What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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As you know @Annb, sparrows are chiefly seed-eaters, but at this time of year, parent sparrows could be collecting larvae, ants, spiders, spiderlings or other soft-bodied invertebrates to feed to their chicks.
Yes - that's why I was puzzled. I didn't think there would be any seeds in amongst the lichen. It was back again yesterday a few times. It must be using an awful lot of energy to hover there, even briefly, to collect whatever it was collecting.


Type of diabetes
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Oh, I don't know @jjraak. Somehow, I doubt whether Sunk is that well briefed or, if he is, his head's buried in the sand.

I mean he's called a general election when his party is languishing 20 points behind in the polls and 6 months before he needed to. That wants some explaining!
Could be that he knows something worse is coming and he wants out before it does.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
6.4 today at 03.45.

Finally got some clearane in my kitchen. Neil has loaded the car with all the boxes, paper and so on to take to the recycling plant today. I can actually, as a result, get into cupboards and put away the utensils that I've had to leave on the table and a big box of plastic boxes that was on the floor in front of 2 cupboard doors, blocking access to them, is now in the larder, under the bottom shelf. Hurrah! Now that the floor is clear, I should be able to get it properly clean.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on an all things bright and beautiful and wonderfully quiet start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. Girl In The Bubble brought home a sunflower in a little pot from pre-school yesterday. Quite leggy as the very clever teacher had kept them inside and on a window ledge. Still, we set about finding a cane and some garden wire and carefully placed it in the garden in “a nice place”. Some bushes trimmed and I think that there are wasps nesting in a low conifer - wide berth. Girl In The Bubble having a supervised go with secateurs as well as using her mini garden tools. Off down to Brum this morning for a treble dose of grandchildren, what fun. The Prime Minature and Sir Fear Karma seem to be dashing about, cashing in their carbon offsets. Luckily Nigel Mirrage has sniffed out some lucrative position as beer tasting advisor to the orange-turd in a display of compassion to the voting public and Gove has quit in order to learn the didgerydoo. A cure for not only snoring it seems. Art bit - oh wow - some trees! Hope your day is a Saturday. I ought to have some koffy and pack a bag.
I love all your trees @dunelm
Have a good weekend....


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.7

Phone camera video
A young sparrow
40 secs

Creative ... A kaleidoscope of my little bluetit painting...

Have your best day...

Time for a cuppa...


Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
6.6 for facup final footie from faraway foreign (you know what I mean) field.
C'mon the team from mancland.
Busy morning, so I can relax later in front of square box. That is unless #8 arrives.
#7 has gymnastics, so he might.

I wanted to do some garden stuff, however the weather coming from snowdon, in Welsh Wales, land of genn, is cool, touch windy, cloudy, not much sunshine. Had a touch of rain but only spitting. Watching cricket from man's land whilst doing this, more sunny than here.
The weeds are amassing cos of the rain lately.
And of course the grass needs attention but too wet.

I'm amazed at the noise the variety of birds are making, the sparrows, starlings, gulls, pigeons, blackbirds, crows and probably more, are more noisy than the crowd at the nearby stadium usually make on a match day.
Somethings got them going.

Be back later.

I have read or seen that one of the reasons for calling election, is that more than 200k households will receive some bad mortgage news july/August.
And that fishi rishi FiL is happy to be in receipt of some nice contracts, thanks to our titanic disaster pm. And of course, the rats leaving the drowning pie miniature, with the effluent from the water companies, spilling onto the deck chairs of the tory shipwreck of our country.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Just back from outback, with #7 & #8 and playing ball with other neighbours children. Good fun.
#7 is flourishing with gymnastics. Done an Arab spring then into forward roll to standing balance.
then hand stand into spin and cartwheels.
#7 also has a new pet.
anyone guess?
I wouldn't imagine it if I tried.
#8 is showing talent in footie and disobedient. So much like his dad.

One dayer won.
Facup a shock!
And a lancs team getting beat again.

Ham hock soon.

Have a lovely weekend.
My best wishes to you all on this nice Saturday evening.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good evening all. @dunelm I hope the trip to Brum went well and thank you for sharing your art. @gennepher thank you for sharing the video and amazing kaleidoscope. @Lamont D you must be proud of all those grandchildren. #7 sounds as though she has real talent and #8 sounds like quite a character. @Annb good news on the clearance. @Krystyna23040 enjoy the break. I imagine Mr K rolling his eyes at a packing list. I went to a 5th birthday party - I drank tea, no food (no jelly or ice cream in sight, not sophisticated enough) - then I watched the rugby. Still to watch the cricket and cup final - thanks to @Lamont D I now know the results. Hope you all had a good Saturday.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good evening all. @dunelm I hope the trip to Brum went well and thank you for sharing your art. @gennepher thank you for sharing the video and amazing kaleidoscope. @Lamont D you must be proud of all those grandchildren. #7 sounds as though she has real talent and #8 sounds like quite a character. @Annb good news on the clearance. @Krystyna23040 enjoy the break. I imagine Mr K rolling his eyes at a packing list. I went to a 5th birthday party - I drank tea, no food (no jelly or ice cream in sight, not sophisticated enough) - then I watched the rugby. Still to watch the cricket and cup final - thanks to @Lamont D I now know the results. Hope you all had a good Saturday.
Thank you Ian...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good evening all. @dunelm I hope the trip to Brum went well and thank you for sharing your art. @gennepher thank you for sharing the video and amazing kaleidoscope. @Lamont D you must be proud of all those grandchildren. #7 sounds as though she has real talent and #8 sounds like quite a character. @Annb good news on the clearance. @Krystyna23040 enjoy the break. I imagine Mr K rolling his eyes at a packing list. I went to a 5th birthday party - I drank tea, no food (no jelly or ice cream in sight, not sophisticated enough) - then I watched the rugby. Still to watch the cricket and cup final - thanks to @Lamont D I now know the results. Hope you all had a good Saturday.
Thanks @ianpspurs - a 3 hour trip taking 4 hours thanks to cone city and the nothing happening road works.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I'm amazed at the noise the variety of birds are making, the sparrows, starlings, gulls, pigeons, blackbirds, crows and probably more, are more noisy than the crowd at the nearby stadium usually make on a match day.
Somethings got them going.
Our magpies have been kicking up a racket too @Lamont D. Perhaps there's a predator on the prowl and they're raising the alarm.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have read or seen that one of the reasons for calling election, is that more than 200k households will receive some bad mortgage news july/August.
And that fishi rishi FiL is happy to be in receipt of some nice contracts, thanks to our titanic disaster pm. And of course, the rats leaving the drowning pie miniature, with the effluent from the water companies, spilling onto the deck chairs of the tory shipwreck of our country.
Indeed @Lamont D, this looks a lot like damage limitation; an excuse to shelve his morally bankrupt and expensive Rwanda deportation scheme which was doomed to failure, while preventing his own ministers and MPs calling for a leadership contest.

Then again, perhaps spending more time with his family looks attractive, after all he doesn't need the money, does he?
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