new type 1 diabetic


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hello, this is my first time posting! I was diagnosed with type one diabetes in October 2016. I am male, 20 years old 5'8 155lbs, before I was diagnosed I was feeling very sick, my symptoms were dry mouth, extreme thirst, no energy, blurred vision and I lost 30 pounds when they weighed me at 120 in the hospital. I spent 4 days in the hospital over thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. I now take novarapid before i eat and lantus at night before bed. I was very concerned when i was first diagnosed that it would be too much work but i got used to using the insulin pens 4 times a day. It felt amazing when I first got on iv for insulin, I felt it through my entire body. and since i've been taking insulin i feel better and more healthy than i did before i had type one, now i carb count and eat healthier. everything happens for a reason i suppose and i'm staying positive about this whole thing.

I'm looking for other fellow diabetics to meet and talk to, I live in Ontario Canada and would love to make some new friends here :)
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Hi @chase623 and welcome - yes it's a big learning curve and there will always be plenty to learn about your diabetes as you go along. It does feel a bit like coming out of a fog when you first get the insulin you need. Ask any questions if you have any they're a friendly bunch here.

How are you getting on a few months down the line from diagnosis?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi @chase623 and welcome - yes it's a big learning curve and there will always be plenty to learn about your diabetes as you go along. It does feel a bit like coming out of a fog when you first get the insulin you need. Ask any questions if you have any they're a friendly bunch here.

How are you getting on a few months down the line from diagnosis?

Yea it's lots to learn, these past few months have been going really well, i'm still learning lots everyday. some days it does get tedious having to take insulin all the time but its really just a small extra step i have to take that all my friends and family know about and understand : )


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you r so positive its very good to read. i kind of had the same mentality when becoming diabetic, around the same time u were diagnosed. but sometimes it gets hard, whenever visiting my grandma she tries helping me by saying i might cure from type 1 to type 2.. its hard to make her understand about type 1, shes been type 2 for 30+ yrs now but totally ignorant abt type 1. she thinks its like different levels of the same disease. shes so sweet tho, she just doesnt want me injecting insulin every day. i live with T1 since i have no other choice, just when hearing silly things it makes me a bit disappointed. i had to quit school a few yrs ago bcoz of some other illness, now it was time for me to go back and finally start living a normal life, but then got this. people always tell me im a weird person, im 18 next months btw. like im doing everything alone, not involving not even my fam in to my things.. i cant explain them. spending my whole teenage years all alone at home, just dont know what people at my age normally do..? i just homestudy the subjects that interest me, spend time with my 2 dogs and look after myself trying to take control over my BG. i dont go out other than shop for dinner or visit my grandma sometimes. with T1 the funny benefits i found is that at least im not that bored anymore bcoz of the dailies i have to do as a T1. well im sure as i get more use to this all diabetic thing i ll be able to do more stuff and maybe, as i planned last year finish my studies.


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I'm looking for other fellow diabetics to meet and talk to, I live in Ontario Canada and would love to make some new friends here :)
Hey I live on Prince Edward Island and have lived in several cities in Ontario. What I find - living in Canada with Type 1 diabetes is that the level of support tends to change based on the province in which you live - hell not just province - but the community in which you live. I've been living with Type 1 for more than 50 years and I must say - this is a great site - I think I like it better than facebook - people will actually take the time to respond sincerely and no one has ****** me off yet LOL.. It's also important to get an alternative view on things.


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It felt amazing when I first got on iv for insulin, I felt it through my entire body.

It's an amazing feeling just getting back to "normal", isn't it? I'd gone from feeling like I was dying to having a ton of energy and being way more alert and responsive than I'd been for weeks.

I hope you continue to carry on with this positive mindset @chase623 :)

All the best and welcome to the forum, I can guarantee you'll learn a lot from here!



Well-Known Member
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you r so positive its very good to read. i kind of had the same mentality when becoming diabetic, around the same time u were diagnosed. but sometimes it gets hard, whenever visiting my grandma she tries helping me by saying i might cure from type 1 to type 2.. its hard to make her understand about type 1, shes been type 2 for 30+ yrs now but totally ignorant abt type 1. she thinks its like different levels of the same disease. shes so sweet tho, she just doesnt want me injecting insulin every day. i live with T1 since i have no other choice, just when hearing silly things it makes me a bit disappointed. i had to quit school a few yrs ago bcoz of some other illness, now it was time for me to go back and finally start living a normal life, but then got this. people always tell me im a weird person, im 18 next months btw. like im doing everything alone, not involving not even my fam in to my things.. i cant explain them. spending my whole teenage years all alone at home, just dont know what people at my age normally do..? i just homestudy the subjects that interest me, spend time with my 2 dogs and look after myself trying to take control over my BG. i dont go out other than shop for dinner or visit my grandma sometimes. with T1 the funny benefits i found is that at least im not that bored anymore bcoz of the dailies i have to do as a T1. well im sure as i get more use to this all diabetic thing i ll be able to do more stuff and maybe, as i planned last year finish my studies.
Like @chase623 you are very positive as well, @miszu, especially in the way you know how you feel and can analyse your reactions, and in the way you understand that your grandma is sweet and only wants the best for you. Being T1 can be frustrating when other people, usually the majority, don't get it, but even that can have a silver lining in that T1s often have a much better idea of how to look after their health than the general population. T1s can get into difficulty if they don't do the learning and the 'homework', but as you say, it's not a boring subject! You sound like you're doing well, so don't take any notice of weird people accusing you of being weird! Just keep going and maybe get back to your studies when the time is right for you.
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@lizdeluz thank you so much.. i find that this community helps a lot, everyones so nice and willing to help. i hope once im more of an expert i can help others too.


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Hi @chase623. Welcome to the forum. There's so much medication to help us T1's get through life. You have found the most effective treatment possible........... positivity.
Good luck going forward, stay strong and use your diabetes to make you bigger and better as a person.


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People who try and make Diabetes the centre of the party and poor me, I'm special because I have diabetes now everyone run around after me.
Welcome to our exclusive club. Things should be starting to become normal, whatever normal is. Don't feel shy to share your successes and challenges, as no one whom is not diabetic especially insulin dependent can really appreciate the challenges you have faced and continue to face. I can guarantee whatever happens someone here has been there done that. The great thing is in this day and age T1 can be regarded as a 'minor' inconvenience if you chooose to, it no longer has to rule your life.