Message from NHS


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Deepest and humblest apologies for any offence, distress or frustration at my mention of the dish.
Oh, and I forgot the dates and raisins.
I was OK until you mentioned the dates and raisins. :(


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
No fruit! DNs that haven't a clue!
I was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic - and the advice given at my 1/2hour 'talk' with the Practise Nurse (a Diabetes specialist)??? She gave me the the "Healthy Heart" guidelines from British Heart foundation.....advising lots of starchy carbs, lots fruit and veg ‍:facepalm:
How is anyone supposed to wade through the conflicting info to find what's relevant?? Definitely confused by it all and have tried to alter diet, only to be told now diabetic!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic - and the advice given at my 1/2hour 'talk' with the Practise Nurse (a Diabetes specialist)??? She gave me the the "Healthy Heart" guidelines from British Heart foundation.....advising lots of starchy carbs, lots fruit and veg ‍:facepalm:
How is anyone supposed to wade through the conflicting info to find what's relevant?? Definitely confused by it all and have tried to alter diet, only to be told now diabetic!
Perhaps try sorting through messages looking for those which claim to
a)be from someone who has been diagnosed with the problem
b)be from someone who has fixed that problem
c) seems to corroborate other messages with the same information
d) or you could save time and just go low carb (not that I'm in any way biased of course :angelic:)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Tattoos, carers calling me lovey or duckie when I've only just met them
I was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic - and the advice given at my 1/2hour 'talk' with the Practise Nurse (a Diabetes specialist)??? She gave me the the "Healthy Heart" guidelines from British Heart foundation.....advising lots of starchy carbs, lots fruit and veg ‍:facepalm:
How is anyone supposed to wade through the conflicting info to find what's relevant?? Definitely confused by it all and have tried to alter diet, only to be told now diabetic!
LCHF is the way to go. Have lost 3 stone 2 years since diagnosis, GP recommended LCHF immediately, however my partner recently told pre diabetic (with BMI of 21!) and saw practice nurse and given the same healthy heart diet sheet. I've encouraged him onto LCHF and checking his blood sugar each morning he's now a steady 5-6 so am positive when he gets his 6 month check he'll no longer be pre diabetic. Stick with LCHF and get a blood glucose monitor is my recommendation. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
When I was first diagnosed as Type 2, I was given (by the nurse at the Practice) a leaflet re diet. The very first sentence was "Increase carbs ..." I can't remember the wording exactly but, at the time, I couldn't understand why I would be told to eat MORE bread, potatoes etc when I was already overweight and now diabetic.

I wish I'd kept that piece of paper!!! Unfortunately, I put it where I felt it should have gone in the first place, ie the bin!!!

Years later, when I was given a glucometer, as prescribed Gliclazide (then changed to Glipizide) the nurse, when showing me the finger pricker device, to start at '5' (depth) and then to work down!!! As I'd been a nurse, I had already decided to start at '1' and work UP!!! I just don't understand what the HPCs think they know and why they don't have better information.

Just crazy what the HCPs are capable of re bad advice, at times!!! :(
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Wise man he say: if you buy a horse and find out it’s really a donkey, don’t blame the donkey: it won’t become a horse.
I’m learning the NHS isn’t the culprit- it’s one of the victims.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Wise man he say: if you buy a horse and find out it’s really a donkey, don’t blame the donkey: it won’t become a horse.
I’m learning the NHS isn’t the culprit- it’s one of the victims.

Yes it's quite common for victims of abuse to become abusers in turn.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Seeing the postings about NHS churning out their outdated advice made me post as I am now literally LIVING proof that lchf really does work.
I think I may now stop stalking and take part.
Thanks for the posts which have helped enormously. xx

Please do stick around and post.
- and WELL DONE!!!

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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, I'm not usually shy but I've been reading forums for some time; possibly stalking!

My practice nurse was happy to tell me my weight was down 18 kg & cholesterol results were good. I upset them by telling that was really good because I was on lchf & stopped taking statins 6 months ago.

Fast forward a year.. sadly I developed cellulitis then lymphodeama and was massively swollen, couldn't lift my legs and couldn't get into bed. I was denied lymphodeama clinic appointment due to massive BMI & I didn't have cancer! I began falling asleep walking and was hallucinating.

Eventually I hurt myself falling and my oxygen levels were extremely low. I was whizzed to HDU and placed on non invasive ventilator.
4 months on I have lost 42 kg against nurses advice. I stay awake all day and no longer hallucinate.
My diagnosis is secondary respiratory failure. I had eaten myself to near death!
I am on oxygen 24/7 & use BIPAP overnight.

I still have a lot of weight to lose & am starting monitoring blood on Monday.
Previously I had so many medical problems I couldnt motivate myself wholeheartedly to any structured way of living. I've tackled things one at a time.

Seeing the postings about NHS churning out their outdated advice made me post as I am now literally LIVING proof that lchf really does work.
I think I may now stop stalking and take part.
Thanks for the posts which have helped enormously. xx

Togram, I've been reading these boards for years - literally! I can hand on heart say that I doubt I have ever read a more dramatic turnaround in circumstances than yours. My jaw literally dropped.

A huge well done from me. Undoubtedly you have lengthened your life by years.
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