I may be ready to power the National Grid.


Potted History of my condition.
Diagnosed 10 months ago with type 2 and levels around 9 mmol/L told to control it by diet... Did the DESMOND course... told to eat less and healthier...Eh! Never been fat or overweight ever! Always eaten a health diet all my adult life, been fit and very active from being a kid, but yet I'm diagnosed with Diabetes...WHY??? I asked. Oh it must be genetic was the reply... Hu right! :banghead:

Upshot is, despite doing all the right required things, the disease rages on at a faster pace, to the point where 3 weeks ago I'm measuring mmol/L of 20-23 regularly. Dr hands me over to the DNs and they start me on Gilclazide to get it down quickly....Er no 3 weeks on and I'm still creating enough sugar to power the National Grid, with a lowest low of 8.4, but mainly between 11.5-18 mmol/L :eek:


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi @Morepills :)

There are a number of slim Type 2s here :)

My first thought is to ask if it's possible that you may be late-onset Type 1? Depending on your situation, it may be worth asking your doctor or DSN about that if you continue to struggle to control your blood sugar.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Do they have you eating 'healthy carbs'?
If so then you will go on making insulin, which is ignored by your poor worn out metabolism whilst the glucose goes on travelling around in your bloodstream with nowhere to go.
Take a look on the low carb section for new options.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Potted History of my condition.
Diagnosed 10 months ago with type 2 and levels around 9 mmol/L told to control it by diet... Did the DESMOND course... told to eat less and healthier...Eh! Never been fat or overweight ever! Always eaten a health diet all my adult life, been fit and very active from being a kid, but yet I'm diagnosed with Diabetes...WHY??? I asked. Oh it must be genetic was the reply... Hu right! :banghead:

Upshot is, despite doing all the right required things, the disease rages on at a faster pace, to the point where 3 weeks ago I'm measuring mmol/L of 20-23 regularly. Dr hands me over to the DNs and they start me on Gilclazide to get it down quickly....Er no 3 weeks on and I'm still creating enough sugar to power the National Grid, with a lowest low of 8.4, but mainly between 11.5-18 mmol/L :eek:
They don't seem to be treating it very urgently. I think @azure may be right. As a type 2, my numbers were never that high. Needs further investigation.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Potted History of my condition.
Diagnosed 10 months ago with type 2 and levels around 9 mmol/L told to control it by diet... Did the DESMOND course... told to eat less and healthier...Eh! Never been fat or overweight ever! Always eaten a health diet all my adult life, been fit and very active from being a kid, but yet I'm diagnosed with Diabetes...WHY??? I asked. Oh it must be genetic was the reply... Hu right! :banghead:

Upshot is, despite doing all the right required things, the disease rages on at a faster pace, to the point where 3 weeks ago I'm measuring mmol/L of 20-23 regularly. Dr hands me over to the DNs and they start me on Gilclazide to get it down quickly....Er no 3 weeks on and I'm still creating enough sugar to power the National Grid, with a lowest low of 8.4, but mainly between 11.5-18 mmol/L :eek:

if you try the low carb high fat diet you can learn about in this forum, I am sure you´ll get your numbers down on a more daily basis that is if you still do produce insuline it is a rather high change to high levels you have experienced

now the next day I am very busy and I guess it will be a bit more silent in here as most of the usual "inhabitors" are also busy celebration Christmas... hope you will stay and take part in this forum ... merry Christmas to you as well...


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi and welcome!

In your situation I would be pushing for tests to see if I was T1 or LADA.
Have you seen the LADA section of the forum? You may find it an interesting read.
Here is a link :)

Please monitor carefully over the Christmas period - the food temptations are everywhere, and even things like bread and potato will send your blood glucose up if the Gliclazide is not doing its job properly.

I hope you get this resolved fast - no one should be running at those levels regularly.
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Thanks for the replies so far. The DN is threatening me with going on insulin injections if the levels don't come down by Wed next week. Really don't want to go on injections at all :(


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thanks for the replies so far. The DN is threatening me with going on insulin injections if the levels don't come down by Wed next week. Really don't want to go on injections at all :(

Rather than a threat, it might be a good thing :) Getting your levels down will make you feel a lot better.

And if you do turn out to be Type 1, then insulin can help preserve your remaining beta cells for longer.

Do,push for further investigation. You'd be surprised at the number of adults assumed to be Type 2 when they're actually Type 1.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks for the replies so far. The DN is threatening me with going on insulin injections if the levels don't come down by Wed next week. Really don't want to go on injections at all :(
Surely, it needs proper investigation first; and the LCHF approach will definitely help.


Looking at the LCHF approach and foods on it, I'm probably 80 % there already, as those are the foods I've eaten most of my adult life. Just need to cut out the carbs of spuds, bread, pasta and I'll be fully there with a bit of bulking on the good LCHFs at meal times.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Check out fruit too as these contain more carbs than you realise. Don't forget rice too, pastry, and root veggies. There is an app called Carbs & Cals which is very helpful. Good luck over Christmas