Could anyone explain if there’s a difference between the keytones detected in your urine when you’re on a keto diet v’s the keytones when you’re in DKA. Is there a difference? Does the human body, in particular a diabetics body, distinguish between the two?
Ketones show up when your body uses fats for fuel, it's a bit of a by-product. When you're in nutritional ketosis, you're just burning fat because carbs aren't available, and you have to run on something. If that's the case, blood sugars are usually in a healthy normal range, and it's perfectly fine.
However, when you are having high blood sugars and ketones present, it means your body is burning fats because it's too high on glucose which you can't use (too little insulin, too much insulin insensitivity, you name it). You're basically burning yourself up, while blood sugars are high. The ketones get stacked and you end up with a toxic amount, and you become severely ill. This is more likely to happen in a T1, but for some T2's it can happen when they're on certain medications or there's some perfect storm or other; not a daily occurrence, but it's not impossible.
So they are the same ketones, the question is just what's
causing them, and whether they're there in
combination with high blood sugars. If because of a diet that's going perfectly well and keeping numbers down, yay. If it's because your body's high in glucose (due to diabetes, or it running unusually rampant due to an infection, medication or something), then it's problematic and even dangerous.
The thing is, some docs don't know the difference from one ketone-cause to the next.
Mind you, I had a lot of bladder issues over the years (infections, kidneystones etc), so I had my urine checked regularly. For the first 7 years of that, I'd get a panicky call from the assistants, saying there were ketones in my urine. I'd explain I'd be worried if they weren't there. And in my 8th year as a diabetic I've finally had a brand new assistant on the phone, who wasn't freaking out over my imminent death, but just went "There's ketones present, but you're on a special diet, right?". Sooner or later they will get clued in, even at the GP's practice.
Hope that helps!