Heart Bypass and weight loss

Hi and thanks for the addition to the Group.
Having been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes some 9 years ago. Staring off well with diet etc, I eventually became rather 'blase' about my condition after a couple of years. I started to rapidly lose weight about three years ago and although this became a concern I did not connect it with my mismanagement of my diabetes (taking only 1 Metformin a day when 3 had been prescribed). I was recently admitted to hospital with AF problems and underwent a triple bypass.
My level on admission was 25 !!!. Since the op three weeks ago Ive been strict on my management and have readings at acceptable levels and Ive put on a couple of pounds.
My question is. Is it possible that the weight loss due to my mismanagement of my condition ? Trying to look for answers online only finds weight loss as a remedy to diabetes in most cases
Thank You


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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My level on admission was 25 !!!. Since the op three weeks ago Ive been strict on my management and have readings at acceptable levels and Ive put on a couple of pounds.

Welcome to the forums.

What have you done to reduce your levels? Weight loss is more commonly caused by undiagnosed T1 diabetes (or for someone your age slow onset T1) but it seems unlikely (though not impossible) that you would have gone on for 3 years without a diagnosis for this, if only through a hospital admission. Having said that, Dr Google says that T2s can get weight loss too so I'm guessing that this is more likely to be the case for you.

Honestly, these are questions you should be asking your medical team and if the weight loss was caused by your T2 they should have noticed that your levels were too high long before your hospital admission.

Congrats on the improvement in your bg levels and I hope you recover from your op soon.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Weight loss is more commonly caused by undiagnosed T1 diabetes (or for someone your age slow onset T1) but it seems unlikely (though not impossible) that you would have gone on for 3 years without a diagnosis for this

I often wonder how common this might actually be. I was diagnosed as pre diabetic and 3 years later ended up in hospital and was diagnosed as type 1. When I asked my Consultant about it, he said with slow onset type 1 you actually could limp on for a few years as in a honeymoon period, quite unaware of it. So when I was told I was pre diabetic, I am convinced I was actually type 1 back then but slowly losing my beta cell function. No other tests were done at the pre diabetic stage, it was following a well women check. They agreed I did not fit the so called profile of a 'pre diabetic who could become type 2' so could not give me advice to 'lose weight/exercise/don't smoke/don't drink/eat healthily' as I was rake thin for a start, and was fairly low carb, ran most days etc. I wish they'd done a C Peptide and an antibody test at the time instead of sending me off saying 'Don't eat processed food', I had 'admitted' I sometimes had a microwave meal at work! I think they were thankful for something to write on my notes to justify why I was pre diabetic. I'd love to know how many people have wrongly been diagnosed as pre diabetic or type 2 and then become ill and been re diagnosed properly.
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As I say, I got blase about it reducing my metformin myself to one a day instead of the three prescribed to me. I started eating sweet stuff without a thought for my blood sugars and fell back into old ways. My recent treatment whilst in hospital and a strict glucose diet since discharge has brought my readings to decent levels since. I still hanker after a bar of fruit and nut but thats a no go now I realise that. The occasional treat though shouldnt be too much a problem :)