I think I am suffering from low blood sugar


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I do not have diabetes
To clarify I have not been diagnosed with diabetes or has tests but mum and dad have type 2 diabetes. But I do have Crohn’s disease and asthma.

So I had a driving lesson and I had some food like two pieces of toast with butter and jam but due to stress because I had a driving test at 1:45pm I was sick but I was hoping that some of food was still in my gut, I started my lesson at 12:15pm but at 1:15pm I experienced what I assume was low blood sugar.

The symptoms I had was a hot sensation of the back of my neck, tintintius, blocked left ear and my right ear felt like it was doing the same as well, couldn’t form sentences, shakiness, lips felt dry and possibly dehydrated, felt like I was losing control of my body.

I even tried opening the window to try making myself feel better but nothing was working so I said to my instructor i don’t feel right, I feel funny and she said what you mean I explained my symptoms she said you are either having a bad anxiety attack or low blood sugar.

She said are you well enough to drive to the closest greggs and I said I should be able to do that yes and I said if I feel any worse I will pull over and swap seats with you.

My instructor bought me a sandwich and a small bottle of coke I wasn’t feeling better straight after it took at least 20 mins she wanted to cancel the test and tbf I don’t blame her I almost cancelled the test. I feel bad I have probably scarred my instructor for life :/

But if I cancelled the test I would have regretted it because I passed with 0 driving faults
I was feeling a little weird afterwards but was feeling more like myself.

I am so scared of what I was feeling I really don’t want this to EVER HAPPEN AGAIN! since my test I have been eating loads of food to avoid it but I’m scared it will happen again I am trying to book a doctors appointment but my GP don’t have any appointments for me. I haven’t stopped thinking about my low since the day I passed my driving test.

I really want to get myself checked out as fast as possible to not only ensure my safety but other people.
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Retired Moderator
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Welcome to the forum.

Congratulations on passing your test.
I can confidently say.
Low BG is not a sign of undiagnosed diabetes. Did you have access to a blood glucose meter during this episode?

Get checked out by a doctor by all means


Type of diabetes
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I do not have diabetes

Welcome to the forum.

Congratulations on passing your test.
I can confidently say.
Low BG is not a sign of undiagnosed diabetes. Did you have access to a blood glucose meter during this episode?

Get checked out by a doctor by all means

Thank you
I did not unfortunately, I have never had a low during the day only at night such as 2am or 3am, I don’t sleep very well if you are wondering why I am up so late


Staff Member
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hypos and forum bugs
Welcome to the forums @BlaxeXD
I explained my symptoms she said you are either having a bad anxiety attack or low blood sugar.
Those are definitely some possible causes (specially the anxiety in my opinion) but we can't diagnose here and you really need a doctor to check you out. If you seriously think it might be hypoglycemia you could invest in a blood testing meter (or borrow one of your parents' ones) and test if it reoccurs.

If you carry a sugary treat in your bag you'd be able to treat one if it happens again. As a T1 diabetic who takes insulin and therefore gets occasional hypos I always have glucose on hand, though a packet of jelly babies would work as well. (Just choose something you won't be tempted to have as a snack, or if you are like me you'll eat them when you don't need them :) )

did not unfortunately, I have never had a low during the day only at night such as 2am or 3am, I don’t sleep very well if you are wondering why I am up so late
Have you done a blood test then to see if you're actually low?

Lots of virtual hugs, it's sounds as though it was very scary for you, and congrats on your test result.


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Thank you
I did not unfortunately, I have never had a low during the day only at night such as 2am or 3am, I don’t sleep very well if you are wondering why I am up so late
I’m known for doing late ones myself.

Prior to these episodes, how long had it been since you last ate?


Retired Moderator
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OK.. do you have a specialist for your Crohn’s disease?

I’m no doctor. But your liver function may be affected regarding how it dumps glycogen.?
This would be an avenue to explore with your consultant. It would be worth bringing up your experiences with your HCP..

Hope this helps.


Type of diabetes
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I do not have diabetes
OK.. do you have a specialist for your Crohn’s disease?

I’m no doctor. But your liver function may be affected regarding how it dumps glycogen.?
This would be an avenue to explore with your consultant. It would be worth bringing up your experiences with your HCP..

Hope this helps.

Liver function gets tested every 2 months because I have an infusion to help me with my Crohn’s disease. I am gonna tell them what’s going on, because it could be new medication that’s causing it. Hopefully I can get this sorted fast.

Thank you for your advice it is really helpful :)
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Type of diabetes
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I do not have diabetes
Welcome to the forums @BlaxeXD

Those are definitely some possible causes (specially the anxiety in my opinion) but we can't diagnose here and you really need a doctor to check you out. If you seriously think it might be hypoglycemia you could invest in a blood testing meter (or borrow one of your parents' ones) and test if it reoccurs.

If you carry a sugary treat in your bag you'd be able to treat one if it happens again. As a T1 diabetic who takes insulin and therefore gets occasional hypos I always have glucose on hand, though a packet of jelly babies would work as well. (Just choose something you won't be tempted to have as a snack, or if you are like me you'll eat them when you don't need them :) )

Have you done a blood test then to see if you're actually low?

Lots of virtual hugs, it's sounds as though it was very scary for you, and congrats on your test result.

No I didn’t get chance to do a test because I didn’t have blood glucose monitor on me because it did calm down for a while and came back all sudden :/

I can tell when I’m low because I feel weird and dizzy.

Thanks :)


Retired Moderator
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Type 1
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Liver function gets tested every 2 months because I have an infusion to help me with my Crohn’s disease. I am gonna tell them what’s going on, because it could be new medication that’s causing it. Hopefully I can get this sorted fast.

Thank you for your advice it is really helpful :)
No problem,

Please by all means let us know how you got on..?
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Type of diabetes
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I do not have diabetes
No problem,

Please by all means let us know how you got on..?

Hi I just had another low my reading is 4.5 and I only noticed because my gut was is in awful amount of pain and I had a couple heart palpitations.

To fix it I got a glass of coke and some toast with jam I hope it gets my sugars back up to good reading now.

No funny turn this time, but just in a lot of pain


Staff Member
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hypos and forum bugs
Hi I just had another low my reading is 4.5 and I only noticed because my gut was is in awful amount of pain and I had a couple heart palpitations.

I wouldn't describe 4.5mmol/L as a low reading, you need a reading less than 4 for that and significantly lower than that for unconsciousness. (Non diabetics can have readings in the high 3s without harm, though they may feel hungry.)

(Of course, people can get so called "false hypos" if they have been running high blood sugars for a while and then go back to normal levels.)

And I haven't personally heard of hypos being associated with gut pain, though I do know symptoms can vary a lot.

I suggest you see a doctor.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
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@BlaxeXD if you have diabetes or reactive hypoglycaemia, rest assured that you will get to the bottom of it; there are objective tests (like glucose and HbA1c tests) that will shed light on this. You may need to do a glucose test under the right conditions but it's only a matter of time.

However, based on everything you have said, I think your problem is complex emotional distress. These problems are usually a lot more complicated than meets the eye, and surface-level attempts to treat them are often insufficient. I've been through this myself, experiencing devastating hypo symptoms when my blood sugar was 7 or 8. My body was trying to tell me something, and nobody was listening, nobody cared. I've resolved that problem now, and my hypo response has gone back to normal. Happy to discuss this further.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
To clarify I have not been diagnosed with diabetes or has tests but mum and dad have type 2 diabetes. But I do have Crohn’s disease and asthma.

So I had a driving lesson and I had some food like two pieces of toast with butter and jam but due to stress because I had a driving test at 1:45pm I was sick but I was hoping that some of food was still in my gut, I started my lesson at 12:15pm but at 1:15pm I experienced what I assume was low blood sugar.

The symptoms I had was a hot sensation of the back of my neck, tintintius, blocked left ear and my right ear felt like it was doing the same as well, couldn’t form sentences, shakiness, lips felt dry and possibly dehydrated, felt like I was losing control of my body.

I even tried opening the window to try making myself feel better but nothing was working so I said to my instructor i don’t feel right, I feel funny and she said what you mean I explained my symptoms she said you are either having a bad anxiety attack or low blood sugar.

She said are you well enough to drive to the closest greggs and I said I should be able to do that yes and I said if I feel any worse I will pull over and swap seats with you.

My instructor bought me a sandwich and a small bottle of coke I wasn’t feeling better straight after it took at least 20 mins she wanted to cancel the test and tbf I don’t blame her I almost cancelled the test. I feel bad I have probably scarred my instructor for life :/

But if I cancelled the test I would have regretted it because I passed with 0 driving faults
I was feeling a little weird afterwards but was feeling more like myself.

I am so scared of what I was feeling I really don’t want this to EVER HAPPEN AGAIN! since my test I have been eating loads of food to avoid it but I’m scared it will happen again I am trying to book a doctors appointment but my GP don’t have any appointments for me. I haven’t stopped thinking about my low since the day I passed my driving test.

I really want to get myself checked out as fast as possible to not only ensure my safety but other people.
Well done for passing your test ! you overcome so much and still passed the test i think having good regular meals with balanced little carbs more proteins and veg will help you . i hope the doctor will find out what caused t this is and give you lots of advice when i had a hypo i was feeling weird feeling hot and sweaty i was screaming for sugar and shaking dont remember anything further mine was i was advised to take too much insulin in the evening always woke up early morning like two or three am knowing i was having a hypo now i check the blood sugar and only take 10 mmls if it is highg managed to sleep all night I wish you all the best