What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My mother used to teach Chinese brushwork in Bristol and had students practicing zen brushstrokes to master technique - each one a gem, never quite finished, always on a journey.

I know it wasn't directed at me, but I am glad you posted that.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Going to try that suggestion PM...things are getting damaged now so we have to set some boundaries...my bedroom is now firmly off limits with the door closed...will leave their room open & any time I have to go out they can have access to their room the study & the kitchen...going to get tough now honest!
If you put the sheet over a chair or small table that they can hide underneath, for the boys sometimes I used the clothes horse! Have you developed your stern voice yet? I know you wont want to frighten them but rules is rules (says the woman whose sofa ends and bottom step of the stairs are shredded ;).)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Take care.
I do that too, assess conditions on the journey, but I usually end up carrying on instead of being sensible and turning back!
Still haven't made a decision so have text everyone in the 2pm class to say that if they prefer not to come to the class as the wind is strengthening they have a credit for today's class that they can deduct from the payment of the next class.
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Well-Known Member
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Have you developed your stern voice yet?
Yes I have PM...I loudly say 'no-get down' sometimes I have to say it more than once but they do respond...happy little souls & not at all bothered about being told off...however I'm already having to buy a couple of new duvets & they have been climbing the curtains in my bedroom which are satin and showedvery pull mark they've made...my fault really been very indulgent with them...now firm but fair.
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Well-Known Member
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she loved boxes even as an old lady.
As gorgeous as they are Saskia I'm looking forward to the lets sleep lots phase...so active like two little greyhounds...non-stop[ poor me can barely keep up with them...I was tempted to throw the box away but it's had a reprieve as they enjoy it so much...and it's quieter than the cat tunnels they had...I sneaked that out & it's gone to my cousins rabbits...so £20 on the cat tunnels…£25 on the cave bed & they prefer a cardboard box that came free...the way they treat it unlikely to last long...so saving the next one that arrives...no more luxury beds or tunnels next cardboard box is my back up.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Win for getting that rug so spotlessly clean of shredded toilet paper!
Don't mention the toilet paper Saskia...still traumatised thinking about it...all toilet paper now on the highest shelf I have in the bathroom...a bit of a stretch if you forget to change the roll before being 'seated' but that's the price we pay!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
well a busy few days for me.

our stephs birthday Thursday.
so out for a meal..6 of of us in a most eclectic restaurant.
food was Thai...chicken satay and peanut sauce..chicken nice but OMG the sauce..nom, nom, nom
and a red duck curry & sticky rice..very tasty,,no liqueur licence so it was obvious i was more a park bench drinker then the wine bar type..:D..but nicer for it i thought, made it more of a picnic/party type get together.

TINY..no really TINY restaurant..think large front room..NO :wideyed: ...not that large..smaller..that's it., :)

but they got in around 24 covers and not TOO crammed together.
Decor may bother one or two, apologies.

IMG_20200213_194703.jpg IMG_20200213_194720.jpg IMG_20200213_200423.jpg IMG_20200213_203712.jpg IMG_20200213_203715.jpg

Bg's after not too bad, so i may have got away with that one.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
As gorgeous as they are Saskia I'm looking forward to the lets sleep lots phase...so active like two little greyhounds...non-stop[ poor me can barely keep up with them...I was tempted to throw the box away but it's had a reprieve as they enjoy it so much...and it's quieter than the cat tunnels they had...I sneaked that out & it's gone to my cousins rabbits...so £20 on the cat tunnels…£25 on the cave bed & they prefer a cardboard box that came free...the way they treat it unlikely to last long...so saving the next one that arrives...no more luxury beds or tunnels next cardboard box is my back up.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Don't mention the toilet paper Saskia...still traumatised thinking about it...all toilet paper now on the highest shelf I have in the bathroom...a bit of a stretch if you forget to change the roll before being 'seated' but that's the price we pay!

Sorry ....
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
good afternoon all :)

4.8 today

definitely a bit higher average fbg than usual this week, must take more walks ;)

Just back from doing a bit of shopping and taking Katy for a walk, she enjoyed it though she ended up rather muddy, so did mr gee and I come to that :hilarious: but it was pleasant and not too wet or windy, we thought we'd better get a walk in before 'Dennis' arrives later ;)

Hope your day is treating you well :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
And yesterday FiL had a funeral to go to, so i offered/got volunteered to take him.
ayeslbury way, so add in the funeral we left at 1, got back at 7,

so all in all quite a long day out

later that the evening i went for dinner (Feb 14 ;))..had chateau Briand...and a Prawn Gratinee starter
DEE LISH OUSS ..deffo be going back there again.

and a BANGING Pudding to boot..(bgs at home 7.5 :oops: )

Here's the Menu if interested, and some food porn
IMG_20200214_192833.jpg IMG_20200214_201121.jpg IMG_20200214_201547.jpg

How impressed was Lauren.....Not much sadly..:rolleyes:

But he was ok...

hahaha..forget it was valentines...we decided on food and where on the way back,
then found out it was the valentines menu ONLY...s*d it we'd made ourselves ravenous talking about food on the way back..we was HUNGRY.:***:

It was fine, and had a nice discussion about how things have moved on in life.
he mentioned that back in the day, two men having dinner on valentines day would have looked ODD, but no one bats an eye anymore.

He was right, obviously

,.. and fine... until i gazed into his eyes, reached out and placed my hand on his, as i said how much i agreed...:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

a Blooming good meal, Lauren not best pleased, but i guess that's the price you pay for volunteering the JJ for any jobs.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
The whole of my feet hurt @Cumberland with exactly the same whole range of pain sensations you mention.

It becomes agony when I lie down in bed. I am kicking the bedsheets in the night. I also kick the wall by the bed with my toes to try and make it hurt less. That does work for a few moments in that it changes the pain sensations to different ones... however I don't advise that though. I have probably diverted the original pain sensations into something different for a moment.

My toes are the worst affected.

My friend's father in law was diabetic, and had his feet amputated. But the pain didn't go. He couldn't understand why he could still feel the pain in his feet. He was told it was phantom pain.

It is almost like you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I can understand the dark thoughts and despair and dark places of hopelessness. I do go to bad places in my mind.

I have had this peripheral neuropathy in my toes for many years now. And trying to explain it to medical professionals who don't have one jot of understanding how bad it is, is soul destroying.

For me, my daily painting challenge to myself helps guide my mind to a better place. You wouldn't like the see my really dark paintings...I keep these large canvases in the garage.

I will offer you hugs from the unlimited basket of hugs I offer on here. I know it is woefully inadequate.

how awful @gennepher
i also gave a a hug and a win for the sentiment and stoicism
sometimes the emoji list is just too short
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Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
I like it very much. To me it shows a green hermitage down the road from a village, with a bigger town/city in the distance, too far away to be influential, thank goodness.

Hugs for the pain, and also for the darkness. Sometimes you remind me of me.
I have one story that I have tried for ages to complete but I just keep rewriting the first chapter. Maybe that is worth something in itself ... I have enjoyed the rewriting of it when I haven't been frustrated by not getting beyond it.
The journey not the arrival, maybe.

Thank you @SaskiaKC
I am glad you can see your own story in that painting...

Yes, the journey is more important, I think.
When you are ready, your story will finish itself.
Hugs Saskia
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from the dark and dangerous north.

The wonder wheel of some interesting home made corned beef came in at 4.8 the am.

According to my physio session yesterday, I have managed to snag a syndrome (how posh) - Piriformis Syndrome, - so a muscle problem pressing down on my sciatic nerve). The medical solution to this is a beat box mixture of movements inspired by medieval torture practices and Karma Sutra poses. I am supposed to do these exercises 5 or 6 times a day - oh how we roll - or is it howl.

Have as wonderful a day as you can - I will be making lots of pathetic noises and drinking kofee.

kama sutra..'Snigger' 'snigger'...

hope it all improves..remember well the pain of a slipped disc, so don't envy you one bit..

yoga MIGHT help...this one can be done from a chair, IF that helps..:bag:



best wishes you get better soonest :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.1

So it's gone down.

I did eat my same meals in a shorter time frame yesterday. Stopped eating at 2pm...it's just the way the day worked out...

Painting for today...
A4. Acrylics. Mixed media on top...basically children's tempera paint sticks...
3 hours spent on it so far. It's not about a finished painting, this one. With the tempera paint sticks I was building up layers and spreading and blending with my fingers. It was the slow work of gently, slowly blending. And I was away into myself in another world...

I was texting a friend just now and she asked to see today's painting, so I sent her a photo. Oh no, I don't like that she texted back, it's not finished, you need to do this and that and the other...

I explained it was about the satisfaction of using my fingers etc etc, but she couldn't see it at all...

So that was me a little out of sorts...

Every painting does not have to be a carefully executed piece of 'finished' artwork. And not every painting I post will be 'finished' so to speak, but I will have got what I want out of it. And that is what it is about for me.

View attachment 38639

Have a good day
Take care
Hugs for those who need them. Don't forget that the basket of hugs is unlimited...

i do wonder if many are like i was...expect a painting to be like a photograph.

I LIKE it ..it looks done to me, but i also like that maybe it isn't, that it has a certain 'reality' to it, that some photos, can never have
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