My First home test 8.7 mmol / 156.6


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And having read some of your results, I'm now panicking.
This was taken before morning tea, before eating and before my metformin tablet.

Does this mean that what I ate yesterday was crazy high in sugar and that's still in my blood waiting to be flushed out or overall I am hugely loaded with sugar through long build-up?

This has come as more of a shock to me than being told I was a type 2 diabetic.

Please excuse the panic and your responses will truly be appreciated. Huge thanks.


Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Don’t panic! One of my first tests was 9.3 :nailbiting:
A phrase often used here is, it’s a marathon not a sprint. If you stick with low carbing you should see a gradual reduction in your readings. The first test of the day is often the last to settle down so please bear that in mind.

Edit for typo
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
And having read some of your results, I'm now panicking.
This was taken before morning tea, before eating and before my metformin tablet.

Does this mean that what I ate yesterday was crazy high in sugar and that's still in my blood waiting to be flushed out or overall I am hugely loaded with sugar through long build-up?

This has come as more of a shock to me than being told I was a type 2 diabetic.

Please excuse the panic and your responses will truly be appreciated. Huge thanks.
Relax. Breathe. Really. You're just starting out on this journey, and you're talking about a fasting blood glucose measurement... That's influenced by Dawn Phenomenon. Basically, it's your liver dumping glucose to give you energy to start the day. It thinks it should up your blood sugars to a level it believes you should be at, as in, what you're usually running.... And at this moment, that's still pretty high. It doesn't know any better, it's just trying to help, even if it is a little stupid. So... For your own peace of mind, skip the fasting bloods for the moment, and only test around meals. Morning readings are the last to come down, as it'll be a while before your liver gets used to the new normal, and its stores need to be depleted. That doesn't happen overnight, it can take months. Half a year or so for me actually, and by that time my blood sugars throughout the rest of the day were absolutely normal, and my HbA1c in the normal range. So... Test before a meal and 2 hours after, those are the numbers that'll actually be of use to you at this moment, as they'll tell you whether your meal agreed with you. If they don't go up more than 2.0 mmol/l, or stay well below, that'd be perfection. Keep that up and the fasting blood sugars should follow suit eventually, as your liver catches on. Just check those once every two weeks or something, it'll save you strips you can use for more informative tests.
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Thank you both very much. That's completely put my mind at rest and calmed me down. I didn't know what to make of it. Will skip the fasting bloods for a fortnight and concentrate on meal readings. Great liver explanation, made a lot of sense. Phew!
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It dropped to 6.8 after lunch and 500-mill tablet, but later after dinner - a small pizza - I know - it was made for me by someone who didn't realise and I ate it, - it will be my last one because my mmol shot up to 12.1! I've looked into Fat Head dough already. Wow this is a lifestyle change. Lesson learned on that one.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
It dropped to 6.8 after lunch and 500-mill tablet, but later after dinner - a small pizza - I know - it was made for me by someone who didn't realise and I ate it, - it will be my last one because my mmol shot up to 12.1! I've looked into Fat Head dough already. Wow this is a lifestyle change. Lesson learned on that one.
Hiccups happen. Now you know. ;)


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Diet only
Hello and welcome,

yes I agree the learning curve is steep at the beginning but as you have already seen there are many people on here willing to help and give support.

so it will be okay- you will find that it gets a whole lot easier after a short time. I started with sticking to very low carb foods- eggs, meat fish, cheese and cream for example. I found it a bit difficult to get used to having cream in my coffee rather than milk but now love it. It takes a while to move on from the low fat mantra.

Good luck and welcome.
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exercise, phone calls
I put my T2D into remission even though my Fasting BG readings - those I took which were not often, were still high (6.5 to 7.5).
I found that my BG reading went down as soon as I had a no-carb meal which proved that my BG was only high because of my liver 'being helpful'. Thus since it was below 8.0 I didn't stress about it and started skipping breakfast in order to reduce the average insulin production even further.
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