Step into Spring


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Lol! I moved my lazy ar$e this morning. I tried running for the first time in over three weeks - it was more of a 'shuffle', but my knees held up and now I feel great! (Mind you I won't get ahead of myself as I only managed a few hundred yards before I began to creak, but it's a start right?!):)
More sorting today @Pipp?
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Lol! I moved my lazy ar$e this morning. I tried running for the first time in over three weeks - it was more of a 'shuffle', but my knees held up and now I feel great! (Mind you I won't get ahead of myself as I only managed a few hundred yards before I began to creak, but it's a start right?!):)
More sorting today @Pipp?
Been to the tip already. Loft is empty. Been shopping. Intend to have a short walk, 10 mins max, then go to aquafit before dinner tonight. Tired, but working out while I can.
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But yes, there will be a lot more sorting for several weeks yet. Incentive is that we do not have a break away from home until some of the major jobs are done. Ned new roof, rewire, bathroom refit, and full refurbishment of all rooms.

Short hol after each job is done.
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cold ethyl

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10 minutes peddling and 25 minutes walk. In my excitement at winning pub quiz last night I left my credit card in the tab machine so had to walk from there into town after reclaiming my card and settling my tab.
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
Well done on the pub quiz CE :).

Just taken advantage of some fine weather in between the rain and walked for 50 minutes.
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But yes, there will be a lot more sorting for several weeks yet. Incentive is that we do not have a break away from home until some of the major jobs are done. Ned new roof, rewire, bathroom refit, and full refurbishment of all rooms.

Short hol after each job is done.

Ouch! lots to do and lots of spending - we've done our roof but I think our rewiring will have to wait until we buy a winning lottery ticket! :(


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Ouch! lots to do and lots of spending - we've done our roof but I think our rewiring will have to wait until we buy a winning lottery ticket! :(

If we can get the really messy stuff out of the way soon, by the time the weather improves, and the daylight lasts longer we can enjoy the great outdoors.

Hopefully this year!

So keeping motivated, and determined, no sloping off for a skive / break away until roof is done.
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If we can get the really messy stuff out of the way soon, by the time the weather improves, and the daylight lasts longer we can enjoy the great outdoors.

Hopefully this year!

So keeping motivated, and determined, no sloping off for a skive / break away until roof is done.

LOL! That's the spirit!


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To update, today I have spent 1 hour 10 mins sorting and packing, loading car, then unloading at tip; 10 mins walking at retail park, 15 mins vacuuming carpets, 12 mins rushing around supermarket (not many shoppers in there, so I held the trolley for support and raced round as I didn't want to be late for the pool); 15 mins swim then 45 aquafit exercise. I was flagging after that, so now have my feet up. Expect to feel knackered tomorrow, but on days I feel ok I do as much as I can. They don't happen that often!
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not much
Well I've been on the bike everyday. It does seem to have been easier the last 2 days, although I have noticed that my stomach aches a bit afterwards. Maybe this means I'm toning my stomach? I'm still not managing long on there but building it up slowly.
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30 min walk at lunch time... 5 mins after I got back it poured with rain which was lucky
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Well I've been on the bike everyday. It does seem to have been easier the last 2 days, although I have noticed that my stomach aches a bit afterwards. Maybe this means I'm toning my stomach? I'm still not managing long on there but building it up slowly.

Building up slowly is the correct way. People often make the mistake of too much, too soon, then either injure themselves or get bored, or think it is too difficult.

I am going to heed that advice, because I am prone to pushing myself too hard when I feel well then setting myself back. So tomorrow I will have a less hectic day and do some gentle exercise and less strenuous activity.

Slow and steady wins the race.
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Did a 60 minute walk this morning while the sun was out and before the forecast storms arrive later. Went on one of the 'alternative' walks across the river this time.

Looking up the River Teign


Dartmoor in the distance with a bit of snow on


Teignmouth with the back (river) beach and the Jurassic Coast across Lyme Bay in the background


A bunch of dozing oystercatchers, with a few cormorants, gulls, crows, other waders and a heron

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Not very well today. Dragged myself out for short walk to collect prescription, visit to son's dog (bless that little dog, for needing me today as I wouldn't have gone out in the cold for just anyone). That only took me a total of 28 mins with a few sit downs inbetween walks, so I still have to push myself to do a bit more. Not going to beat myself up about it, as the cold weather really affects me, and it is bitterly cold today. Will do some strength exercises instead to make up the time. Pilates moves lying down suits me today.

Not all activity / exercise needs to be cardio workout.

That's my excuse and I am sticking with it. Anyone want to argue?
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Not very well today. Dragged myself out for short walk to collect prescription, visit to son's dog (bless that little dog, for needing me today as I wouldn't have gone out in the cold for just anyone). That only took me a total of 28 mins with a few sit downs inbetween walks, so I still have to push myself to do a bit more. Not going to beat myself up about it, as the cold weather really affects me, and it is bitterly cold today. Will do some strength exercises instead to make up the time. Pilates moves lying down suits me today.

Not all activity / exercise needs to be cardio workout.

That's my excuse and I am sticking with it. Anyone want to argue?

Lol!, nobody could accuse you of not being motivated @Pipp! I think you've got more get up and go than all of us put together!
I was pleased today I managed another run - this time I managed about a mile. (I say a run, really more of a shuffle combined with the odd hoppety walk!) :p
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Did a 60 minute walk this morning while the sun was out and before the forecast storms arrive later. Went on one of the 'alternative' walks across the river this time.

Looking up the River Teign

View attachment 10761

Dartmoor in the distance with a bit of snow on

View attachment 10762

Teignmouth with the back (river) beach and the Jurassic Coast across Lyme Bay in the background

View attachment 10763

A bunch of dozing oystercatchers, with a few cormorants, gulls, crows, other waders and a heron

View attachment 10764

Stunning @sanguine! The colours pop and I think it must be because the quality of the light is so good. Crisp, clear and bright!:snaphappy:


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Lol!, nobody could accuse you of not being motivated @Pipp! I think you've got more get up and go than all of us put together!
I was pleased today I managed another run - this time I managed about a mile. (I say a run, really more of a shuffle combined with the odd hoppety walk!) :p

Hoppety walking sounds like a good activity. Maybe I should try some of that in amongst my shuffling. Mor perhaps incorporate it into the prone Pilates moves.
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
Stunning @sanguine! The colours pop and I think it must be because the quality of the light is so good. Crisp, clear and bright!:snaphappy:

Thanks Bebo! It was certainly a beautiful sunny morning, too good to miss. Horrible out now though, rain and strong SW winds.


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Garlic bread
Walking up steep hills
ImageUploadedByDCUK Forum1421259715.150880.jpg

Snow started last night so couldn't walk as if fell on frozen ground so last night I did a bit of nightie dancing in my living room .
Tonight the snows gone but it's to cold to go in my wet garage so I'm going to walk up and down the stairs during the adverts as @Pipp. I'm not skiving I'm doing it .
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