What do you have for breakfast?


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Diet only
I usually have a piece of sourdough bread with peanut butter and my blood sugar spikes to around 8.5-9 after 2 hours of eating. I was wondering if anyone else experiences this and what else should I be considering to have for a quick meal before work?


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
I usually have a piece of sourdough bread with peanut butter and my blood sugar spikes to around 8.5-9 after 2 hours of eating. I was wondering if anyone else experiences this and what else should I be considering to have for a quick meal before work?

Hi. I always found breakfast the hardest to stay true to a low carb diet with because I loved my cereal and croisssants! I still manage/sneak some here and there these days if my waking levels are nice and low..but when I was first trying to get things under control, I had to avoid them completely along with bread of any kind. I did find that, apart from omelettes or fried egg and bacon etc, slices of smoked cheese (no carbs at all) were really good (I got mine from Sainsbury's - who also do slices of dried bacon..again no carbs). Depending on where you are...there's Lidl protein rolls which are delicious and low in carbs; you can freeze them with no problems...I half them in two usually but eating a whole one doesn't spike me.


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I case you're not yet sure of the impact of carbohydrates...they turn to glucose in your system. I'd advise you stick to foods that are 10g of carb or less per 100g...some peanut butter is ok, some is not so low. It will be the bread that's pushing your blood sugar up.


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Diet only
I case you're not yet sure of the impact of carbohydrates...they turn to glucose in your system. I'd advise you stick to foods that are 10g of carb or less per 100g...some peanut butter is ok, some is not so low. It will be the bread that's pushing your blood sugar up.

Yeah after I was diagnosed I saw a dietician and they mentioned eating sourdough was okay but then when I read up about carbs in general it seems like I wasn't allowed any sort of bread. Some articles says it's fine, some articles say it's not fine, it's really have to find a clear answer to what you can and can't eat .
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Low carb sausage and/or fried eggs. I fancied Weetabix and milk one morning a few weeks ago. I was wearing a Libre sensor at the time and gave myself a fright. Weetabix are now definitely off the menu.


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Diet only
Low carb sausage and/or fried eggs. I fancied Weetabix and milk one morning a few weeks ago. I was wearing a Libre sensor at the time and gave myself a fright. Weetabix are now definitely off the menu.

Yep... I had that experience with weet-bix.... even with 1


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I have 2 sticks of gluten and sugar free pepperoni or two hard boiled eggs cold from the fridge with salt or mayo.
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Yeah after I was diagnosed I saw a dietician and they mentioned eating sourdough was okay but then when I read up about carbs in general it seems like I wasn't allowed any sort of bread. Some articles says it's fine, some articles say it's not fine, it's really have to find a clear answer to what you can and can't eat .
I just looked at the label of the box of Homepride flour which is (still) in my cupboard. 75.6% carbohydrate. This sugar stored as long chain polymers of glucose.

I have a graphical image which goes like this. Lay out some sugar cubes in the shape of a slice of bread. Take a quarter of them away and eat what's left.

....or you can look at Dr. Unwins graphic.


Whether or not bread (flour) is fine is up to you to decide but I would argue with anyone who said it was all fine.


Retired Moderator
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I no longer eat breakfast but when I did it was something very low or zero carb - eggs (boiled or poached), bacon, crustless quiche (which I made in batches and kept in the freezer for a quick meal on the go), smoked salmon, cheese and cold meats.


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Yeah after I was diagnosed I saw a dietician and they mentioned eating sourdough was okay but then when I read up about carbs in general it seems like I wasn't allowed any sort of bread. Some articles says it's fine, some articles say it's not fine, it's really have to find a clear answer to what you can and can't eat .

The only way to find out what impact certain foods have on us as individuals (one man's sourdough bread is another man's bowl of sugar puffs etc.) is to test before and about 2.5 hours after eating anything we haven't yet tested and to record the times, readings and the kind of food. May seem a bit OCD but it is very useful indeed.
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Type 2
Hello, I tend to skip breakfast, but when I do have some it's usually Greek yoghurt with a few nuts and berries, or bacon and halloumi, have a look at the diet doctor website, lots of lovely ideas.

Hope you find something nice, it can be hard in the beginning , but you have come to the right place and the lovely people here have a wealth of experience and advice which they can share. X


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During the week I have two soft boiled eggs, or three if I've been swimming first thing.

Often I have bacon and scrambled eggs at the weekends, sometimes with mushrooms, sausages, tomatoes or black pudding.



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Type 2
Mmm forgot about black pudding @Snapsy, may have to get some when the shops open, it will make a lovely addition to my bacon and halloumi x


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Yeah after I was diagnosed I saw a dietician and they mentioned eating sourdough was okay but then when I read up about carbs in general it seems like I wasn't allowed any sort of bread. Some articles says it's fine, some articles say it's not fine, it's really have to find a clear answer to what you can and can't eat .
Well your readings tell you that sourdough isn't good for you whatever the dietician said.
I gave up breakfast when diagnosed and just have a hot drink or two. Tea with lactofree milk is my choice. Otherwise it would be eggs of some kind with bacon. I would recommend trying to skip it though to extend your overnight fast. Combined with a very low carb diet it has had a great effect on my blood sugar levels.


Staff Member
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Diet only
Mmm forgot about black pudding @Snapsy, may have to get some when the shops open, it will make a lovely addition to my bacon and halloumi x
Be careful with black pudding it can be quite carby- check the label - I love black pudding but only have it if I don't have any other carbs - they do vary though usually like sausages the more expensive the less carbs:)
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Yeah after I was diagnosed I saw a dietician and they mentioned eating sourdough was okay but then when I read up about carbs in general it seems like I wasn't allowed any sort of bread. Some articles says it's fine, some articles say it's not fine, it's really have to find a clear answer to what you can and can't eat .

Eat to your meter is the answer :) Low carb can be up to 130g carbs per day, but some people can tolerate far fewer.

Your profile says you're on insulin - is that correct? If not, you can change it through your Profile :)


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Be careful with black pudding it can be quite carby
Good point! But all that yummy bacon grease I have with it tempers the rise a little. Some brands have oatmeal in, some don't - I've tried quite a few and am happy to report I have yet to meet a black pudding I don't like.

But yes, watch out for the carbs.

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People who think they know everything.
If I'm in the mood then breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. Regulars in this house are:

Boiled eggs with buttered Lidl protein roll soldiers
Fried or poached egg on a cut in half and toasted Lidl protein roll
Eggs and bacon
Fresh mackerel fried in butter
2-3 eggs omelettes - nice wrapped around a spoonful of spicy salsa
Cold hard boiled eggs
Cold low carb sausages (or hot, of course)
Coffee with double cream
Crustless quiche - cheese and smoked ham is my favourite
Bacon, eggs, low carb sausages, tinned/grilled tomato, mushrooms fried in butteer
Lidl roll filled with bacon or low carb sausages
Cold plate of boiled egg, ham, smoked cheese and a rollmop
Kippers with or without a poached egg on top
Smoked haddock with a poached egg on top
Greek yoghurt over a few berries with chopped nuts on the top
Protein pancakes
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Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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