Plant Sterols


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Does anybody know much about plant sterols and how they affect BG, cholesterol, anything else? I've had a look around the 'net but would value actual experience more, especially any difficult side effects.


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Sorry, no actual experience of them however there is plenty of quality information on the internet.
But probably not what you want to hear:

The 2 conclusions from this Meta Analysis on Plant Sterols and Blood Glucose seem to contradict each other.

There are plenty of studies which conclude that Plant Sterols do lower LDL Cholesterol. The big BUT is:
they do this by fooling the body that they are animal sterols and thus our bodies don't need to produce as much of our own (animal) Cholesterol.

My question: - Is this a good thing?

Note that: Cholesterol is so important to human brain function that the brain makes it's own supply of cholesterol. Some people claim to have reversed a dementia diagnosis merely by coming off statins. Many others have claimed that statins gave them 'brain fog' including our own @Resurgam.

In people with sitosterolemia, high plant sterol levels have been associated with increased risk of premature atherosclerosis. (Which they were probably taking the plant sterols to try to avoid). Although it is proven that plant stenols can help to reduce LDL Cholesterol, they 'may not reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke'.

So in my opinion- What use are the, unless you want to lower LDL for it's own sake!
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Lamont D

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If you can remember a couple of years back we were inundated with adverts that pronounced that plant sterols were the answer to your health issues.
Apparently, the ads companies are not doing it!
Why, it is the same reason why, 'products are part of a healthy diet' thing!
In other words, if you cut out everything else in the product, plant sterols may be alright!
If I read it right, they are used instead of something unnatural, to claim it is natural.
Same as vegetable oils, palm oil and similar stuff.
It usually is used to help with industrial production, just as industry sugars are!

I'm claiming the fifth amendment in case!


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Thanks for your input. I was thinking that IF they made a difference, however small, I might be able to deflect the constant pressure to take statins by taking the sterols for a few weeks before my annual test. I'm not personally bothered about my LDL (6 when they want 5) and HDL and Triglycerides are more than fine. I have done exhaustive research and so am perfectly happy with my own levels (especially as last reading was slanted to taking an average, so no precision) but could do without the hassle. But I could also do without any adverse effects as I also have heart trouble.


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I used the Dave Feldman 3day protocol in order to try to spoof my LDL lower just before a test.
I only did it once, because my GP finally got the message that i was more concerned about HbA1C, and HDL and Trigs.


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I'm already keto (for life )so as far as I can see, no useful; changes to make there. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
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I do not have diabetes
Unless you have heart issues yourself, you do not need statins!
Regardless of what doctors told you.


Well-Known Member
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I have no intention of taking statins - I was just thinking that if a short course of plant sterols would take my LDL into the medics' happy range for the duration of the annual check, it would save me the constant nagging.