What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes thank you. Mix it in with my "porridge" - 50 gms flaxseed, 2 tsps of this, 2 tsps inulin, 130 gms warm water, 170 gms Fage 0%, 30-34 gms raspberries, Yes, I weigh it all to the gm. Also may or may not set an Alexa alarm for 10.48 and 30 secs for prep time;) I'm a slap happy sorta guy like that.
Yes, that is exactly what I do. Everything is weighed and entered into Fat Secret. I cannot judge the weight of anything.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen, penguins and all who emulate penguins.

A 5.3 this morning on that scheming meter of deception and plotting.

It's national bin day and the bunting is ready, hmmmmm perhaps the bunting is out for the game of foot the ball tonight. Mrs J will be torn between the game of hit the ball across the net while grunting and kick the ball into the fishing net and rolling around on the pitch if another participant looks at them.

Well fellow posters, painters and gamers as you can infer me and me's are not fans of watching sport, but in my youth did play numerous sports, some to a higher standard than others.
Time to go and take medication, contemplate the forth coming unlocking and generally get on with life, the universe and everything, whoops a bit of Douglas Adams slipped in.

Stays, remember them.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Whalebone ones? Just how old are you alf?:angelic:

Not as old as those whale bones at Whitby, but more ancient than you Ian. I sadly remember the banning of free corporal punishment at school, these days you have to pay for simple pleasures in life . Well you did ask.
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Glorious day of sunshine and pleasantly warm temperatures at c.20 deg C with a light breeze. Went to Lidl this am to get most of stuff for week but not meat.
I hope they keep the mask rule and social distancing...I heard a rumour that they may.

I have been having problems with my bp for some time now and I am going to have a 24 hour monitor on tomorrow.

Sometimes its extremely high and not controlled and after lunch it goes extremely low and I have to rest.
The low after lunch may be caused by the small amount of carb in some white beans and an apple I have at lunch but this is extreme post prandial hypotension.
I do have broccoli, three large eggs and full fat Greek yoghurt with the apple as well.

I also need to regulate when I take my bp meds.
It is still really hard seeing our doctors and as the pandemic spreads again it will get much worse.

One has to be able to manage ones own health and they won't let patients at our surgery see their own blood results anymore.

Sorry, just having a little moan cos I like to be in control!;)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Glorious day of sunshine and pleasantly warm temperatures at c.20 deg C with a light breeze. Went to Lidl this am to get most of stuff for week but not meat.
I hope they keep the mask rule and social distancing...I heard a rumour that they may.

I have been having problems with my bp for some time now and I am going to have a 24 hour monitor on tomorrow.

Sometimes its extremely high and not controlled and after lunch it goes extremely low and I have to rest.
The low after lunch may be caused by the small amount of carb in some white beans and an apple I have at lunch but this is extreme post prandial hypotension.
I do have broccoli, three large eggs and full fat Greek yoghurt with the apple as well.

I also need to regulate when I take my bp meds.
It is still really hard seeing our doctors and as the pandemic spreads again it will get much worse.

One has to be able to manage ones own health and they won't let patients at our surgery see their own blood results anymore.

Sorry, just having a little moan cos I like to be in control!;)
Perfectly understandable to want to take back control Derek. GPs and blood results now seem to be covered by DORA here as well. Take care and have as many little moans as you want. You've earned the right privilege (can't abide the right) , IMHO


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
One has to be able to manage ones own health and they won't let patients at our surgery see their own blood results anymore.
We have never been able to see our own blood results in Wales @lindisfel
So, that leaves me devoid of a lot of useful information. Which would help me control my conditions if I knew about them.


I see when we get to the end of July when an enormous amount of personal lateral flow testing will be required in the 100,000 cases a day wave that is due to come. They will stop the free tests, so if you want to stop paying for a time get your free ones now.
Of course they may change something to make you buy the latest version.
This is known as levelling up!
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There's a glaring problem with the Johnson strategy.
It doesn't need all variables putting into a double differential max min problem!
There will come a time when so many people are self isolating the system will grind to halt and only the young will be out and about.
Sad to hear the findings from Israel indicate
the pfizer doesn't cope well with new variants.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tired of waiting for GP to contact me so I phoned for blood test results from June 28th. Must be some rum coves in Forest Heath as I'm apparently "all normal." I know the headline figures but am picking up a full printout ahead of things appearing on the NHS App (eventually). Swipey was - 0.5 out for A1c - I was expecting it to be -2 or 3. Looks like PE is here to stay and y'all will have me about a while longer. Sorry.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
And I thought that you were at South Yorkshire Police Complex


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Glorious day of sunshine and pleasantly warm temperatures at c.20 deg C with a light breeze. Went to Lidl this am to get most of stuff for week but not meat.
I hope they keep the mask rule and social distancing...I heard a rumour that they may.

I have been having problems with my bp for some time now and I am going to have a 24 hour monitor on tomorrow.

Sometimes its extremely high and not controlled and after lunch it goes extremely low and I have to rest.
The low after lunch may be caused by the small amount of carb in some white beans and an apple I have at lunch but this is extreme post prandial hypotension.
I do have broccoli, three large eggs and full fat Greek yoghurt with the apple as well.

I also need to regulate when I take my bp meds.
It is still really hard seeing our doctors and as the pandemic spreads again it will get much worse.

One has to be able to manage ones own health and they won't let patients at our surgery see their own blood results anymore.

Sorry, just having a little moan cos I like to be in control!;)
Moan away - it’s good for your health
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
There's a glaring problem with the Johnson strategy.
It doesn't need all variables putting into a double differential max min problem!
There will come a time when so many people are self isolating that system will grind to halt and only the young will be out and about.
Sad to hear the findings from Israel indicate
the pfizer doesn't cope well with new variants.
Is he playing Buridan’s donkey :wacky: ?
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tired of waiting for GP to contact me so I phoned for blood test results from June 28th. Must be some rum coves in Forest Heath as I'm apparently "all normal." I know the headline figures but am picking up a full printout ahead of things appearing on the NHS App (eventually). Swipey was - 0.5 out for A1c - I was expecting it to be -2 or 3. Looks like PE is here to stay and y'all will have me about a while longer. Sorry.
Blimey - they must be using the same vague system of measurement that my GP surgery is using - got the same result and had to press them for the actual readings. Normal indeed - what an insult.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Sainsbury's stock Nanny State. Interestingly, the craft beer loving son thinks Brewdog is very acceptable. Pre LC I liked American and French/Belgiun beers. Kinda stopped drinking beer once I gave up team sport - no giants emptying watering cans in my glass or me buying them for runs/wickets/.tries. I know these work for some. This is interesting

Cheers for that link.

Interesting test.

And in time honoured "Web space" I then followed another link and found THIS


Seems to have been 2018..year I got DX,
So I had more pressing issues at the time, and was just beginning my journey into better health by better food.
But I've now watched it.

Absorbing, but I realise others may not find it so enthralling or have the time.
For my money
16 27 34 & 44 mins, there abouts make pertinent points about carbs etc.
And are worth dipping a toe into for just a few minutes at least.

Yes some has been discussed on the forum, but it was nice to see the reasoning & possible benefits etc

Everyday's a school day, on here.:D
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Blimey - they must be using the same vague system of measurement that my GP surgery is using - got the same result and had to press them for the actual readings. Normal indeed - what an insult.
Nor sure that NFFH has the same derogatory connotations as NFN but looking at some of the locals I'm aspiring to something slightly more grandiose than normal.;)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Popeye was a little hangdog when I went to check him in potting shed. So I brought him in. He didn't want to come in, potting shed is much cooler. Gave him some paste meds off my finger, which he loves. Made a cuppa, took him to bed. He fell asleep in the crook of my arm, and I promptly fell asleep. I had been awake since 3am...

Then I was having a nightmare. And I am screaming 'Don't answer the door, don't answer the door...' But the guy in the nightmare answers the door, and comes back with shotgun blasted hat and face.

I wake up and hope I wasn't actually screaming, or that might have been the police arriving with lights and sirens blaring. So I peek out the front window from round the net curtains. No police...

Then I realise I fell asleep with my cochlear processor on.

If I had been screaming I would have woken myself surely? But I cannot hear my own voice even with cochlear processor.

Maybe someone was actually knocking at the door or ringing the doorbell. I checked but no parcel was left, I am expecting one, so any parcel would have disappeared with the delivery person running for cover.

Curiously enough I feel quite energised.

Are nightmares an adverse symptom of the Covid vaccination?


Is he playing Burdain’s donkey :wacky: ?
Yes, since he lost Rasputin, he has no advisor now who can't be trusted.

Reminds me of our history teacher at school when he got fed up with a lads stupidity he called them a "great donkey!"
I can still hear him saying it in his Yorkshire accent!

He had a cane with a walking stick shaped handle so when he caned one, you got two of the best each time.
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