Leg cramps & Metformin?


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Good idea, GraceK - worth a try.

BaliRob, the magnesium citrate I take is called Magasorb. It comes in 150mg tablets and I take 3 a day, one with each meal. I'm definitely better with it than without it. I find mine on Ebay. You can't overdose on magnesium - you just excrete any excess.

Diane, thanks for the info about your doctor's comment. That's the first time I've heard it from an "official" source. Don't worry too much about the weight loss, unless it's too much and too fast - Metformin is supposed to aid weight loss and to reduce the appetite. In the States it can be prescribed for just that, but not over here. Even I am eating less since I've been taking it :shock: :wink:

Viv 8)


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Viv, Grace and Diane,

We should form our own club - it is quite heartwarming when kindred (leg cramp) spirits meet and chat ha ha ha.

Viv - yes, Magasorb was what you previously recommended and I have a note to myself somewhere to use that if the Malate was not successful. I WILL buy some as soon as my stock of Malate is finished and I will let you know my body's reaction to it - if any.

Good ol' Grace always the fount of all wisdom - thankyou for the electrolyte approach - my Bali specialist did, on one occasion, say that he thought I was "Out of balance" but that was what confused him because of the many many and wide blood tests I have had during the past year or so giving no clue - i.e., V B12, Potassium, etc., all showed ok - so, poor chap - what was he supposed to suggest?

I will Google Dioralyte and use the link you so kindly mentioned If you remember Regain or Replen please let me know. The loose
bowel syndrome in the tropics is the norm for bule (foreigners) because of the different diets to those we were brought up on (especially the war years) so every sauce will react that way no matter how innocuous, so that could be one way my body is falling short on essential lytes.

To give an indication of the severity of my attacks - the onset of cramp 14 hours ago now has strained the lateral muscles on the outside of my lower leg so much so that I have a sharp/torn muscle feeling still and have difficulty walking. So you can imagine how I feel when both legs from hips to ankles go into spasm completely - I was very lucky this morning. I give these details not for sympathy but to provoke or help those that have not come forward and joined this thread.



I used to get terrible leg cramps in bed BEFORE I was diagnosed with Type 2, they pretty much stopped when I got put on Metformin.

I've had them a couple of times since, but that's literally 2 times in 3 years as opposed to 2 or 3 times a week!

I put it down to high BG that caused them to be honest!

Every time I've had them it's always been when I've been asleep, it don't half wake you up, that's for sure!


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BaliRob said:
Viv, Grace and Diane,

We should form our own club - it is quite heartwarming when kindred (leg cramp) spirits meet and chat ha ha ha.

Viv - yes, Magasorb was what you previously recommended and I have a note to myself somewhere to use that if the Malate was not successful. I WILL buy some as soon as my stock of Malate is finished and I will let you know my body's reaction to it - if any.


Bob ... I really sympathise with you. I wouldn't say I get leg cramps very often, but the foot cramps are definitely when I allow my feet to get cold or if I stretch them, they go into spasm. That also happens if I try to stretch my body, I get cramps in my back muscles. And the leg cramps, I don't know, they always happen in bed and I had a calf muscle one a few nights ago which was so painful that my leg was sore for about 3 days afterwards.

And I don't know why but I'm suddenly thinking 'lactic acid' build up? That just popped into my head for some reason.


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Dear Viv, Grace and Diane,

Have been without a computer for a few days but am back online now as you can see.

Tonight will be the first night without taking Sirdalud, etc., as they have all been used up. I intend to take the Oralit sachet
x 1 before bed as an experiment - Grace, you mentioned Dioralyte - which seems to be almost identical in content.

If this and the Magnesium Malate do not work then I am in trouble - I just wonder whether the Sirdalud (muscle relaxant)
is just saving me from the extreme cramps and that the moment I stop I may wish that I had continued.

On the subject of Sodium Chloride (showing off) salt - since being on the regimen including Sirdalud I have had a small
number of minor cramps which seem to have been alleviated by taking salt on the tongue - of course I cannot prove that
the salt stopped the cramp developing but it gives me hope. By the way - remember the Post - What to do with test strips
containers? I use an empty One Touch Ultra black plastic box for the salt which, of course, is airtight and an unobtrusive
item on the bedside cabinet.

Will let you know if the Oralit works or if I have to go back on Sirdalud.



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Seems like the salt on the tongue is doing the trick. I hope you find something to alleviate these cramps. What does your doctor say Bob? Has he done any tests to see what your calcium levels are etc?

I know I saw a programme on TV a couple of years ago about a man who had these severe cramps all over his body. Caused a lot of puzzlement until his doc found he was extremely low in calcium. I don't fully understand why that causes the cramps but once he was treated for it, he was fine. It must be quite a rate condition for them to make a TV prog about it.


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Thanks Grace and Catherine,

Getting "Invalid response" at the moment to the web link - will try later.

I am on second night/day without Sirdalud muscle relaxant but taking Oralit (Dioralyte) so far, so good, fingers crossed.



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Dear Sid, Viv, Grace, Catherine et al,

UPDATE - it is now 8 days since I stopped taking prescribed drugs for leg cramps (Sirdalud and Pletaal) and am happy to report that, in that time, I have not had a serious attack nor the threat of one.

Apart from my Metformin and Simvastatin I am only taking Magnesium Malate 1250mg 1 x morning and at night and 1 x sachet of Oralit
(Dioralyte in the UK) - mind you, I am taking great care NOT to stretch my legs in any way which also tended to encourage cramp (and supported by at least one other contributor to this thread) - because I still feel that I would cause the legs to cramp if I did.

I think my results do offer hope to everyone afflicted by this condition especially those not so badly afflicted as myself.



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BaliRob said:
Dear Sid, Viv, Grace, Catherine et al,

UPDATE - it is now 8 days since I stopped taking prescribed drugs for leg cramps (Sirdalud and Pletaal) and am happy to report that, in that time, I have not had a serious attack nor the threat of one.

Apart from my Metformin and Simvastatin I am only taking Magnesium Malate 1250mg 1 x morning and at night and 1 x sachet of Oralit
(Dioralyte in the UK) - mind you, I am taking great care NOT to stretch my legs in any way which also tended to encourage cramp (and supported by at least one other contributor to this thread) - because I still feel that I would cause the legs to cramp if I did.

I think my results do offer hope to everyone afflicted by this condition especially those not so badly afflicted as myself.


That's great news Rob! :D I find stretching, particularly if it's a bit chilly, brings on the crampies. I used to have a habit when I was younger of picking things up off the floor with my toes :D ... now if I as much as stretch my toes, I get cramp.
The office I work in gets very hot so we're constantly opening and closing the windows because it also gets chilly very quickly. Someone opened a window and the draft was blowing under my desk, my legs got just a wee bit chilly, not cold, but chilly. Next thing I had a spasm in my left leg. So keeping warm is definitely a must. I also have tendency towards anaphylaxis if I get too cold. Must mention all that to the doctor next time I go.

Glad to hear you're doing well Rob. :D


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Thanks for your reply Grace - bet you wish you had my climate - I have not been cold in 5 years ha ha ha


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BaliRob said:
Thanks for your reply Grace - bet you wish you had my climate - I have not been cold in 5 years ha ha ha

Well Rob, how hot is it where you are? If it's very hot, you could be losing a lot of body salts through perspiration ... that could be another cause of your major cramps.

As for me, I can't tolerate extremes of either heat or cold I like a warm but not hot temperature and always with a light breeze but not much chance of any of those things in UK at the moment. It's been a really horrible, grey miserable day today. :(


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Dear Grace,

Yes, under normal circumstances I would agree with you but I was living in West Sussex when I had my first major cramp attack and nearly ended up in hospital or worse; thus was put on Quinine Sulphate immediately. I had to be taken off this drug some months ago after being on it continuously for the eight years due to chronic kidney disease which specialists here were pretty certain had been caused by the prolonged use. This also being borne out by the FDA who banned its use after 90 people died using it like myself in 1999 many years before I was put on it.

I am keeping an open mind about the loss of body salts due the the high temperatures here and I might be getting some respite because it is the rainy season when it settles at 30 or just below. One funny coincidence is that I have taken to eating and wanting crisps for snacks - perhaps it is the desire for salt calling or me just being hungry ha ha ha.

I could never stand the heat in July and August when in England but here I fare better that the locals even when it cruises between 34 and 26. I believe Bali's weather to be the best in the world without extremes. I do remember coming home in September one year and nearly dying of cold brrr.

I will continue with the Magnesium and Oralit (and the crisps within reason) and will report in another week or so.

Keep well,



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I fare better than the locals - cruises between 34 and 36.

Still, it is 2am here


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Hi, BaliRob

I'm a great believer in listening to my body - your craving for crisps may be just that, craving salt.

On site in hot summers (yes, we used to have them :shock: ) I would tell my diggers to taste the sweat on their upper lips - if it doesn't taste salty, you need some.

Many years ago, when signed off sick with stress and acute anxiety (that's what marriage does for you!), I found myself craving bananas, eating 2 or 3 every day. Only later did I find out that they contain a natural tranquilliser :D. I also played endless games of Patience; then I went on to knitting, and finally jigsaws. That was my body getting me to do things which didn't take much effort but kept my mind occupied so that I couldn't worry.

Clever things, bodies :D

Viv 8)


Re: Leg cramps & Metformin?

Hi I have been on metformin for five weeks and just realised that I haven't had any leg cramps for ages and I used to get them a couple of times a week. How strange!

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Thx Viv - will reply later but keep tasting my upper lip. Parsly - got to be a coincidence please please please cos my cramps returned after coming off Quinine Sulphate but remaining on Metformin. Who knows - you may have just started off another avenue regarding the benefits of Metformin (Glucophage)?


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Re: Leg cramps & Metformin?

All, I am new to the forum but not to diabetes! I too had bad leg cramps and my husband did a lot of research for me. What he fond was that a supplement of magnesium would help ward this off. I've been asking this for the last year and have had no more cramps at all. My mum is also a diabetic and suffered the same way but no longer due to the magnesium supplement. It's a cheap option and worth trying I promise!

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Soapdish said:
All, I am new to the forum but not to diabetes! I too had bad leg cramps and my husband did a lot of research for me. What he fond was that a supplement of magnesium would help ward this off. I've been asking this for the last year and have had no more cramps at all. My mum is also a diabetic and suffered the same way but no longer due to the magnesium supplement. It's a cheap option and worth trying I promise!

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Yep, my Mum swore by the little dark blue bottle of Milk of Magnesia for her leg cramps. I keep a bottle handy too. Sometimes the simplest remedies work best.