What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, been missing in action for a while so I will send out hugs to everyone that needs them and massive well done's to everyone well, just because we live with diabetes. I have been a tad busy with work and fixing things in the house and thought I would be able to get back to the forum soon. Didn't expect it to take this long! I have eye surgery (3rd lot) booked for Friday and it involves them paralysing one side of my face (my wife says there shouldn't be any difference noticed!!) so they can rummage about in the old mark one eyeball, so not looking forward to it. I hope everyone is doing OK and achieving what they want. Oh and before I forget I battled the meter of doom to a 9.1 this morning.

Take care everyone.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg error on first try
Fbg 9.6 on second try
Fbg 9.4 on third try

I give up....

Why has it gone high...

I have eaten the usual food yesterday, only I didn't have the nuts I have every morning. I didn't have my nuts the day before either. I am trying to lose weight and it doesn't shift. So I was trying to abandon the nuts for a bit.

For some reason I had bad wind upon lying down in bed last night. Not when I am upright, but when I lie down. It was that bad I had zero warning to make it to the bathroom. When I had that zero warning for a second time, I gave up at 3am and went and did my daily challenge painting. Copious air freshener used....I am fine sitting up or standing. No wind, but lying down it's bad. No idea why, I don't have an upset tummy as such.

So here is my daily painting challenge to myself ....
View attachment 37778
Acrylics. A4 size pad. Just black and white paint. The brushes used are at the top. It took about an hour.

It is calm and quiet outside, which often happens in the pre-dawn hour....
Everything possible has been anchored.
Take care.
Keep safe in this Storm Brendan...
I would love to be besides the sea in this to watch the waves....anchored to a tree of course...sketchbook and pen in my hands...

I love that beautiful scene you painted. I want to bundle up and walk into it.

Hugs for the wind. I have the same problem many nights when I get into bed. All is fine right up until then; but as soon as I am comfortably lying on my back, and the KittenCat is settling down comfortably --
Gas attack! I have to get up again, disturbing the KittenCat and disrupting our peace. :(
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, been missing in action for a while so I will send out hugs to everyone that needs them and massive well done's to everyone well, just because we live with diabetes. I have been a tad busy with work and fixing things in the house and thought I would be able to get back to the forum soon. Didn't expect it to take this long! I have eye surgery (3rd lot) booked for Friday and it involves them paralysing one side of my face (my wife says there shouldn't be any difference noticed!!) so they can rummage about in the old mark one eyeball, so not looking forward to it. I hope everyone is doing OK and achieving what they want.

Take care everyone.

Welcome back! :)
I'm glad to "see" you again. But very sorry to hear about your scheduled eye surgery. I hope it will go well, and also the days between now and then.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, been missing in action for a while so I will send out hugs to everyone that needs them and massive well done's to everyone well, just because we live with diabetes. I have been a tad busy with work and fixing things in the house and thought I would be able to get back to the forum soon. Didn't expect it to take this long! I have eye surgery (3rd lot) booked for Friday and it involves them paralysing one side of my face (my wife says there shouldn't be any difference noticed!!) so they can rummage about in the old mark one eyeball, so not looking forward to it. I hope everyone is doing OK and achieving what they want. Oh and before I forget I battled the meter of doom to a 9.1 this morning.

Take care everyone.
Good to see you back. Best wishes for Friday, the recovery then, hopefully, more medals.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I love that beautiful scene you painted. I want to bundle up and walk into it.

Hugs for the wind. I have the same problem many nights when I get into bed. All is fine right up until then; but as soon as I am comfortably lying on my back, and the KittenCat is settling down comfortably --
Gas attack! I have to get up again, disturbing the KittenCat and disrupting our peace. :(

Poor KittenCat @SaskiaKC being disturbed by your wind...Popeye would sympathise with KittenCat!

Thank you for the compliment on my painting!

Hugs for you for wind disturbing your sleep.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Just been out to get some fresh food shopping to last me next few days. I only eat fresh stuff now since I don't know if other stuff has hidden ingredients that might affect blood sugars.

My wind had settled, I hoped, and I made it there and back!

Anyway I wanted to check my roof, and can do that from a little distance away in the car. My roof seems fine - chimney and other flues all seem intact.

Then I rounded a corner, and nearly braked in shock...OMG...this bungalow (I don't know the people) had had it's roof half blown off, tiles every where, ridge tiles strewn, and the dormer window had been blown in/out (was a window left ajar in the storm?).

It made me wonder why the wind picks on one roof to demolish but not another.

I checked my roof again from the car when I got back. Then I went in the back garden to check the garage roof - it has mineralised felting stuff on it, and looked intact when I last checked it out. But one corner has lifted and I think that was done with the rogue workmen next door when he had his garage roof done. It has lifted more, and I am thinking the wind could rip a strip off. No way (all my stuff is in the garage), so me and a ladder, and a concrete block is now put on that corner. I am pretty certain the wind won't move that.

But I am in bed now with backache and feeling a bit frail. I do need some sleep. I hope that temporary fix was worth it, and I will get that dealt with soon.

Electric blanket is on and cat Popeye is fast asleep on it. Now I need to fall asleep, but all I can see in my mind is that half blown off bungalow roof round the corner..
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Good afternoon all. Late posting but fbs this morning was down slightly to 8.9 after a diet of eggs in various forms, cheese and salad yesterday plus lots of water to drink and a good rest. ( Re-tested at 2pm yesterday with a result of 7.5). Feeling less poorly today but still being disciplined about what I eat in an effort to bring sugar levels down further. Just off to visit mum. Hope you are all having a safe and wind free time in both senses of the word. Best wishes to you all.:)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Forgot to post 5.5 this morning. Snap @PenguinMum
Mr C has just taken a reluctant Dennis out in the horrible weather for his afternoon constitutional. We found our old dog’s little Barbour jacket and it fits D perfectly. Once we’d managed to get it on him he seemed quite happy and trotted off outside all proud. Tilly used to do the same, you could tell she felt really stylish wearing it. Lol
So good to see you @johnpol but I can well understand your anxiety about Friday. Will you be awake throughout or is it done under general anaesthetic ? I hope all goes well, will be rooting for you.
Another wonderful painting @gennepher, hope your roof stays intact and the wind calms down both inside and outside your cosy nest.
@SaskiaKC the monk+cat video was really funny.
Glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better now @dogslife , long may it continue.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@gennepher I sympathize with you about the FBG numbers. Mine are staying high too, for some reason.
It is very discouraging.

And so is trying to lose weight, @OldButBold

But let us laugh in the face of discouragement



Because whether our numbers are up or down, and whether we gain or lose,
we -- like all the members of this thread -- are winners



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
My day out didnt happen but that was ok. @gennepher hugs for the worry and effort to batten down the hatches. I hope you get a restorative snooze and feel better after, and there is no damage tomyour property. I dont like these hurricane like storms. Its very wooded around here and it always worries me. @johnpol sorry to hear about your eye op and hope you get lots of anaesthetic and that it is successful. @SaskiaKC I like your mantra to laugh in the face of discouragement. The story of the hawk and the squirrel was fascinating. @DJC3 I bet Dennis will enjoy wearing his Barbour on wintery days.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@gennepher I sympathize with you about the FBG numbers. Mine are staying high too, for some reason.
It is very discouraging.

And so is trying to lose weight, @OldButBold

But let us laugh in the face of discouragement



Because whether our numbers are up or down, and whether we gain or lose,
we -- like all the members of this thread -- are winners


Thank you @SaskiaKC
You are right!




Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi All
My day out didnt happen but that was ok. @gennepher hugs for the worry and effort to batten down the hatches. I hope you get a restorative snooze and feel better after, and there is no damage tomyour property. I dont like these hurricane like storms. Its very wooded around here and it always worries me. @johnpol sorry to hear about your eye op and hope you get lots of anaesthetic and that it is successful. @SaskiaKC I like your mantra to laugh in the face of discouragement. The story of the hawk and the squirrel was fascinating. @DJC3 I bet Dennis will enjoy wearing his Barbour on wintery days.

Sorry your day didn't work out @PenguinMum
Hugs for you.
Thank you for your words. It is a worry for all of us.
I think I might go and get a G&T.
Cat is totally chilled out on me. He keeps licking me!
Be safe everyone.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@SaskiaKC I applaud your outlook, ‘let us laugh in the face of discouragement’ is a great mantra for all of us.
I was watching a tv program about extreme weather conditions the other day and there was a quote from a lady in the Philippines - ‘I may have lost my home but I still have my smile’ what a fantastic response!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
My day out didnt happen but that was ok. @gennepher hugs for the worry and effort to batten down the hatches. I hope you get a restorative snooze and feel better after, and there is no damage tomyour property. I dont like these hurricane like storms. Its very wooded around here and it always worries me. @johnpol sorry to hear about your eye op and hope you get lots of anaesthetic and that it is successful. @SaskiaKC I like your mantra to laugh in the face of discouragement. The story of the hawk and the squirrel was fascinating. @DJC3 I bet Dennis will enjoy wearing his Barbour on wintery days.

Sorry about your day out not happening. I hope you get another chance.
You’re right about D’s Barbour, he loved it. I wonder if it was because it smelled of Tilly, though he never knew her.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@SaskiaKC I applaud your outlook, ‘let us laugh in the face of discouragement’ is a great mantra for all of us.
I was watching a tv program about extreme weather conditions the other day and there was a quote from a lady in the Philippines - ‘I may have lost my home but I still have my smile’ what a fantastic response!

Thank you for posting both of those. I think you are one of the most positive people here.