What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A day as a tourist with Eric the Ebike.

10 miles given or take.
Just over two hours cycling
(Breaks for pics inc)

Lauren noticed a subtle reddish glow about my skin, nice to know I didn't go straight to paddy pink at the first touch of the Suns rays ..lol

Oh, and @alf_Josiah

..Mordor pics ahead. :wideyed:

Pic map...
Hyde park
Buck pal
St James's park
Trafalgar square
(Thought it rather iconic of London today )
Big Ben & Churchill
And the return journey as I passed Stamford bridge

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Brilliant @jjraak
I remember all that. I used to walk it when I was a child and teenager...

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
A day as a tourist with Eric the Ebike.

10 miles given or take.
Just over two hours cycling
(Breaks for pics inc)

Lauren noticed a subtle reddish glow about my skin, nice to know I didn't go straight to paddy pink at the first touch of the Suns rays ..lol

Oh, and @alf_Josiah

..Mordor pics ahead. :wideyed:

Pic map...
Hyde park
Buck pal
St James's park
Trafalgar square
(Thought it rather iconic of London today )
Big Ben & Churchill
And the return journey as I passed Stamford bridge

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which one is The Serpentine?
I fell in it when a much younger version of myself was stupid. I was staying for a week at my Auntys. Close to Portobello road.
Stamford bridge where the Saxons beat the Danes at 10.66 am.a
I remembered Rovers beating them in '63 there, a facup game during the big freeze.
And also finding myself there when I was in town visiting my oldest niece, whose fella, is a chelski season ticket holder. It was bloody awful amidst those southern softies. But don't mention that I'm a Scouser!

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I will post in a bit. I'm a bit late because I have a couple of outdoor things to do before the rain starts, and it's supposed to be thunderstorming in about an hours time.
Forecast has moved it towards evening here @gennepher.
But the cloud is thicker but still not rain bearing. It is warm.
And it's true about a camera catching the northern aurora.
And yes I have seen it. But not the last two nights cos of the goings on at the stadium.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
6.4 this sun drenched a.m. turning into a torrential p.m. I'm reliably informed by the weather people.
Then again, !!!!!
The booming continued till after ten p.m.last night.
And looked before on my constitutional, all gone now!
Spent an hour finishing dead heading my bluebells. It was spectacular while it lasted.
May have to visit plant man to fill spaces.
Grass should be done, but I'm trying not to. Cos I don't want to. Well, maybe. It's really not long enough at this time of year. But, it growing quite quickly now cos of the best and sun. I will have a look tomorrow.

Our prime miniature was seen shopping at Mothercare for pyjamas.
All too big for him!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from a sunny and appreciably warmer L.A. : shorts, summer deck shoes and secret socks warm but marginally sub-Elbow. Two more days of this then UK summer resumes. The cocktail of chemicals floating around my system means I am probably now photosensitive so factor 50 is the best way forward. I've just bought a Tilley hat as well heeled gent I know swears by them. On his head be it - well mine actually. @jjraak amazing photos of Eric's tour of London. Prime Miniature = :hilarious: @Krystyna23040 thanks for the wish for yesterday which was as smooth as the proverbial including coffee with cream for the journey home. Enjoy Gooderstone Water Gardens and the Motezumas. @dunelm stay in the shade, hat pulled down today. Thanks for the very droll post, wishes for yesterday and for sharing the latest art: trees with attitude. @JohnEGreen I hope yesterday was a fitting celebration of 50 years of marriage. Enjoy Sunday mine will include a visit from The Little Guy ™ (his dad calls him chunk, he is a hench little soul) and his big sister - very much the most petite of the 7 grandchildren.
Good that yesterday went well. Hope when you get the results they are also good.

I actually forgot to take my Montazumas but made a superhuman effort to resist the temptation of the salted caramel ice cream.

Just the gentle amble amble around the Water Gardens was enough for me.

Interestingly, I got chatting to another visitor about covid jabs. She was also feeling incredibly sleepy after the jab and had thought she was imagining it.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Forecast has moved it towards evening here @gennepher.
But the cloud is thicker but still not rain bearing. It is warm.
And it's true about a camera catching the northern aurora.
And yes I have seen it. But not the last two nights cos of the goings on at the stadium.
Just finished my jobs outside @Lamont D I thought I was never going to make it before the rain....glad the rain rearranged its timetable for me!!!
It doesn't smell like rain or a thunderstorm yet...
Ah, so it's true. I will be out there tonight and see if I can capture it...if I don't get eaten alive...by mosquitoes...

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
So much for the promised downpour?
clear blue skies and 30 degrees on my thermometer. It is so warm.

Mrs L has gone back upstairs with the fan on and watching her YouTube murder vids.
I keep reminding her to not get any ideas.

I'm using the remote to switch from cricket to footie and neither is that entertaining, Lance getting a mailing again. Very expensive minted lamb chops for Mrs L for later. She likes them grilled.
According to butcher, gone up by 300% since chrimbo 2022.

Had an interesting conversation in the shop this morning about how the tories have made it increasingly difficulty to get any government help through the system changing to universal credit. The value of any and all money that is claimed is now at least 20% of the value of was in real cash terms since the change. And again in real cash terms taking inflation into account etc. The amount of actual money is now less by 28%.
So where has all this money gone?
And in a recent YouTube video, allegedly, more than £400 billion had gone abroad from the coffers due to government figures.
Where has that gone?
And to put a cap on it, the government borrowing is now more than GDP, and rising.
record debt repayments to the bankers......!
And this is separate to the scandal of the PPE and covid procurement.

And fishi rishi, our prime miniture, has just increased his wealth by a few million.

can't wait for it all to end!

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Just finished my jobs outside @Lamont D I thought I was never going to make it before the rain....glad the rain rearranged its timetable for me!!!
It doesn't smell like rain or a thunderstorm yet...
Ah, so it's true. I will be out there tonight and see if I can capture it...if I don't get eaten alive...by mosquitoes...
No mossys yet. But plenty of gnats and others. It is so clear here. The warm wind has picked up a bit from the South east.
Ants are scurrying. But the birds are just sitting on the grass. Quite a lot of them on the footie pitches.
Just wondering why. @lindisfel would know!
He is having issues getting on the forum according to his thread.

Kitchen duties await.
My best wishes and dishes to do.
See you later............


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
The nurse told me that up to now I had only had the Pfizer vaccine but this time they were only offering the Moderna vaccine at this vaccine centre and that l might get a more severe reaction from it than I had got previously from the Pfizer vaccine.

I did read somewhere that they had found the Moderna vaccine more effective for the over 70s - so it looks like they didn't have enough of the Moderna vaccine at your vaccine centre for everyone so were reserving it for the over 70s.
Privilege comes with age even for posher sounding jabs.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A day as a tourist with Eric the Ebike.

10 miles given or take.
Just over two hours cycling
(Breaks for pics inc)

Lauren noticed a subtle reddish glow about my skin, nice to know I didn't go straight to paddy pink at the first touch of the Suns rays ..lol

Oh, and @alf_Josiah

..Mordor pics ahead. :wideyed:

Pic map...
Hyde park
Buck pal
St James's park
Trafalgar square
(Thought it rather iconic of London today )
Big Ben & Churchill
And the return journey as I passed Stamford bridge

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Smashing photos of your ride out - wonder why all the police outside Buck House - is Andrew lurking in the bushes?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Eric pretty well behaved, nice smooth journey all round.

Two pics I kept back

One I think where Eric & i took a moment to watch the tourist on parade

And another where I felt sure I heard Eric squeak his brakes in disapproval of our Prime Miniature .

I just boo'd & hissed for a moment.

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Enjoy the sunshine today, y'all.
I do feel quite sorry for those soldiers having to put up with these public duties.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from a sunny and appreciably warmer L.A. : shorts, summer deck shoes and secret socks warm but marginally sub-Elbow. Two more days of this then UK summer resumes. The cocktail of chemicals floating around my system means I am probably now photosensitive so factor 50 is the best way forward. I've just bought a Tilley hat as well heeled gent I know swears by them. On his head be it - well mine actually. @jjraak amazing photos of Eric's tour of London. Prime Miniature = :hilarious: @Krystyna23040 thanks for the wish for yesterday which was as smooth as the proverbial including coffee with cream for the journey home. Enjoy Gooderstone Water Gardens and the Motezumas. @dunelm stay in the shade, hat pulled down today. Thanks for the very droll post, wishes for yesterday and for sharing the latest art: trees with attitude. @JohnEGreen I hope yesterday was a fitting celebration of 50 years of marriage. Enjoy Sunday mine will include a visit from The Little Guy ™ (his dad calls him chunk, he is a hench little soul) and his big sister - very much the most petite of the 7 grandchildren.
Thank you @ianpspurs and yes, definitely, or defiantly in the shade today. All the best with your posh hat. What will you place inside the not so secret pocket? I have instructions to get me home if found wandering without my emotional support crocodile. The string thing is a bit naff. I tuck mine inside - the string thing that is.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
No not seen it @LivingLightly

But I had a conversation on Skype with my daughter in Australia this morning. She told me she had not seen it either, but someone told her that if you take your iPhone and stand there and take random pictures of the sky, preferably in the direction where this is supposed to be and it will magically appear on your iPhone photos.

Do you believe that I said? She grinned and said well I'm going to try it tonight.

Okay, I'll be a fool as well. I'll get my old iPhone out and I'll also get my Pixel out. And I'll be standing there with two crutches shooting random pictures at the sky.... while being surrounded by foxes and badgers and cats and whatever else is out there...
The aliens will get you


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.7

Nighttime wildlife video
Fox drinks water then jumps on swing & a soggy Badger appears
43 secs

Creative...one line squiggle, 10-12 secs...a man carrying a bag by one handle...

There is rain, maybe that thunderstorm is in the air. I can smell it. But it could still change its mind yet...it has gone very dark. Midnight has come rushing in...I had better go and change those SD cards and batteries in the trail cameras before I get caught in a deluge...

EDIT: Thunderstorm has moved over without thunderstorming...sky has lightened, it is getting brighter...

EDIT NUMBER 2: We have lightning!! But I cannot tell if there is thunder because my Cochlear sound processor is not working...oh WOW that was some lightning flash! Trees are beating each other. Now, I need the rain to water my garden and pots....please rain!!!!

EDIT NO 3: The thunderstorm has passed me by...it is now a beautiful sunny blue skied evening...no rain...

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Smashing photos of your ride out - wonder why all the police outside Buck House - is Andrew lurking in the bushes?
Road from wellington arch to buck pal closed to traffic, as was area in and around the Mall itself.

Seems to recall some march or demo I read about in papers after (never saw anything myself at time )

And kerfuffle just ahead, unsure if a security stop,
but maybe a driver taken ill ? (see ambulance )
Though it was well inside the cordon, maybe just extra care if a tourist got lost driving around. ?

Agree on the parade style stuff.

Back in the day, maybe

But now far too many 'instas' etc trying to make a 'name' for themselves to be sensible at such close range.

How the people on duty keep their cool, goodness knows.

Discipline I know, but that has it's limits.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
My nephew is a sergeant in the Blues and Royals. And his company was in Afghanistan twice with one of the princes.
I have pictures.
He has told me that the majority of royal duty is straightforward and not an issue, except for the odd ******** who is not aware of the duty the guards perform.
But sometimes he joked it is easier to be abroad than in barracks. And yes, he has his own horse. And he trains recruits now.
And the rest is too secret. Which I divulged in the blogs forum.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
It has in the past half hour gone very dark, cloudy, and is now spitting there is distant faint thunder, and it is gonna bounce down soon! Still warm tho. Can smell the coming rain.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
It has in the past half hour gone very dark, cloudy, and is now spitting there is distant faint thunder, and it is gonna bounce down soon! Still warm tho. Can smell the coming rain.
I am waiting for it to bounce down here. I am wanting that rain. I need that rain...

I have just done edit no 2 on my post "We have lightning!! But I cannot tell if there is thunder because my Cochlear sound processor is not working...oh WOW that was some lightning flash! Trees are beating each other. Now, I need the rain to water my garden and pots....please rain!!!!"
But I don't smell the rain now...

I think it is detouring to you @Lamont D

No rain for me...it is now a beautiful sunny blue skied evening...
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