"What have you eaten" Parallel Chat


Well-Known Member
Good morning all. Rain is easing off so I'm going over to Sleaford to get some very low carb sausages. The butcher there invented them when he went to Slimming World and they are really nice and I am a great fan of sausages. @ANTJE, the putting-back of the mast must have been a bit scary as well as exciting. Belated Happy Birthday @MrsA2. Hope the rain doesn't spoil everyone's day. :)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
This morning's food is being swept under the carpet. Not going to talk about it but there was no meal to speak of.

I suppose I should do something about some kind of a meal today but I'm not sure I can be bothered. Not feeling low or anything, just can't be bothered and not feeling hungry. Probably just tired and finding the effort of climbing over boxes to try to get into cupboards a bit too much. Hurting rather a lot too so it just doesn't seem worth the pain to try to make food.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Gosh what a wet day - wonder if Rishi noticed!
Another hungry day today for me - think being mainly indoors didn't help! Although I did my weight training which I'm still doing. It's fairly light weights - but important thing is to keep going.
Breakfast hm kefir then fried a few tomatoes, one slice of bacon and egg with low carb toast
Lunch a few bits of cheese, LC seeded crackers with kimchi followed by a couple of strawberries with hm yoghurt then four squares of 90% chocolate
Dinner roast chicken with a chipolata sausage, asparagus and glass of dry white wine. Just had LC chocolate brownie with decaffeinated coffee.
@RosemaryJackson I love sausages too but as you know you really do have to check ingredients the more pork the better - some have very long ingredients lists! Good that you have a reliable butcher.
@Annb hope your pain and tiredness reduces and you get a good overnight rest.
I've got a very busy day tomorrow but will catch up when I can. Early night planned so that I've got energy to whizz around.


Retired Moderator
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Wish me luck, I'll drop off my car tomorrow for its yearly APK (Dutch MOT) tomorrow, the APK will take place on wednesday.
My car is a Citroën C3 from 2001. I've already written a note on how to start the car to stick to the steering wheel for the mechanics...

"To start:
- Turn key to contact.
- Turn on ceiling light.
- Start. (Won't start if the ceiling light is off.)
Keep ceiling light on at all times or blinkers, dashboard and some other stuff won't work.
Turn off headlights before turning off ceiling light or the headlights won't turn off and you'll drain my battery.
Turn off ceiling light before turning off the engine or the ceiling light will keep burning."

Otherwise, my car works perfectly fine but you'll understand why I can use some crossed fingers...
If the car survives this week, I plan to visit the UK with it in October, so you might consider crossing your fingers for a different outcome. :hilarious:
My car completely unexpectedly made it through the MOT today, only some minor repairs! :joyful: :joyful: :joyful: :joyful: :joyful:
Ferry tickets for the UK will be booked next week, please give way if you see a battered old green Citroën C3 with yellow number plates and a smiley face on the hood during the first 2 weeks of october, this driving on the wrong side of the road is HARD!



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fairly low carb day, I'm doing more intermittent fasting at the moment though, and having some carbs that should definitely be off the menu. I am taking my diabetes meds again while having carbs, and not overeating, so bloods are not bad.

Interesting chat about musical appliances and gadgets, my washing machine sings a little ditty when I wake it up, then a whole tune when the cycle is finished, to which I always hum along and respectfully let it finish before opening the door!

@LivingLightly do you think it might be a battery low warning? I remember my mum's hearing aids used to "sing" to her when they were low.

@shelley262 I don't like being stuck indoors in the summer, every room is too close to the kitchen! I got myself out of the house and ran some errands I was putting off in favour of doing the garden in the good weather, but this afternoon I've been mournfully gazing at my sodden garden wondering if we will have any more summer this year.

@Antje77 what an achievement to have been part of that amazing ship work! It must have been very satisfying.

@MrsA2 happy belated birthday!

@RosemaryJackson I have given up on sausages, after the expensive low-ingredient ones became very tough and had gristle in :bigtears:, but I'm sure in the future I will try again. I might try making my own if I feel adventurous.

@Annb big hugs for the hurting x


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My car completely unexpectedly made it through the MOT today, only some minor repairs! :joyful: :joyful: :joyful: :joyful: :joyful:
Ferry tickets for the UK will be booked next week, please give way if you see a battered old green Citroën C3 with yellow number plates and a smiley face on the hood during the first 2 weeks of october, this driving on the wrong side of the road is HARD!

View attachment 67809
The winner rating is for the little green car.:)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorry to inform you all that's its lovely and sunny here on holiday. A sudden hail storm this evening merely meant we had to stay longer in the restaurant, yes more wine :)

Food today was a low carb breakfast.
Pork scratchings and a biscuit for lunch.
A wonderful selection of local antipasti (cheeses, neat, mushrooms, olives etc) for dinner


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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My car completely unexpectedly made it through the MOT today, only some minor repairs! :joyful: :joyful: :joyful: :joyful: :joyful:
Ferry tickets for the UK will be booked next week, please give way if you see a battered old green Citroën C3 with yellow number plates and a smiley face on the hood during the first 2 weeks of october, this driving on the wrong side of the road is HARD!

View attachment 67809
Were they able to fix your cars idiosyncrasies though or is it still it’s loveable self?


Retired Moderator
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Were they able to fix your cars idiosyncrasies though or is it still it’s loveable self?
Still very much electronically confused.
But the Dutch MOT has a fixed list of points, and no-one thought to add a spontaneously evolving immobiliser located in the ceiling light to the list so I'm all good. :joyful:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Interesting chat about musical appliances and gadgets, my washing machine sings a little ditty when I wake it up, then a whole tune when the cycle is finished, to which I always hum along and respectfully let it finish before opening the door!

@LivingLightly do you think it might be a battery low warning? I remember my mum's hearing aids used to "sing" to her when they were low.
That had crossed my mind @jpscloud. Oddly, the accompanying manual, printed in four different languages, makes no mention of it!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all, love the smiley face on the car @Antje77 I thought you had added it on your photo! @RosemaryJackson nice to have a low carb sausage option ,we too have gone off the ones available here definitely a drop in quality. Hope you have a better day @Annb
Sun appears to be out at the moment, off for late birthday lunch and shopping with my sister. Have a good day everyone
B Yog,seeds,blueberries
L Scrambled egg and avocado on livlife toast
D Bolognese on shredded cabbage and mushrooms


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
First belated happy birthday wishes @MrsA2 your holiday sounds wonderful. Re sausages I buy Sainsburys Taste the Difference pork (97%) sausages which are not too coarsely cut. Can’t bear gristle yuk! @Annb hope you perk up soon loved the story about Banksie even if he was a naughty boy. @Antje77 that little green car is super cute!
So back to Wednesday’s food.
Brekkie my usial slice LC toast, copious tea.
Lunch two h/b eggs mayo and leaves on slice bread.
Regular (new) mug of Yorkshire Biscuit Tea.
Supper was two Green Cuisine plant burgers topped with largePortobello mushrooms all baked in the oven.
Today same brekkie.
Lunch will be chunks of Red Storm and Emmenthal with spoon celeriac coleslaw.
No doubt mug of Biscuit tea which feels like an afternoon treat.
Supper will be Thai chicken stir fry with pepper matchsticks and a few noodles.


Type of diabetes
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Breakfast was cheddar cheese melted over RyVita. That's blown my carb ration for the day.

Feeling rather nauseous again but it's only started since I got home from getting my legs bandaged, so probably not the cheese.

Been feeling light headed and a bit dizzy for the last few days so decided to check my BP this morning. It was 133/55 which, for me, is very low, so maybe that's why. Perhaps I should ease off on the new BP pills a bit.

Going out for a meal this evening at the house of some new friends - a young couple from Shri Lanka. Will it be Shri Lankan food or European? Hope it won't be too carb heavy, but will just have to wait and see what it is and then dose for it.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Another hotel. Amazing location but both the pool and the breakfast are disappointing. Huge numbers of people, mostly tourists in a town we visited today, so had to console myself with a whole ice cream to myself.
Staying 97% in bg range, which for a holiday is brilliant.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I do love a late celebration @sueh21. It makes the whole birthday experience last that little bit longer.
Me too! Had a nice time catching up with my sister,that’s it now though, back to normal:)
B Yog,raspberries,seeds
L Chilli and garlic King prawns,salad,glass of white wine
D Cheese,olives,Olinas crackers
Enjoy the Bank Holiday everyone


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Treatment type
The food at last evening's meal was a mixture of Shri Lankan and European - all very carb heavy. I ended up with a few spoons of dhal, for which I took a fairly big dose of insulin. BG still went high and was still just short of 9.0 when I went to bed, but down to 5.1 this morning, so all's well. Very charming family but their little boy really wasn't well. I daresay they were glad when we left.

Still hungry when I got home so had a couple of ready cooked, chicken drumsticks in h/m barbecue sauce. Never made that before so it was a bit of trial and error - which in my case means make a start and chuck dollops of things in to the mix and see what it comes out like. I did use a bit of sugar, but the drumsticks were only painted with a thin coating of it so carbs couldn't have amounted to much.

So far today, only tea. BG still in the 5's. Have to think about breakfast soon.
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Bit hectic last few days as looking after youngest sons dog plus had to get eldest disabled son to dentists for treatment yesterday before we picked up Cooper dog. He needed five diazepam to get their dentists so not an easy day.
Breakfast two boiled eggs and LC roll
No lunch as out
Late(for me) Dinner roast chicken leftovers and salad then four squares of 90% chocolate
Skipped breakfast as hectic
Lunch two egg mushroom and cheese omelette followed by last four squares of 90% chocolate
Dinner salmon with asparagus then LC brownie and decaffeinated coffee.
I noticed from a forum post on another thread that the bakery that bakes the low carb company's pizza bases and bread also sells direct and bonus it's cheaper plus you only have to spend £20 for free delivery here's a link to their pizza bases which are £1 cheaper direct per pack of four plus you can do smaller order to get free delivery. The pizza bases delivered had low carb food so labels on them so they are the same see:

Funny thing though when I opened my delivery they had added a freebie with my low carb goodies a full carb gingerbread dog. They also bake full carb goodies.

Good job I wasn't tempted - I've put it to one side to take over to youngest son when take Cooper back.