What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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football, both the game and the culture.
Yeah it has been a bit of a time... but not bowel cancer, so let‘s be thankful for small mercies.
That's actually a medium mercy - one of our friends has just received this diagnosis and is undergoing invasive and intensive treatment.


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football, both the game and the culture.
Fbg 6.9

Had to go out early to collect a parcel.
But only a third of it had been delivered.
Where's the other two thirds that I have paid for?

Another thing to sort out, and now I cannot start that job...and I don't feel like sorting that out today.
And then to add insult to injury, the Noah's Ark deluge happened just as I got out of my car back to my bungalow...
Totally drowned and for nothing since I did not get my full parcel.

I now have tummy ache and a chill....

Tired and dispirited I went to bed under an electric blanket where at half two I have only just woke up....

Videos...here is my little bluetit I was videoing yesterday.
Ah, that has had more views than I thought it would...that has cheered me up...
I might bore you next few days with more videos of my wee little bluetit.
I was sitting on the swing, videoing this wee little bluetit less than one metre in front of me. It didn't seem to mind me videoing it, and wasn't fazed by my phone...

Creative...one line sketch of a woman better protected than me against the rain...a woman with a long puffer jacket, holding what looked like a prescription, heading for the pharmacy....

I am watching the birds at the moment...they don't mind the rain...I am going to snuggle back down the bed...getting up? Not happening...I need some more snuggle warmth...

Have your best day.

View attachment 67806
Lovely video of the bluetit


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football, both the game and the culture.
Morning all on the first full day of Vox Pop overload. Has Brenda from Bristol been wheeled out yet? I dread to think what poison that mendacious Farage personage and those of his ilk will spread into the public domain. @dunelm what a kind act for Mrs Miggins' brother. Thank you for sharing the splendiferous, coniferous art. @Annb enjoy the meal. Today is drip trip day (no, not at a lectern outside No10) and the anniversary of my parents' funeral - all the fun of the fair. Steak and salad (a finely chopped strawberry or two in salad is a game changer) with a glass of red should be a pleasant evening repast. I must ask the Food Fairy to make another keto Eton Mess - we have some strawberries of our own (no, she doesn't put salad in it) Enjoy your day.
Best wishes for the drip trip.


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football, both the game and the culture.
I knew an electrician with a missing index finger on his right hand. He unwisely tested if a fan was running as a young electrician. A substantial fan it whipped it straight off no trouble. A bad mistake to make just once.
One of my Uncles tested a lawnmower blade clearance this way.... brilliant man, but not at all practical. He was lucky to only lose small amount of fingertips.


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Yesterday, I noticed a bird kept on flying up to the wall above my kitchen window and thought it was probably a starling looking for its original nesting place (now blocked) but no, it was a sparrow. It wasn't looking for a nest, it was picking something off of the "lichen". Flying up, hovering, pecking and then dropping away. No idea what it was finding there.
As you know @Annb, sparrows are chiefly seed-eaters, but at this time of year, parent sparrows could be collecting larvae, ants, spiders, spiderlings or other soft-bodied invertebrates to feed to their chicks.

Friday's FBG 4.7 mmol on waking at 6.00 am.


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I think it's a test run, stock up on tinned foods, sunak & those in charge know what's coming.

Oh, I don't know @jjraak. Somehow, I doubt whether Sunk is that well briefed or, if he is, his head's buried in the sand.

I mean he's called a general election when his party is languishing 20 points behind in the polls and 6 months before he needed to. That wants some explaining!

Friday's FBG 4.7 mmol on waking at 6.00 am.


Well-Known Member
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Fbg 6.7

Video on my phone camera.
I am less than a metre away.
A little sparrow feeding itself, but when its parents came near, it pretended to be helpless...
27 secs

Creative...digitally painted a bluetit on a cherry blossom branch...
@Lamont D

Now to get on with the day...

Have your best day.

View attachment 67830
Thank you for sharing your amusing video @gennepher and beautiful bluetit illustration.
(I've remembered your tip to avoid the asterisks).

Friday's FBG 4.7 mmol on waking at 6.00 am.


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I am currently eyeballing a sparrowhawk who has eyes on my little bluetit who is working hard to feed his family....just put more protection out there...
Really? @gennepher. The sparrowhawks round here don't get out of roost for prey smaller than a starling.

In recent years, the female sparrowhawks have learnt how to knock off a wood pigeon. All that's left is its beak and a few feathers.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Really? @gennepher. The sparrowhawks round here don't get out of roost for prey smaller than a starling.

In recent years, the females have learnt how to knock off a wood pigeon. All that's left is its beak and a few feathers.
I have had misfortune last year @LivingLightly to witness the sparrowhawk get a couple of my small birds. I do not want to see that again ....


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Good morning everyone on an all things bright and beautiful and wonderfully quiet start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. Girl In The Bubble brought home a sunflower in a little pot from pre-school yesterday. Quite leggy as the very clever teacher had kept them inside and on a window ledge. Still, we set about finding a cane and some garden wire and carefully placed it in the garden in “a nice place”. Some bushes trimmed and I think that there are wasps nesting in a low conifer - wide berth. Girl In The Bubble having a supervised go with secateurs as well as using her mini garden tools. Off down to Brum this morning for a treble dose of grandchildren, what fun. The Prime Minature and Sir Fear Karma seem to be dashing about, cashing in their carbon offsets. Luckily Nigel Mirrage has sniffed out some lucrative position as beer tasting advisor to the orange-turd in a display of compassion to the voting public and Gove has quit in order to learn the didgerydoo. A cure for not only snoring it seems. Art bit - oh wow - some trees! Hope your day is a Saturday. I ought to have some koffy and pack a bag.


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Long weekend coming up, was going to watch MONEY HEIST.

Cracking little TV series.

Was going to Rewatch it,
But the English version playing out on our tv's has reached an interesting point.

They've got the money, and are now slipping away hoping no one notices

I might give it a while longer, but I think we all know how it ends.....

No one in jail & they all live happily ever after, which lets be honest, is going to be a very disappointing ending.

Anyway, here's one of the scenes from the no 10 parties.



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Diet only
5.8 this morning. Last day of classes before half term. Am so looking forward to a relaxing week.
We have booked a dog friendly hotel for a couple of nights near the Suffolk coast. Part of the enjoyment for me is the planning. So will start tomorrow updating the packing list and choosing what book to take.


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football, both the game and the culture.
9.00am FBG 5.4
Where to start?
Good things: Last Sunday we went for a "picnic" with some friends at their newly established nursery which specialises in perennials and herbs. We were a good mix of people four english four French two Dutch and two babies one of them being half French the other English. He picnic turned out to be lunch in the nursery grounds with a table set up under a huge oak tree. We all contributed to the feast and conversation was varied in both subject and language. A good time was had by all until rain, actually a thunderstorm threatened and we all packed up and left. We had all finished eating and coffee by then, so good timing. There was intermittent thunder and rain as we drove the twenty minutes home.