Metformin with red wine!


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I am newly diagnosed and just started on metformin yesterday have requested slow release due not eating breakfast so didn't was advised not to take standard release on empty stomach.

I have several weddings coming up and although normally dont drink much (glass of red wine or G&T low cal mixer) at weekends, I would like to be able to have several glasses of wine and G&T at these weddings.

Reading that you shouldn't drink with metformin has concerned me, wondered if others would enjoy the day, or stick to the advised 1 glass :(? My levels are 56.

Or not sure if safe to just not take it that day to avoid low bs levels?

Many thanks for your advice. Have had such a rubbish year, I'd really like to not be thinking about the number of glasses drunk that day and then be extra good the week after.... :hilarious:


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I am newly diagnosed and just started on metformin yesterday have requested slow release due not eating breakfast so didn't was advised not to take standard release on empty stomach.

I have several weddings coming up and although normally dont drink much (glass of red wine or G&T low cal mixer) at weekends, I would like to be able to have several glasses of wine and G&T at these weddings.

Reading that you shouldn't drink with metformin has concerned me, wondered if others would enjoy the day, or stick to the advised 1 glass :(? My levels are 56.

Or not sure if safe to just not take it that day to avoid low bs levels?

Many thanks for your advice. Have had such a rubbish year, I'd really like to not be thinking about the number of glasses drunk that day and then be extra good the week after.... :hilarious:

It’s entirely up to you if you want to drink, I drink vodka when I drink, and lots of it I’ve never liked wine so can’t comment on that. I think someone asked this question about beer or lager a while ago. Just be mindful and keep an eye on your sugars, annoying having to check when you are enjoying yourself, but it’s still better to be safe.


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I’m on Metformin but am teetotal anyway, however please have a read of this article about Metformin and alcohol. I don’t mean to frighten you but please read the paragraph on Lactic acidosis. If you do go ahead and drink at the weddings you need to be aware of the risk of LA, so take note of the symptoms incase you developed any of them.


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I have been taking Metformin SR for 12 years and I do drink red wine ! have never had any problems but I don't over do it Try to keep a balance read the pros and cons ,we are all different


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Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Everyone is different so you need to go carefully until you know how your body reacts.

However I have drunk several glasses of wine over a period of time with no non-alcohol related side effects.
2,000 mg standard Metformin.


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Personally I'd stick to the advice not to sup alcohol also sends out the right message to the world ..✻here✻ on this global platform.


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Personally I'd stick to the advice not to sup alcohol also sends out the right message to the world ..✻here✻ on this global platform.

The right message is to give people the correct information.
Lets deal in facts & not engage in some anti-alcohol crusade.
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I was given metformin fairly recently after being diagnosed (hba1c 69). I read as much as I could about possible risks. Initially I drank just 1 or 2 drinks to test how my body responded. Now I drink more (but still less than previously as I’m keen to lose weight). I have experienced no problems with wine, gin and diet tonic or lite lager - I remain cautious and mindful and enjoy what I have. Hope you can enjoy the weddings.


Retired Moderator
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Not being either an alcohol drinker or a metformin taker, I don’t have personal experience to draw upon. To my mind, you need to weigh up the pros and cons. There are stated risks of combining metformin with alcohol - including lactic acidosis, but there is no agreement on how big those risks are. This article suggests that applies to those with other pre-disposing conditions, but it’d be wise to do your own research.

Another thing to consider if you’ve also reduced carbs since your diagnosis, is that many find they can no longer tolerate so much alcohol. If it were me, I’d not want to use an important social occasion to find out about that!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
And, whether on metformin or not (im not on any medication), I find since going low carb only 1 or 2 drinks makes me very drunk indeed, and I used to be able to drink 4 or 5 with a meal. Dont spoil the wedding by falling over, or worse!
Last night we were out and I had a large wine with soda, but the food was slow to arrive by which time I was definitely very tipsy.
You have been warned!
The problem I find is what to drink instead. I dislike most soft drinks with sweetners and am left with sparkling water which does get boring


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I used to drink low carb beer / wine / and the occasional whisky when I was on Metformin a couple of years ago.

I have not had any alcohol since xmas. I just do not feel like drinking it anymore for some reason.


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Cauliflower pretending to be rice and any vegetable pretending to be pasta
Enjoy the special occasion. Just don't overdo it. Do you have a meter and are you testing. If not you should acquire one and then you can get control of your levels by testing and measuring the impact of anything you consume. It is the very first step for any diabetic along with reducing carbs


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Thank you everyone for your advice. My GP said not to get a meter and self test for some reason, but after looking on here, I think I will get one. Will research the sit for the best ones.


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Thank you everyone for your advice. My GP said not to get a meter and self test for some reason, but after looking on here, I think I will get one. Will research the sit for the best ones.

Great idea! I'm from the US so our meters are different, wish I could offer you some help.


Thank you everyone for your advice. My GP said not to get a meter and self test for some reason, but after looking on here, I think I will get one. Will research the sit for the best ones.
I have found a meter to be very useful. I can get an idea of how I react to different foods, drinks, stress, etc. Mine is great (Contour Next One) - it syncs with my phone. If you think you’ll need to test often - also check the cost of test strips - they are surprisingly pricey.


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Thank you everyone for your advice. My GP said not to get a meter and self test for some reason, but after looking on here, I think I will get one. Will research the sit for the best ones.

@Rachox has a list of the most affordable UK testing strips/meters.
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Hi @babyflowers , and thanks for the tag @EllieM

Here’s some info on UK meters, and to be clear I have no commercial connections with any of the companies mentioned.

Home Health have recently bought out the Gluco Navii, but I haven’t heard any reviews yet, links to strips and the meter:

There are also discount codes for when you come to buy more strips - "navii5" and "navii10" will give you 20% off purchases of 5 packs of strips and 25% off 10 packs of strips respectively.

Disclaimer, I haven’t used the discount codes that I have quoted recently so I don’t know if they are still current.

Spirit Healthcare have a meter called the Tee2 + found here:

with the strips found here:

Some members have got a free Tee2+ by phoning up to order, with a large order of strips they often throw the meter in for free:

Phone number 0800 8815423

With more expensive strips is their Caresens Dual which I currently use, this one has the advantage of glucose and ketone testing in one machine, it’s to be found here:

If there is a choice of units of measurement then ‘mmol/L’ are the standard units in the UK, ‘mg/dl’ in the US, other countries may vary.

Don’t forget to check the box if you have pre diabetes or diabetes so you can buy VAT free. (for all meters and strips)


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Discounts are still available for the Gluco Navvii monitor it works for me ok.
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