Inzulinova pumpa a aktivni zivot - Insulin pump and active life


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Zdravim vas dostal jsem nabidku od sveho dia doktora na pumpu od medtronic jejich senzory vyuzivam skoro 2 roky ale kdyz je aplikuji na bricho dost mi vadi pri sportu,lezeni v sedaku a vseobecne kdyz se hodne zpotim tak senzory odpadavaji ,plavani a vseobecne voda jim tak nedela moc dobre.ale toto jsem vyresil tak ze senzory nastreluji do pazi a prelepim tape a ted mam v reseni tu pumpu je tu nekdo kdo ma hodne sportovne aktivni zivot a pouziva pumpu ja mam strach protoze pumpa se aplikuje pouze na bricho ze mi bude vadit pri cviceni,plavani ,lezeni ve vyskach v sedaku ,nemam ani tak strach o tu pumpu jako takovou to vyresim delsi hadickou a strcim do kapsy ale mam strach o tu kanylu kterou mate zapichnutou v tele a prelepenou zrovna ten sedak mi vychazi na brise presne na misto kde bych mel mit kanylu zavedenou,mate nekdo zkusenosti stimto a byl se ochotny smenou o tom pobavit,moc diky za priprane odpovedi


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Type of diabetes
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Hello, I received an offer from my doctor for a pump from Medtronic. I've been using their sensors for almost 2 years, but when I apply them to my stomach, it bothers me a lot during sports, sitting in a chair, and in general, when I sweat a lot, the sensors fall off, when I swim, and in general, they lose water. It didn't work very well. But I solved this by shooting the sensors in the arm and covering it with tape. Well, now I have to deal with the pump. There is someone who has a very active life in sports and uses the pump. I'm afraid because the pump is only applied to the abdomen because it will bother me when exercising, swimming, climbing heights in the seat, I'm not so much worried about the pump as such, I'll fix it with a longer hose and put it in my pocket, but I'm worried about the cannula that you have stuck in your body and taped on, the seat itself it touches exactly the place where I should have the cannula inserted, does anyone have experience with this and would be willing to discuss it with me, thanks a lot for the quick answers


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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hypos and forum bugs
Hi @Vilimo

The language used on these forums is English. It would be better if you could use google translate to convert your posts to English before posting.

Jazyk používaný na těchto fórech je angličtina. Bylo by lepší, kdybyste mohli své příspěvky před odesláním převést do angličtiny pomocí překladače Google.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi @Vilimo there are a lot of places where you can put your cannula, including your arms. I believe there are also a number of different types of cannula available.

(I'm not a medtronic user myself but do use a tubed pump with cannulas.)

Hopefully some other more experienced pump users will respond soon.

Chas C

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi @Vilimo If I'm exercising (in the gym) or swimming I normally take my pump off, I wear a Dexcom G6 (soon G7) connected to my watch to keep an eye on blood glucose. I normally plug in and top up every 30 mins to an hour. I also white water kayak when I wear my pump around my neck (in a loop) and connect cannula to either stomach or arm. I've always attached my CGM sensor to my arm.

I do not have issues with cannula's lifting but do use medical adhesive for my sensors (could also be used for cannula's). In the UK & USA the medical glue is called "Skin Tac", you apply it first, let it dry then place your sensor on top. You will need an adhesive remover otherwise it will damage your skin when you need to replace the sensor, in the UK its called "Lift Plus" but any medical adhesive remover should work for you.
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