Weekly weigh in - Fridays


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Happy Friday!

This week's average is 84.5kg (last week's 84.9kg, a difference of -0.4kg). I'm glad to see some loss here as over the week, my weight been really yo-yoing up and down.

Today's weigh-in 83.9kg (last Friday's 83.8kg., +0.1kg). Despite weight going slightly up, my body fat percentage has gone down from 17.3% to 16.2% week on week (had to find a positive! ). Current target 80kg. 3.9kg to go from today.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Good morning weight warriors.

Wow, @filly that is a great loss this week!

Same for you @Art Of Flowers down .4kg is fabulous.

Don't worry about the 100g gain @TheSecretCarbAddict it looks like you are building muscle and losing fat, which is really good.

Well done @MrPeaky for weighing in this week!


I lost 1lb this week, which is what I am now aiming to lose each week until goal. I am doing a lot more exercise and I need to be eating sufficiently to fuel that.


Well-Known Member
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I just discovered this thread and got so excited to start posting. I’ve been on a fitness journey since last year with good results. But, then I realized this is under Type 2 and I’m type 1. Oh well….I’ll see if type 1 has one like this.?…….I just saw another Type 1, who’s posting here, so will I.

I’ll make it a point to post on Fridays. This past past Friday, I had lost 2 more pounds. I’m in US, so that’s .907 kg, I think. Bringing my total loss to 78 pounds. I’m nearing my goal, but then there’s maintenance. That will require my focus.
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
I just discovered this thread and got so excited to start posting. I’ve been on a fitness journey since last year with good results. But, then I realized this is under Type 2 and I’m type 1. Oh well….I’ll see if type 1 has one like this.?…….I just saw another Type 1, who’s posting here, so will I.

I’ll make it a point to post on Fridays. This past past Friday, I had lost 2 more pounds. I’m in US, so that’s .907 kg, I think. Bringing my total loss to 78 pounds. I’m nearing my goal, but then there’s maintenance. That will require my focus.
Hello and welcome, Prancy. Yes, of course, it will be great to have you here too. Well done on your amazing loss so far, that's fantastic.
This is a great thread, with a lot of encouragement, it's helped me lose over 100lbs in a year.
See you on Friday!
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Well-Known Member
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Hello and welcome, Prancy. Yes, of course, it will be great to have you here too. Well done on your amazing loss so far, that's fantastic.
This is a great thread, with a lot of encouragement, it's helped me lose over 100lbs in a year.
See you on Friday!
Thank you! And yours is really amazing!
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Happy Friday!

This week's average is 83.7kg (last week's 84.5kg, a difference of -0.8kg).

Today's weigh-in was 82.4 kg (last Friday's 83.9kg., -1.5kg). Current target 80kg. 2.4kg to go from today.

A three day fast this week seems to have reset my daily weight yo-yo as well as BG climb). Some days / weeks, this feels like really hard work, but I'm grateful to this thread for keeping my accountability levels up and helping me push through!



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Hello everyone - another Friday is here already and we bravely step on the scales again!

@TheSecretCarbAddict that is a great weight loss this week and wow, you are so close to target.

@Art Of Flowers - woohoo! That is a fabulous loss, amazing!

@filly that is so annoying for you, grrr! I hope you don't feel too bad about it as the scales can be fickle beasts and don't really reflect about who we are as people.

@May Mic that is a super loss this week, well done!


I managed to lose 1.5lbs this week, which I am really happy about. One of my biggest achievements recently is managing to do Parkrun every Saturday - this time last year, there was no chance!

Have a great bank holiday weekend everyone (in the UK) and see you next Friday!