are clearly a valued and helpful member of the forum and I hope you will reconsider and remain.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
After receiving a considerable amount of flak this afternoon and having to defend myself and what I have posted in good faith on three separate occasions, I have decided to quit. I can't beat (or be bothered with) the posting police any more.
Since joining the forum I have tried to help, support and advise others in the context of what I have learned since I became a member .. but it now seems as though this puts me in the firing line for all those seeking to criticise and condemn. I recognise that I may be wrong but my feelings are that, while I post with a genuine intention of trying to help, this will never be good enough for the "posting police"
Accordingly, while I will continue to read and learn from the forum, I will not be making any more posts

Thanks to everyone who has helped me to learn and progress

hey dear I appreciate you very much, please don't give up this forum, people have such different ways of discussing, and sometimes their style is more a mirror of their own rude ways than an expression of what the person receiving the message deserves...
in this era of web-comunication we hardly ever meet face to face and can in that respect maybe mostly reflect our own inner image of reality a private reality that is...


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Available fast foods in Supermarkets
If I were lucky enough to have received the information that you send out when I was first diagnosed, I would have reached some significant milestones around a year earlier, I think you have helps loads of people. I have considered leaving previously, nothing seems so bad a few days later. Consider I am a life long Spurs fan, think of the flack I have had to put up with.

Seriously you help people, perhaps prefix or suffix that somewhere near the 80 / 20 rule applies.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
@AM1874 ,

I've always liked the "cut of your jib" kind sir... Take "time out" by all means. But you're always welcome back.!
You're a true gentleman in my book...
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
Treatment type
After receiving a considerable amount of flak this afternoon and having to defend myself and what I have posted in good faith on three separate occasions, I have decided to quit. I can't beat (or be bothered with) the posting police any more.
Since joining the forum I have tried to help, support and advise others in the context of what I have learned since I became a member .. but it now seems as though this puts me in the firing line for all those seeking to criticise and condemn. I recognise that I may be wrong but my feelings are that, while I post with a genuine intention of trying to help, this will never be good enough for the "posting police"
Accordingly, while I will continue to read and learn from the forum, I will not be making any more posts

Thanks to everyone who has helped me to learn and progress
Don't leave because if these fools! I see it frequently and it is truly frustrating.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
I think this thread focuses a recurring problem. I like this site very much, there's none of the bitchiness, cat-calling, flame wars or trolling you get on other sites (can anyone remember any member accusing another member of being related to Hitler? - no, I rest my case!), but there can be a tendency for people to step out their experience zone.

I think it is great that T1s and T2s can post on other type's threads because, despite the different numbers (I'm not forgetting the T3s and LADAs here, but I'm typing on a phone here so trying to keep it simple!) we're all still people, not numbers.

But there are sometimes instances where posters sees the question through their type 1 or 2 lens and don't appreciate that there can be major differences in approach between the two.

I'm type 1 so I see it through that lens. I've picked up some info about T2 through reading T2 posts, but, sorry, I'm not T2, so would never think to offer advice on the subject.

Yet, time and time again, we see a newly dx'd T1 just getting to grips with having to inject for the rest of their life, looking for a bit of advice on how to get over the torment of that, and there's a fair chance that a T2 will pop up and say do low carb now, throw away the toast, bin the bun if you eat a bigmac, do some weird stuff with leeks if you're making lasagne.

I'm sure it's all very well intentioned but it's not helpful. Just as I don't pretend to advise T2s, I think T2 input into T1 threads needs to be heavily caveated along the lines of, "I'm T2 so I don't actually know that much about T1."

Catapillar makes a very good point about meters. I've never bought a meter in my life. Last time I changed my meter, I got the hospital to give me two so I'd have one spare. T2s might have to buy them, but T1s don't. Because the OP in this thread is T2, he gave misleading advice to the T1 in the thread referred to and was correctly picked up on that. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but posters should check the type of the OP in any thread and if it's not their type, don't assume that what you're saying is correct. It might be for your type, but could be grossly misleading for other types.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I agree with All the posts above. I was passed all your helpful advice but if I were a newbie it would have been some seriously awesome advice!!

I'm literally shocked to here you want to leave. Though I've been there myself...many times. A few days helps the pain. You e helped SO many people it would be a crying shame if you left because a few people disagree. The help you've given many by FAR out weighs a few not so perfect.

I don't go anywhere n ar threads involving children just an FYI. I got the same as you did. That being said, if I had a child with diabetes I would most definitely have them on a low carb diet well before roller coastering. But that's just me and many completely disagree with that advice. Hence, I stay far far away from the subject.

I imagine your getting some private messages!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Had I been online at the time and noticed the "flack", @AM1874, you can be sure I would have engaged to support you. I would not have had to analyse your post too much in search of "bad advice" or any kind of pressure or less than perfectly valid and valuable information on your part due to the fact that from your posts so far your contribution to the site and to the well being of particularly newbies is always of tremendous value in my eyes...which is why I now often tag you. I would urge you to reconsider...not because you should accept unjustified criticism or some kind of personal attack...or forgive it...but because you are definitely making people's lives easier and possibly even save some ! People like you are why I find this site so useful and helpful..and are in my eyes far more important than some less than appropriate little digs by those less inclined to structure responses as carefully and informatively as you do. You're not on this site for them, mate ! I will be really disappointed if you do a vanishing act and angered if those "in control" are fine with this happening; they will lose more (I can thank of at least one) and that can only be to the detriment of the site and to those who ask for help on it.
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