Type 1 Insulin Fiasp


Morning everyone, just wondering if anyone is using this new insulin called Fiasp? My doctor is planing to change my insulin and as I’ve been using Humalog for years I would like to know if people are using it and are happy with it?
Thanks a lot

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I have been using Fiasp for a couple of years with my insulin pump.

It has its quirks but now I understand them, I am happy with it.
- It does not last as long out of the fridge as other insulins. It seems to be ok for a couple of weeks but if you are on a small dose, this could be a problem.
- The speed at which is starts working for me, seems to be dependent on my current levels. If my blood sugars are in the 4s and 5s, it starts almost instantly. If my levels are in double figures, it can take an hour to see any movement. This means I need to consider my levels when deciding when to pre-bolus.
- Some people find that it stings when injected. Thankfully, I do not experience this.

Overall, it is faster and better than NovoRapid which I was on and Humalog which I tried for about a week.
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I've been using Fiasp for the past 3-4 years , first with pens and now with a pump (for about a year), I found it much faster than the Novorapid (which tended to take its fine old stinking time to kick in) I previously had so found it worked much better for me


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I love my Fiasp, makes my life much easier.
On Novorapid I had to pre-bolus by 30-45 minutes to try to prevent spikes, on Fiasp I can usually just inject and eat, although I tend to wait a bit if I'm on the high side.
Corrections work quicker as well, so I'm less inclined to stack insulin.
And I'm able to see if I gauged my dose correctly sooner, so again less risk of overcorrecting.
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One thing I've noticed is an "enthusiasm" to get people onto Fiasp in my health board. I suspect such an enthusiasm would only exist if patients on Fiasp were getting better HBA1Cs than those on other Insulins (idle speculation on my part, but know other Diabetics in the area have had Fiasp pushed on them as enthusiastically as it was pushed on me).

For me, similar to the others above, I find Fiasp works extremely well a lot of the time, but can be a bit unpredictable occasionally because of its shorter 'out-the-fridge' lifespan, or it's poor performance at higher blood sugar levels (though I do find this only happens sometimes when my Blood Sugar is high, it's not likely it's uniformly poor when I have elevated Blood Sugar).
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People arguing over silly stuff
Fiasp (for me at least) has been a bit of a journey, but the benefits outweigh the problems.

Purely my experience, others will differ...

Fiasp starts off being super-rapid - fast drop as soon as bolused (pump user) which trailed off after 2 weeks or so, so its still fast, but not as quick as it was.

Set changes can be difficult - it stings and means I have to throw a few sets away to get a good absorption with mild discomfort, which has now (over a month or so stopped being as stinging - but still throwing a some canulas in the bin).

Seems stable in the British autumn for 3 days in a pump, but when warm weather hits 2 days is about the max.

As @StewM says - high blood sugars don't respond as quickly and I need to throw a fair bit of it in to get a result

I've found if I eat more than 40g I set a Dual Wave for 1hr 30min on 70% 30% and it all works out ok.

As a stepping stone to a Closed loop - works well and will improve the looping ability to handle 'life'

Fiasp is the first time I've eaten a banana without a high followed by a crash in BG levels.

Originally I wanted Lyumjev, but its not on the local approved lists in Nottingham so isn't funded - once it it I'll switch.