How do I say no to statins


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My se non HDL, whatever that is, was 3.4 my HDL was 2. But that's still a ratio of 0.8.
BTW who is the 'current thought'.

The non HDL is simply the total cholesterol minus the good bits (HDL) supposedly giving an indication of how good or bad the bad bits are. The standard target is up to 3.4 (4 for non-diabetics) so you have passed that hurdle.

Your HDL is very good.


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I know you're not doctors but I'm hoping someone can help me :)
My question is - can I politely decline statins, or am I risking my health? And if so what do I say to the doctor to convince him it's not dangerous?

Of course you can......just say it "NO Thank You" don't have to enter into any discussion or the anti drug ad says.......just say NO.........end of story......


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Hi. You've had many good posts so far and it looks like you may not need any statins. Note that a lipids test should be fasting. A decision to have statins should only be based on fasting lipids results. Very few GPs keep up with the current knowledge about cholesterol and lipids ratios etc. I can only suggest you tell your GP what your ratios are and that they are considered good and therefore stains not needed. Low cholesterol is as bad as high cholesterol and side effects are common. I do take statins with no side effects but I check I don't take a dose that's too high. My wife took statins and they almost killed her liver - they can be dangerous but the GP never raised a yellow card of course.


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And low carb veg should be eaten in large quantities. Is that correct?
I don't think there is a need to eat low carb veg in large quantities. I'd say eat as much as you want, but don't force yourself to eat more than you want to.

Art Of Flowers

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I saw this video yesterday.

Suggests that taking statins shorten your life.


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The non HDL is simply the total cholesterol minus the good bits (HDL) supposedly giving an indication of how good or bad the bad bits are. The standard target is up to 3.4 (4 for non-diabetics) so you have passed that hurdle.

Your HDL is very good.

Thanks for explaining that.


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Hi. You've had many good posts so far and it looks like you may not need any statins. Note that a lipids test should be fasting. A decision to have statins should only be based on fasting lipids results. Very few GPs keep up with the current knowledge about cholesterol and lipids ratios etc. I can only suggest you tell your GP what your ratios are and that they are considered good and therefore stains not needed. Low cholesterol is as bad as high cholesterol and side effects are common. I do take statins with no side effects but I check I don't take a dose that's too high. My wife took statins and they almost killed her liver - they can be dangerous but the GP never raised a yellow card of course.

That's very helpful.
Are you saying all the cholesterol tests should be done fasting? I've never been told that!
Is that known in the medical world?


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Thanks to all who replied about the low carb veg.
I try to eat them with my meal to help fill me up - I won't go overboard on them now though!


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In my experience Doctors know the risks of certain drugs Statins being one of them. from looking at your Blood Readings they access the risk factors to your health then they decide which risk is the greater taking or not taking drugs In My case my Thai Doctor prescribed 20 Mg of Crestor after I had a Stroke After looking at the side effects on the Internet I asked if I could reduce the dose 20mg was the smallest dose available in Thailand then so I asked if I could Cut Them In Half the Doc did not Know so I Made myself a Guinea Pig and reduced my own dose next visit Cholesterol levels down so I Reduced to 5mg blood levels still down. This was 18 years ago still on 5mg I see 2 docs at local hospital one for Diabetes One for my Heart. every 4 months

I was Diabetic long before my 2 Strokes and was only put on Statins after 2nd stroke I agree Doctors are not GODS although some think they are. but they are highly trained professionals and an Important part of the resource chain so that we can be best placed to make our own decisions but they should always be asked Why and to explain their reasoning forums like this are also part of that chain as is the internet But remember the only one who has an overall view of your health;

NB My Brother was a doctor which is why I know they are not Gods. lol
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My Doctor keeps on about Statins, trying to talk me into taking them and my bloods are a bit better than yours. I just look him in the face and say "The human race is running out of things to die of . I'll take my chance"

Also reflect on the fact that although they are professionals how often do they go on refresher courses? (that are not paid for by drug companies) As a chartered engineer I had to be able to show that I kept my knowledge up to date, It was career limiting not to. It was quite illuminating when I asked my GP and diabetic nurse when they last went on a refresher course!!


Type of diabetes
Type 1
I know you're not doctors but I'm hoping someone can help me :)

I was on statins from about Oct 15 until November 16 as my cholesterol was high. I stopped because the numbers were better and I didn't want to be on them having found out what they can do - and can't! I understand they can increase the risk of diabetes - is that right? Apart from anything else.

Got my latest blood test results today. And a phone call from the surgery asking me to come in to see the doctor.
My HbA1c has dropped from 41 in May to 38 - it was 43.2 in Feb last year so that's why I'm being checked. I was pleasantly surprised as I thought that was why I was being called back.
BUT my Serum cholesterol has gone up from 4.9 in May this year to 5.4 which is over the limit of 5, my Se non HDL cholesterol level has gone form 2.8 in May to 3.4 which is over the limit of 3 and my serum urea level has also gone just over the normal limits.

I've been eating low carb as much as I can but I have put on 7 kg over the last year - mostly due to a family wedding and also eating to relieve stress.

I do not want to go back to statins but the doctor at the time I said I wanted to come off them said it depended on my results. I have patient access online to my records and after that consultation under the heading 'Problems' it says declined statins!! along with prediabetes, when I had it, hypertension and all the rest.

My question is - can I politely decline statins, or am I risking my health? And if so what do I say to the doctor to convince him it's not dangerous?
Also, am I eating too much protein and that's affecting the cholestorol and the urea? I know it's not the fat - although somebody on hearing my results said they were not surprised, implying it was because of all the fat and butter I've been eating.

Hope someone can help.


Of course you can refuse - they can't force you to take anything. Interesting because I've noticed that when my HbA1c goes down my cholesterol goes up and vice versa! I've been refusing them because I've observed some of the side effects in a close family member. So long as you know the risks you are choosing to take Healthcare Professionals have to respect your decision.


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doctors and dentists.I would not be rude to any.Also i don't like being taken for granted.
Hello,I've had this statin argument for years.I will not take them.I don't want them and don't need them.These so called doctors get paid by big pharma for prescribing this drug.A famous heart transplant doctor ,not so long ago said anyone over 40 years old.who refuses to take statins must be mad.Well i beg to differ.The last time i saw the doctor was over 2 years ago 'insisted i should take statins.when i flatly refused to take them .she got really nasty.She said she would refuse to treat me .So i told her i would sort my own treatment.out Which i have.Ten months ago i cured my type 2 diabetes .i feel like new man all my complications i was getting have cleared up.i can eat what i like now without not seen a doctors since.i have an Accutrend GC meter to test my cholesterol and blood sugar.i check it now and again.They say there is an 87% chance of getting type 2 diabetes taking statins.You don't have to take statins or any treatment if you don't want to.
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Tripe and Onions
Brave man. I have an AAA I don't think I could have grafted a stent in my self doctors do have their uses.


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My Doctor keeps on about Statins, trying to talk me into taking them and my bloods are a bit better than yours. I just look him in the face and say "The human race is running out of things to die of . I'll take my chance"

Also reflect on the fact that although they are professionals how often do they go on refresher courses? (that are not paid for by drug companies) As a chartered engineer I had to be able to show that I kept my knowledge up to date, It was career limiting not to. It was quite illuminating when I asked my GP and diabetic nurse when they last went on a refresher course!!
I like your style..!


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Thanks to all who replied about the low carb veg.
I try to eat them with my meal to help fill me up - I won't go overboard on them now though!
No, stuffing oneself with anything, no matter how low carb, may raise bg. Dr Bernstein says that eating too much even of sawdust can do it.