What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
BG at 2.30 am was 8.9. Hasn't moved much since then despite three cups of tea and some breakfast.

I am currently driving myself crazy by trying to find information about a lady my grandfather married, but who, reputedly, committed suicide within the year. Not even related to me, but ever since my mother told me about her, about 50 years ago, I have been fascinated by her. There seems to be a conspiracy to deny her existence - can't find a birth record, census record or death record but I do have a copy of my grandfather's marriage certificate with her as his bride in 1900. He remarried as a widower in 1902 - I have that certificate as well. So she's not just a figment of the imagination; she really did exist. Don't know why it matters to me really - it just does. It's not that grandad would have been a bad husband - he had a good, steady job, he was the kindest soul you could ever come across, wasn't fussy about food (happy with bread and apricot jam rather than a cooked meal) or even worried about the state of the house. That's proved by his 2nd wife - my grandmother. Why the lady felt the need to end it all will never be known, of course but I do want to find out all I can. It's becoming an obsession.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
No they are run by nine men in upstate NY and are organisation centred and not Christ centred. Their shunning doctrine is breaking up families and causing a lot of mental problems that I think possibly led to the shooting in Hamburg.
My SIL joined the JWs years ago (perhaps some kind of reaction to her rabid orangeman husband) and has always stuck with it, despite the damage it did to her family. Even now, it is difficult to have a conversation with her because she always manages to turn the subject to the ending of the world as we know it. All the disasters these days are just grist to the mill. We keep in touch and stay friendly but Tom, her brother, had to have strong words with her about proselytizing. She had a lot of respect for him and just stayed quiet when he was around, but not otherwise. I can understand why she does it - she thinks all those she has ever loved are doomed when the world ends and she wants to prevent that. It doesn't make her win friends or influence people though.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Phone call from my brother, who I never expected to see in life again due to health and distance issues, telling me that he and his wife have booked a cruise at the beginning of May, going around the Northern Isles and stopping off in Stornoway for a few hours. So I will see him again. Wonderful news.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Phone call from my brother, who I never expected to see in life again due to health and distance issues, telling me that he and his wife have booked a cruise at the beginning of May, going around the Northern Isles and stopping off in Stornoway for a few hours. So I will see him again. Wonderful news.
Smashing. We looked at that cruise but decided against it when we found that we could not book for the earlier dinner session. Who wants dinner to start at 2030 for goodness sake.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
No they are run by nine men in upstate NY and are organisation centred and not Christ centred. Their shunning doctrine is breaking up families and causing a lot of mental problems that I think possibly led to the shooting in Hamburg.
Would be quite hard for people who deny He was God and reject the Trinity - despite the whole eschatology focus. Presumably they just redact all the I am statements. #confused


Would be quite hard for people who deny He was God and reject the Trinity - despite the whole eschatology focus. Presumably they just redact all the I am statements. #confused
They don't understand the Trinity, they think is Modalism whereas they have a similar view to Arius. This is reinforced by their own translation that rewrites many of the Translation of New Testament Greek where Christs Deity is discussed. If one campares in an Greek interlinear even a non scholar like myself can see what they did.
Most JWs are sincere people but they are badly misled by their so called faithful and discreet slave who now number 9.
They treat what they say as the mouth piece of God.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.7

Blowing a gale here. Trees bowing down and coming back up again.
A very old massive fragile oak tree over the road in someone's back garden had a large branch come down. I think it was protected, but I think now for safety reasons it's going to have to come down.
I was going out first thing to get something I needed, but it's far too windy out there. The car could easily get blown sideways a bit in this....the bridge was closed earlier due to high winds...

I had a 2CV many years ago, and I was driving over a flyover in high winds. The wind lifted that car in the air and deposited it on the other side of the road. Fortunately I was the only person on the flyover...
But ever since, I have been mindful of wind and flyovers and high bridges in wind...

Nighttime Trail Camera...
Just finished editing from last night...

Fox & Badger & Cats...

It was mostly the fox, Foxy Loxy, and the badger KissyKissy.
Merlin got on the swing early in the evening, and stayed there all night until dawn.
The cats were mostly absent.

But once daylight came (not on this nighttime video), the stray cats were queuing for food...

Creative is a little lamb painting in Procreate.

The birds are swaying precariously on their bird feeders.
Last night the fox was was rooting in the snow. I had put some recently bought peanuts on the bird table above him. I presume the birds had knocked some off. So, maybe foxes like peanuts? Do they?

Lunch time...
My tummy is making noises...

Have your best kind of day...



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
BG at 2.30 am was 8.9. Hasn't moved much since then despite three cups of tea and some breakfast.

I am currently driving myself crazy by trying to find information about a lady my grandfather married, but who, reputedly, committed suicide within the year. Not even related to me, but ever since my mother told me about her, about 50 years ago, I have been fascinated by her. There seems to be a conspiracy to deny her existence - can't find a birth record, census record or death record but I do have a copy of my grandfather's marriage certificate with her as his bride in 1900. He remarried as a widower in 1902 - I have that certificate as well. So she's not just a figment of the imagination; she really did exist. Don't know why it matters to me really - it just does. It's not that grandad would have been a bad husband - he had a good, steady job, he was the kindest soul you could ever come across, wasn't fussy about food (happy with bread and apricot jam rather than a cooked meal) or even worried about the state of the house. That's proved by his 2nd wife - my grandmother. Why the lady felt the need to end it all will never be known, of course but I do want to find out all I can. It's becoming an obsession.
Have you tried ScotlandsPeople
or are they not Scottish?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
They don't understand the Trinity, they think is Modalism whereas they have a similar view to Arius. This is reinforced by their own translation that rewrites many of the Translation of New Testament Greek where Christs Deity is discussed. If one campares in an Greek interlinear even a non scholar like myself can see what they did.
Most JWs are sincere people but they are badly misled by their so called faithful and discreet slave who now number 9.
They treat what they say as the mouth piece of God.
We all have our own view of the world and we all follow the path that seems right to us (the one which suits us, I suppose) and we often think our own version is the true one. I am reminded of a friend, years ago, an English speaker, who was discussing some Biblical point with an old local man. "Ah," said the old man, "but you aren't reading the gaelic Bible." End of conversation.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Have you tried ScotlandsPeople
or are they not Scottish?
Kentish, like me. Around the 18-1900s both sides of my family were in a few small villages close together, around the area of West Kent/Sussex. They all seem to have lived within a very few miles of each other, were cousins to others in their villages and had very little imagination when they named their multitude of children. Makes tracing them very difficult. The lady I can't trace may have come from the same area but was living with my great grandparents in Lambeth when she was married.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.7

Blowing a gale here. Trees bowing down and coming back up again.
A very old massive fragile oak tree over the road in someone's back garden had a large branch come down. I think it was protected, but I think now for safety reasons it's going to have to come down.
I was going out first thing to get something I needed, but it's far too windy out there. The car could easily get blown sideways a bit in this....the bridge was closed earlier due to high winds...

I had a 2CV many years ago, and I was driving over a flyover in high winds. The wind lifted that car in the air and deposited it on the other side of the road. Fortunately I was the only person on the flyover...
But ever since, I have been mindful of wind and flyovers and high bridges in wind...

Nighttime Trail Camera...
Just finished editing from last night...

Fox & Badger & Cats...

It was mostly the fox, Foxy Loxy, and the badger KissyKissy.
Merlin got on the swing early in the evening, and stayed there all night until dawn.
The cats were mostly absent.

But once daylight came (not on this nighttime video), the stray cats were queuing for food...

Creative is a little lamb painting in Procreate.

The birds are swaying precariously on their bird feeders.
Last night the fox was was rooting in the snow. I had put some recently bought peanuts on the bird table above him. I presume the birds had knocked some off. So, maybe foxes like peanuts? Do they?

Lunch time...
My tummy is making noises...

Have your best kind of day...

View attachment 59834
Thanks for sharing the lamb. Whisper it quietly but I ate some of it's cousin yesterday and will soon clear more traces of the evidence. Stay inside out of that wind.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Kentish, like me. Around the 18-1900s both sides of my family were in a few small villages close together, around the area of West Kent/Sussex. They all seem to have lived within a very few miles of each other, were cousins to others in their villages and had very little imagination when they named their multitude of children. Makes tracing them very difficult. The lady I can't trace may have come from the same area but was living with my great grandparents in Lambeth when she was married.
Do you belong to Ancestry or Find my Past?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks for sharing the lamb. Whisper it quietly but I ate it's cousin yesterday and will soon clear more traces of the evidence. Stay inside out of that wind.
Oh dearie me...
I mustn't wipe that innocent smile of that wee little lamb's face...

I will keep out of that treacherous wind...

Enjoy your meal.......


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

A 6.1 on that meter this morning.

Unfortunately here in Tilehurst Towers Mrs J tested +ve for covid on Sunday, luckily I tested -ve, but with the medication I take I am not expecting to stay clear.

My function in Tilehurst Towers has taken a seismic shift, I found out what fitted sheets were yesterday and if things continue I might have to find out how the washing machine works. Apparently universal does not mean lumps of rock traversing round our fusion reactor, it means you can throw any colour piece of clothing in gaping hole in the washing machine.

Now I must depart, clear up the mess I have made in the kitchen and other such feminine tasks, I am dressed for the role, a nice silk number and don’t suspenders make your legs itch, now before some woke devotee takes this paragraph seriously it’s all fiction.

Luckily I have sorted dinner for tonight.
Never has stay safe all meant so much.

Last week Mrs J was out celebrating her birthday twice and one other of her friends has also tested +ve.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

A 6.1 on that meter this morning.

Unfortunately here in Tilehurst Towers Mrs J tested +ve for covid on Sunday, luckily I tested -ve, but with the medication I take I am not expecting to stay clear.

My function in Tilehurst Towers has taken a seismic shift, I found out what fitted sheets were yesterday and if things continue I might have to find out how the washing machine works. Apparently universal does not mean lumps of rock traversing round our fusion reactor, it means you can throw any colour piece of clothing in gaping hole in the washing machine.

Now I must depart, clear up the mess I have made in the kitchen and other such feminine tasks, I am dressed for the role, a nice silk number and don’t suspenders make your legs itch, now before some woke devotee takes this paragraph seriously it’s all fiction.

Luckily I have sorted dinner for tonight.
Never has stay safe all meant so much.

Last week Mrs J was out celebrating her birthday twice and one other of her friends has also tested +ve.
Best wishes for Mrs J to have a mild dose and recover quickly. Obviously I hope and pray you can avoid covid.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Do you belong to Ancestry or Find my Past?
Find My Past. Not perfect as a website - keeps putting things in I don't want and managed to lose a whole tree - my husband's family. Usually not too bad though. Useless for Scotland despite saying they cover Scotland. Scotland's People is the one for that. My husband's family lived far more interesting lives than mine. (Alexander Selkirk, Alexander Graham Bell, and others whose names I have forgotten just now). I have a cousin who is convinced we are of the same family as George Bush but, happily the link hasn't been proved.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

A 6.1 on that meter this morning.

Unfortunately here in Tilehurst Towers Mrs J tested +ve for covid on Sunday, luckily I tested -ve, but with the medication I take I am not expecting to stay clear.

My function in Tilehurst Towers has taken a seismic shift, I found out what fitted sheets were yesterday and if things continue I might have to find out how the washing machine works. Apparently universal does not mean lumps of rock traversing round our fusion reactor, it means you can throw any colour piece of clothing in gaping hole in the washing machine.

Now I must depart, clear up the mess I have made in the kitchen and other such feminine tasks, I am dressed for the role, a nice silk number and don’t suspenders make your legs itch, now before some woke devotee takes this paragraph seriously it’s all fiction.

Luckily I have sorted dinner for tonight.
Never has stay safe all meant so much.

Last week Mrs J was out celebrating her birthday twice and one other of her friends has also tested +ve.
Hug for Mrs J. Hope she gets over it soon. Hug for you, as well, taking on the household duties. Good man!

If you want to wear a silk dress and suspenders, that's up to you and nothing at all to do with anyone else, woke, awakened or not.:D
Edit: Just remembered one of my husband's ancestral family - Thomas Chalmers - he who led his congregation out of the Church of Scotland to help set up the Free Church. The family remained strict Presbyterians and members of the Temperance Society up until my husband's grandparents.
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Back to see nurse at local surgery this pm. Wound from lesion removal opened up and bleeding over weekend I guess it will be too late to hold the wound together. It must be old flesh and my Pradaxa the cause, my stitches were taken out last Tuesday and we're put in two weeks before that.

Friday is our 61st wedding anniversary. I shall be dropped off at Freeman 1030 and picked up next day.
Hope Marjorie gets looked after well in Newcastle overnight. Helen and s.i.l. booked up the holiday Inn for her.


Fbg 6.7

Blowing a gale here. Trees bowing down and coming back up again.
A very old massive fragile oak tree over the road in someone's back garden had a large branch come down. I think it was protected, but I think now for safety reasons it's going to have to come down.
I was going out first thing to get something I needed, but it's far too windy out there. The car could easily get blown sideways a bit in this....the bridge was closed earlier due to high winds...

I had a 2CV many years ago, and I was driving over a flyover in high winds. The wind lifted that car in the air and deposited it on the other side of the road. Fortunately I was the only person on the flyover...
But ever since, I have been mindful of wind and flyovers and high bridges in wind...

Nighttime Trail Camera...
Just finished editing from last night...

Fox & Badger & Cats...

It was mostly the fox, Foxy Loxy, and the badger KissyKissy.
Merlin got on the swing early in the evening, and stayed there all night until dawn.
The cats were mostly absent.

But once daylight came (not on this nighttime video), the stray cats were queuing for food...

Creative is a little lamb painting in Procreate.

The birds are swaying precariously on their bird feeders.
Last night the fox was was rooting in the snow. I had put some recently bought peanuts on the bird table above him. I presume the birds had knocked some off. So, maybe foxes like peanuts? Do they?

Lunch time...
My tummy is making noises...

Have your best kind of day...

View attachment 59834
I like the Cumbrian Herdwick sheep. They are practically black at birth and turn progressively more white. Initially some as lambs have black heads and white goggles.
A very hardy breed brought by the Vikings that can feed on the upper fells all winter on rough food.
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Find My Past. Not perfect as a website - keeps putting things in I don't want and managed to lose a whole tree - my husband's family. Usually not too bad though. Useless for Scotland despite saying they cover Scotland. Scotland's People is the one for that. My husband's family lived far more interesting lives than mine. (Alexander Selkirk, Alexander Graham Bell, and others whose names I have forgotten just now). I have a cousin who is convinced we are of the same family as George Bush but, happily the link hasn't been proved.

Hug for Mrs J. Hope she gets over it soon. Hug for you, as well, taking on the household duties. Good man!

If you want to wear a silk dress and suspenders, that's up to you and nothing at all to do with anyone else, woke, awakened or not.:D
I expect Alf you will be sing to yourself, I am a lumberjack as you do your chores.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

A 6.1 on that meter this morning.

Unfortunately here in Tilehurst Towers Mrs J tested +ve for covid on Sunday, luckily I tested -ve, but with the medication I take I am not expecting to stay clear.

My function in Tilehurst Towers has taken a seismic shift, I found out what fitted sheets were yesterday and if things continue I might have to find out how the washing machine works. Apparently universal does not mean lumps of rock traversing round our fusion reactor, it means you can throw any colour piece of clothing in gaping hole in the washing machine.

Now I must depart, clear up the mess I have made in the kitchen and other such feminine tasks, I am dressed for the role, a nice silk number and don’t suspenders make your legs itch, now before some woke devotee takes this paragraph seriously it’s all fiction.

Luckily I have sorted dinner for tonight.
Never has stay safe all meant so much.

Last week Mrs J was out celebrating her birthday twice and one other of her friends has also tested +ve.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

A 6.1 on that meter this morning.

Unfortunately here in Tilehurst Towers Mrs J tested +ve for covid on Sunday, luckily I tested -ve, but with the medication I take I am not expecting to stay clear.

My function in Tilehurst Towers has taken a seismic shift, I found out what fitted sheets were yesterday and if things continue I might have to find out how the washing machine works. Apparently universal does not mean lumps of rock traversing round our fusion reactor, it means you can throw any colour piece of clothing in gaping hole in the washing machine.

Now I must depart, clear up the mess I have made in the kitchen and other such feminine tasks, I am dressed for the role, a nice silk number and don’t suspenders make your legs itch, now before some woke devotee takes this paragraph seriously it’s all fiction.

Luckily I have sorted dinner for tonight.
Never has stay safe all meant so much.

Last week Mrs J was out celebrating her birthday twice and one other of her friends has also tested +ve.
Always best to say what you want and then wait for reality to align. All the best to Mrs J for a speedy recovery.