What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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Morning All. 6.3 today nothing much to say as I had 4 squares Lindt 90 (5.6 g glorious carbs) after my chicken curry and cauli rice. Will I ever learn?
Anyway warm and sunny day ahead hope you get to enjoy some of it even if it is after work. Have a good Wednesday everyone, stay well, stay safe.
It is good to have a little of what you fancy sometimes!


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OMG before breakfast 5.9. 2hrs after breakfast (8g carbs) 5.7. This has never happened to me before. Could I suddenly be.less insulin resistant or did my beta cells wake up suddenly and start working properly. I am aware of course that this is probably a one off and I will never know the reason why.
Things get strange sometimes... who knows why... just enjoy it
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Morning all. fbs of 8.2 today.:banghead: Nothing to eat for 14 hours since my evening meal of fresh salmon, broccoli, cauliflower and , yes,I did eat 3 new potatoes but the were very small and it was 14 hours ago. Drinks yesterday were either water or black tea. Cold sliced beef and salad for lunch. Did a fair amount of walking in the fresh air yesterday,listening to birdsong so not stressed. Don't feel I can do much more to get my levels down. Just about to have sliced turkey and salad for lunch instead of the Gregg's hot sausage rolls that my hubby had just suggested!:hungry: Enjoy your Wednesday folks. :)
Great job saying NO! Such strength keep on doing what you are doing the results will follow for certain.


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Dont know whats going on with bgs today been going hypo all day despite minimal insulon this diabetes a real pain sometimes
We 'Think' we have the answers 'which most of the time we do' Then every now and again a curve ball throws us in to a spin.
Relax! Be calm and know all will be well.


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Very late posting as I was 'up and at em', 6.2 this morning despite being 4.9 at bedtime. The joys of Us :)
Mr H I am 4 days late I will post my levels when I catch up catching up. Its weird how mornings reading don't seem to make any sense at times.


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Keep forgetting to post morning readings. I think it was 5.7 this morning. Fine with that.
Some big stories on here today:
@Cumberland I’m so sorry your results weren’t what you’d hoped ( or what we all would have hoped for you) I do hope tomorrow’s appointment goes well and you come away reassured.
@poemagraphic that is such brilliant news! Not often. DN will give that sort of reaction. Well done you!
@Bildad yuk! What a way to start the morning, hope the poor pooch is feeling a bit better for it though.
@Karen I hope things settle for you soon. Constant hypos must be so wearing.
Thank you DJ It was quite a surprise I have to say.


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She’s a lovely natured cat - actually belongs to next door neighbours but has adopted us since they got a dog and ours sadly died.
It works very well as we have the comfort of a pet without any of the responsibility ( neighbour still pays for food - she brings it round to us every week, and vet bills are her responsibility). If we are away the neighbour has to come into our house to feed her - Maggie has made her position very clear - she lives with us now and completely rules the roost like cats do.
Same situation here... dogs have owners, cats have servants!


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Morning all.

walking a wonky line this week FBG wise..
5.8 / 5.4 / 5.1 / 6.1.....is what it is, i suppose..could be worse..:D

so sorry to hear your woes...hugs for a Better day today & pain free hopefully.x

Having a chilled moment here, counting my blessing really.
all is going well, missus in good mood, a weekend off , so she's making plans to go do something, anything, which is nice.
Not done much together since hols, though she is in full flight mode, checking out next years destinations...:wideyed:....:hilarious:

she just left for work, house quiet, youtube up and playing in background, a fresh brew ready, and breakfast put back until later.
(She was at theatre last night 'waitress' so billy no mates, cooked a meal for one..4 lamb chops, spinach, brocoli, 3 small new potatoes, as a treat and test...(5.4 pre..7.1 post.) add in a some colemans mustard...Luvvly jubbly.
was late-ish 8pm..so no hunger this morning.

just slightly reflective today.
we've all lost people, i was just spending a moment thinking of mine and remembering all the times they were here...
(is it just me, or do others sometimes hear their voices commenting on today's decisions with advice ?)

Anyways, It's all so personal, and we've all been there at some point, and as we know to well, while our world stops for a while,
everyone else's keeps on turning., as it should, i suppose.

Came across this in my web travels, hit a rather nice spot..Bitter sweet, but i rather liked the words.

thought i'd share.

Enjoy the day, all.
..."is it just me, or do others sometimes hear their voices commenting on today's decisions with advice ?
It happens to all of us if we are brave enough to admit it.
I used to tell my students your imagine is your greatest psychic tool!
We need to discover how powerful it is.
I call it the 'image-nation' We can learn to use it to enhance our ability to listen ...and talk back!
When we receive information (in our imagination) we did not know, or have any prior knowledge off, we should question where did that come from? AND from whom?


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Good morning fellow travelers on the pin prick express. The wonder wheel of laughter and mirth chuckled out a bright and shiny flat 5 at 0600 as I sprang from my slumber only to find that the imps of “let’s just bash him with a mallet” had, during the night, rewarded me with a nice farmyard sounding cough and a runny nose just before we fly out to lands-are-grotty with the offsprings and their own offsprings.
So, what’s the best remedy for a cough? I’m thinking scotch but then I just keep falling over.
Have a great day if you can and if you are a Pastifarian, happy Parrot Pondering Day.
I adore your comments!
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SO... Time for bed.
The numbers... the all important numbers we all keep focused on, to see how 'good' or otherwise we have been.
I have been so busy over the last few mornings I have not had time to sign in and post.

As some of you know, I have this week, on the advice of my consultant, stopped completely taking insulin.

My average numbers on the little screen over this past week have remained unchanged at 6.

I will keep taking my levels several times a day and monitor my progress.

I would like to say huge 'Thank You' to each and everyone of you. Your kind, welcomed comments and support over the last couple of months have helped me immensely to achieve this result.




Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hug for the D&V - took me 2 looks to work that out. Too much sun sans hat may well be the culprit. Cutting lawns - not something I am familiar with:angelic: Have a rest, plenty of fluids and stay in the shade.

It took me a couple of looks too -- so much like DMV -- Department of Motor Vehicles (driver's licenses, license plates, driving tests ... ) :D

@DJC3 I hope you are feeling much better now. :)


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As you can see, I am full of beans this morning. Woke to a 5.8, which is nice, and even though I have things to do and places to go I've already run out of steam :)


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Tablets (oral)
Happy Friday folks, 6.4 on the dice, undeserved though it is after refusing the lure of new potatoes and scraping the stuffing off the top of a pork chop and sticking to just veg, but hey that's what my welsh mate is like... old Dai Abetes.