What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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oh tell me about it. i went to my mothers on sunday for a roast lunch.. and i was too tempted by the mash and the yorkshire puds.. and then a treat afterwards.. and i felt terrible for it xD but i did start with the best intentions
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
oh tell me about it. i went to my mothers on sunday for a roast lunch.. and i was too tempted by the mash and the yorkshire puds.. and then a treat afterwards.. and i felt terrible for it xD but i did start with the best intentions

I would have been tempted by the mash and Yorkshire pud especially with home cooking @Brokenbill :)

But potatoes do raise my blood sugars badly, And it takes me a couple of days or so to get my blood sugars down again :(

Especially with the treat after, my blood sugars would have taken a few days to return back to their normal.


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Seems a common theme in government at the moment.
Absolutely the Minister for Apprentices & Science didn't know what the new restrictions were when questioned Boris Johnson got those wrong too it's farcical MC.

Muddy Cyclist

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i have a friend who also lost 5stone on keto and she wears by it, ty for the link will deffo have a read :)
I assume we all manage to work on different levels of carbs and calories. I managed to loose 3 5 stone in 3 months by keeping my carbs below 30grms per day, also got down to HbA1c of 42, pre Diabetic instead of Diabetic. I am a keen cyclist and worried about energy levels I used to carb up before Rides, so far I have not seen much difference in energy levels for the lack of carbs, keeping weight on though is more of a problem. However I am 71 so that must also make some difference.


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Diet only
haha yes it was all homemade and the temptation was too much but in future i think i'll be stronger and resist because it isnt worth the feeling of dissapointment/frustration in the days after. it was the first time that i tried potatoes while watching what i eat so i think there off the menu for now :)

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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Finished yesterday's first light painting for my sister. So now done 5 and she can chooose the three she wants, if any....
A4 watercolour about 1 hour.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
haha yes it was all homemade and the temptation was too much but in future i think i'll be stronger and resist because it isnt worth the feeling of dissapointment/frustration in the days after. it was the first time that i tried potatoes while watching what i eat so i think there off the menu for now :)

That sounds a brilliant idea @Brokenbill

It isn't worth not feeling not good in oneself nor feeling unwell for a few days after :)

(I shouldn't say this now you have strengthened your resolve, but I do fall off the wagon from time to time, and have those naughty carbs, but I regret it every time...)
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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firework season is upon us - information about pets in BSL with sub titles:
We have had dogs and cats since being married, 1972, and non have taken the slightest bit of notice of them. We used to worry about our horses at Shugbourgh Farm as Shugbourgh used to host huge bonfires and firework displays, we used to go down to check on the horses but they would always be peacefully grazing or even watching the displays, guess we have been fortunate.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
good evening all :)

4.3 today

out to volunteer today, probably the last time for a while as cases are going up here too :(

Mum decided not to go out today because it was p**ing down :D

Hope your day is treating you kindly :)

@Brokenbill - welcome :)

@lindisfel - sheep afterbirth ... ok, where is the 'yuck' emoji :wideyed:

@Muddy Cyclist - loving both of these pictures, the trees are grand and I particularly like the deft way you handled the foreground in the 'dusk' picture and the minimalistic feel of the 'first light' with the foreground grasses, lovely :joyful:

@dunelm - I'm enjoying the stroke variation you achieve in these sketches :)

@gennepher - you've painted a strong but still fun observation of the visiting birds :), I hope your holiday from drama is going well.

art bit -

well at least it looks like something :D, it's actually supposed to be of some rock pools left when the tide goes out, the rock strata are worn quite smooth by the action of the waves, mr gee says from a distance it looks like a bunch of soggy bananas :hilarious:
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as to ravens.

lauren in some dark humour always sees crows as the spirit of her mum, looking over us.

Neither of us au fait with bird breeds, but we see many large dark crow like birds
whenever we are away.

at first it bothered me she thought like that, but now i quite like she has that idea in her head.

perhaps yours too, are there offering support, :happy:

and not the harbingers of bad news ?

Hi JJ,
Are you sure you were not on a trip to Bodega Bay? :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi JJ,
Are you sure you were not on a trip to Bodega Bay? :)

have to plead ignorance here.:sorry:
sorry, sure its related

i did google but couldn't find the reference
if you could enlighten me, be grateful.

after all, every days a schoolday :D
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
* I think my frustrations also stems from my lack of Knowledge about Type 2 which is the reason i signed up here and have been reading a lot of the info.

* i'm trying to reduce the amount of sugar and carbs i eat but not really sure how many carbs per day i should be aiming for.

* i'm using myfitnesspal to try and track what i am consuming but i have no idea what is a good number of carbs.

* i dread to think how many carbs i was having before i started trying to eat better,

* but now i am typicaly having 45g-55g everyday. sorry about the long winded message :)

* Same here.

* A good idea..
here https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/visual-guides
gave me lots of good swap ideas

My missus has dieted as long as i have known here
when i got DX she was very supportive, i went eatwell as advised..starved and HBA1c got worse

Then i tried LCHF, she was amazed what i ate for breakfast and i still lost over 3 stone.
i think i came in at around 30-60 carbs per day pre lockdown..
missing out bread / pasta / rice, on a daily basis has a big impact over a few weeks.

* If i'm honest my carb pre DX would have been in the hundreds easy.
cereal cos it's healthy, :hilarious: low fat cos it's healthy :hilarious:, microwave cos it's easy, takeaways cos it delicious,
and i was still hungry, and that's before the snacks and beers etc

Now i probably eat 2 times a day, all meals made from identifiable veg / dairy or meat
i eat very well.. feel full much more often, so rarely snack
aug 2018 HBA1c 57..july 2019 HBA1c 40..back on dry land and safe from the sharks :D

for me the important pointers from others were,
Eat to the meter...what spikes ME may not spike you and vice versa
The fall if done properly has to be a maintainable lifestyle so slowly does it.
and learn to eat what you enjoy and enjoy what you eat..
lots of trial and error here

Starvation style just doesn't train the mind to eat better, so you starve then feel you can eat lots, imho

Lots have a story under their signatures if you haven't looked.
weight loss numbers drop, etc

One thing i was slow to find out about was B12.
diabetics and those taking metformin, can find it reduced
and if that isn't checked it can be life long
treatment then is 3 monthly injections.. nasty so i'm told
it's not automatically measured at HBA1c times, you have to ask.

I found mine was in the lower third, so i take a supplement to try to raise it up some.
seems odd they don't tell us , it's well known and on the label inside the metformin box.

lack of B12 can have nasty effects if left unchecked, worth asking next HBA1c

so why not drop the metformin ?

Once you steady the ship, many want to drop all meds.

But i found some data to suggest met has a protective mechanism for some cancers etc,
so i stuck with it.

Pays ya money and takes ya choice.

Due diligence, check others who post regular
read the reports with an open mind and sometimes a pinch of salt.

it's your life & body and you have the responsibility to look after her as best you can,

* doing good on the carb front..
and long winded.. ?

NO such thing when your new to something and need answers or advice.

should of seen some of MY posts..:hilarious::hilarious:

Welcome to this corner of the forum
hope you find a way that suits YOU .
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have to plead ignorance here.:sorry:
sorry, sure its related

i did google but couldn't find the reference
if you could enlighten me, be grateful.

after all, every days a schoolday :D

Hi JJ,

Bodega Bay was the place where Hitchcocks
The Birds was set.

It is on the coast of California north of the Golden Gate.
Its a dump, we had some fish and chips there when we were birding the Californian coast in the mid 1990's
. They were the worst fish and chips I have ever tasted.

Sorry to hear about Turkey.
Ps you'll have to watch out for me, sometimes I can be devious! :)
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Vitamin B12 deficiency can be an auto immune condition.
My father had pernicious anaemia in his thirties. It attacked his gut and he no doubt already had cancer when I was born.
As Dylan Thomas in the poem said about a father in.. Under Milk Wood.... He did not go gentle into that good night, but he struggled to live until I was six.

No, vitamin b12 deficiency is not to be neglected, but they know what they are doing medically in 2020.

* Same here.

* A good idea..
here https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/visual-guides
gave me lots of good swap ideas

My missus has dieted as long as i have known here
when i got DX she was very supportive, i went eatwell as advised..starved and HBA1c got worse

Then i tried LCHF, she was amazed what i ate for breakfast and i still lost over 3 stone.
i think i came in at around 30-60 carbs per day pre lockdown..
missing out bread / pasta / rice, on a daily basis has a big impact over a few weeks.

* If i'm honest my carb pre DX would have been in the hundreds easy.
cereal cos it's healthy, :hilarious: low fat cos it's healthy :hilarious:, microwave cos it's easy, takeaways cos it delicious,
and i was still hungry, and that's before the snacks and beers etc

Now i probably eat 2 times a day, all meals made from identifiable veg / dairy or meat
i eat very well.. feel full much more often, so rarely snack
aug 2018 HBA1c 57..july 2019 HBA1c 40..back on dry land and safe from the sharks :D

for me the important pointers from others were,
Eat to the meter...what spikes ME may not spike you and vice versa
The fall if done properly has to be a maintainable lifestyle so slowly does it.
and learn to eat what you enjoy and enjoy what you eat..
lots of trial and error here

Starvation style just doesn't train the mind to eat better, so you starve then feel you can eat lots, imho

Lots have a story under their signatures if you haven't looked.
weight loss numbers drop, etc

One thing i was slow to find out about was B12.
diabetics and those taking metformin, can find it reduced
and if that isn't checked it can be life long
treatment then is 3 monthly injections.. nasty so i'm told
it's not automatically measured at HBA1c times, you have to ask.

I found mine was in the lower third, so i take a supplement to try to raise it up some.
seems odd they don't tell us , it's well known and on the label inside the metformin box.

lack of B12 can have nasty effects if left unchecked, worth asking next HBA1c

so why not drop the metformin ?

Once you steady the ship, many want to drop all meds.

But i found some data to suggest met has a protective mechanism for some cancers etc,
so i stuck with it.

Pays ya money and takes ya choice.

Due diligence, check others who post regular
read the reports with an open mind and sometimes a pinch of salt.

it's your life & body and you have the responsibility to look after her as best you can,

* doing good on the carb front..
and long winded.. ?

NO such thing when your new to something and need answers or advice.

should of seem some of MY posts..:hilarious::hilarious:

Welcome to this corner of the forum
hope you find a way that suits YOU .


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi JJ,

Bodega Bay was the place where Hitchcocks
The Birds was set.

It is on the coast of California north of the Golden Gate.
Its a dump, we had some fish and chips there when we were birding the Californian coast in the mid 1990's
. They were the worst fish and chips I have ever tasted.

Sorry to hear about Turkey.
Ps you'll have to warch out for me, sometimes I can be devious! :)

Ahh now it makes sense. Cheers.

Yeah, sucks.
Two trips covid cancelled one year .:arghh:

Can't say I'm that bothered..
Thought we were being cheeky going back so soon...but whisper that, right

Cos Lauren ain't seeing it that way ..no sirree

"Numbers are doing down"
Yes, but there not the same standard...hon, so they say ..

is not winning me any brownie points,

so I'll just weather the storm, nod and agree until it blows over and she's hunting the next "Must Getaway".

Vietnam, got mentioned..:hilarious:

Devious ya say..mmh

No worries, I'm happy to say I don't know
And now I'm that tad wiser, too
