Been prescribed Sertraline for depression and anxiety. I don’t dare take it as apparently it can make it more difficult to keep blood sugar stable. Plus all of the other side effects!
How about trying it in the lowest dosages, and seeing what it gets you in terms of side effects...? You won't get the perks, most likely, especially since most SSRI's need a while to work, but side effects tend to crop up mighty fast, if they're going to be there. So you'll know what's what and go from there: gradually increase or don't go there at all. Some side effects can be a pain in the rear, but abate after two weeks. The bulk of them don't have to show up at all. Maybe it ups your blood sugars a little, but for all you know it's a steady rise and you can take care of it with just a few moderate adjustments. Something to discuss with your team or your chemist? How badly do you need help, chemically? Because if it is a matter of survival, or having a vastly better quality of life, it's likely worth a shot. And if it's not for you, then you can always say so.
The thing is this... The benefits of this drug might outweigh any issues it may give you. It is something to discuss with your team, but in the end, you're the patient, you decide. But like
@LittleGreyCat said, they do need to know if something's being taken or not.
Also, well... Ye gods, I never thought I'd say this, but... Therapy? Have you tried it? No idea if you have, sorry if I missed it or forgot (Thanks, ADHD), but my anxiety and depression have been helped quite a bit though something called Schema Therapy. ( ) mainly because I was running out of options and I thought I'd try it before my options ran down to zero. It's nowhere near as scary and upsetting as EMDR can be, you just learn to approach yourself with some much-deserved kindness. Sounds simple, but it isn't. And when you learn where certain (anxious) responses come from, you can dial a panic down a notch by realising just how (un)realistic your fears are, where they come from, and just... Defuse the situation before you run into a full-on panic attack or melt down. I have a couple of melt-downs a month now, if that, and they're short. Used to be ten or so per week, sometimes multiple times a day, especially on the weekends. I dunno. My situation is entirely different from yours, and I realise that... But I just want you to know that even if this medication isn't an option for you, because you don't want to take it, or because you try it and don't like any side effects that come up (and maybe none will!), there's usually more options... I mean, Amytriptiline could maybe help too (also for depression and anxiety), or anything that just makes you feel.... Like the person you want to be, who you are underneith the depression and the fear.
Whatever happens next, whatever you decide... Try showing yourself a little kindness. It's as good a start as any, and no side effects.
