What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@gennepher hug for the extra work caused by the mystery killing and for carrying that secret for so long. Thank you for sharing the daffodils which bring back some happy memories of a little "hill" planted with them at what I still feel is my home. I hope you sleep well and wake refreshed. @JohnEGreen what a complete waste of time.
Thank you @ianpspurs


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
So daughter asked me if I knew, and I said I had known this since 1974
Such a burden , and for so long.

A blessing you have now been released from that burden.



True Blue

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all
Rise and Shine. It is going to be a beautiful day.

Well, it will be if my optician this morning can sort out a current eye ailment, like hay fever only there isn't any pollen. New allergy?
FBG 6.3 mmol at 0630hrs. Had 20g of 70% dark chocolate lunchtime. Seems one can have treats if there is no booze.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Right, finally sat down...
What a day...
I went in the kitchen when I woke up this morning.
A disaster.
A bloodbath.
Blood splattered on all my curtains on my wooden shelves, and the curtains under my sink, and all over the floor. And puddles of blood on the floor, but no body.

I took my fbg at this point It was a straight 7
I shut the kitchen door, came in to find Midnight.
He was on my bed where he had been all night, so I locked him in there.
Came back in kitchen.
It was all fresh blood...happened in the previous hour.
But I was due a Skype call.
So disposable gloves on.
Mopped up what I could.
Then covered the rest in kitchen towel, two rolls it took. Took gloves off, washed hands. Made a coffee. Went back to bed for the Skype call.

It was about the secrets I spoke a week or so back on.
I gave the info I had. The private online links. She couldn't see why I was told all this as secrets that should never be told. The first one had been discovered by her aunts last year, and it was a complete shock and surprise to them about their father. My daughter had been asked if she knew, and she didn't. So daughter asked me if I knew, and I said I had known this since 1974 when she was one year old. And that I was to keep this secret from everyone. My daughter said to me this morning that she couldn't see why it had to be a secret because no one had done anything wrong by anyone's standards,

So, I told my daughter the second secret which I had been told when she was nearly 3. Which had been told me by the person on their deathbed. My daughter was there initially. I didn't think she would remember around it, and she doesn't. I sent her away for a couple of hours, I wasn't sure if she would remember that. She doesn't. Then I was told this second secret, and given some tasks to do around it when the person died.

Because I had to carry out some of these tasks after the person died, I had my nearly 3 year old daughter with me. She doesn't remember. I can remember the clothes she wore at the time. So, I described them. She didn't remember me going these places, to do what I was asked to do. I didn't expect her to. But, you know you might have some shadowy childhood memories you can't make sense of. But my daughter had none of this. I explained to daughter where I went and who I spoke with, and where I delivered the final message I had been tasked to do after the person died.

My daughter was very intrigued with all this, and was interested and asked questions. Then I showed her the research. She already had the link to my actual ancestry page, but not not the link to the private tree I had made for her, with the files and documents and information on.

So she is now looking at that, while I am thinking which of my cats has died.. I had found Midnight, Jade, and Merlin, but no sign of the others, but I wouldn't normally expect to see them until tonight.

So then daughter is asking different questions to those I asked and is already researching and coming up with new information.

Daughter is very interested, and I explained her aunts may be traumatised by this new secret information since they were by the first secret. Daughter realised that, and said that she thought they were traumatised by the first secret, because there was no need for it to ever have been a secret in the first place, and especially for them to find out (on their investigations into their family tree), unexpectedly , more than half a century later. So, her aunts were questioning why it had to be a secret in the first place unless something else was involved.

And this second secret leads to the something else that was involved. Daughter is very intuitive and realised some stuff I had not said. Daughter does not see this to her as the burden I have felt it was for me the last half century. She is very curious and sees it as an interesting piece of family history to be unravelled for her interest at least. To understand your family in any way, is a means of understanding yourself.

So, I left her with that. And I do not have this unspoken burden any more.

Now the kitchen. Logic tells me this was a rat that was killed, but there is an awful lot of pools of blood. I have turned the kitchen upside down...no body...I have searched outside... no body.

There are enough wild animals here that anything freshly dead would be eaten.

So the next 5 hours was cleaning the floor, scrubbing the blood with baking soda and white vinegar. Yes I wore gloves and old clothes. Throwing away all the blood spattered curtains that covered my wooden shelves, amend more.

Then I collected the SD cards from the swing cameras from last night and this morning. I have edited one which shows a badger, and then Jade very interestedly watching something from the swing, but she is annoyed the badger is also feeding off the peanuts, and Jade tries to show disinterest to the badger. Shortly after this time the event would have happened in the kitchen.

So, which cat did the deed, and why did it take place in my kitchen?

One answer might be that I have seen online in this area, that people have seen a fancy rat in their gardens, and they were posting when they saw it, but no one came forward to say they had a missing fancy rat. I have handled a big fancy rat in the past , and the size of it would explain the amount of blood in my kitchen. Poor thing, it wouldn't stand a chance on my property...

All cats are present and correct now.

It is dark, I need to put those swing SD cards back in.

So Wildlife video
The Badger and the Cat
1min 25secs

And I am absolutely exhausted. I keep falling asleep after my day today.
So Creative is a photo of some daffodils outside my kitchen door...

Good night from me at nearly 6pm

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Blimey, what a day. Such a burden, having to carry secrets. They can drain people. Do you live in Elsinore? Hugs for that and for the Who Done It mystery clean up and thank you for these glorious daffs.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all
Rise and Shine. It is going to be a beautiful day.

Well, it will be if my optician this morning can sort out a current eye ailment, like hay fever only there isn't any pollen. New allergy?
FBG 6.3 mmol at 0630hrs. Had 20g of 70% dark chocolate lunchtime. Seems one can have treats if there is no booze.
Tree pollen can affect you in February @True Blue
Especially From Hazel trees.
It affects me. I have several hazel trees in my garden. I have other trees in my garden which have catkins. I think catkins are coming out early this year...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Well arrived at QMC but they had no record of receiving eGFr from doctors so no scan they did their own blood test and will rearrange scan so 17 miles there 17 miles back just for a blood test am not a happy bunny.
left hand not knowing what right hand is doing - what a mess. Seems to happen quite frequently I think.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Blimey, what a day. Such a burden, having to carry secrets. They can drain people. Do you live in Elsinore? Hugs for that and for the Who Done It mystery clean up and thank you for these glorious daffs.
It was @dunelm
Thank you
Yes, they were draining. I don't think people realise when they give you a secret that they say must never be spoken of. They are unburdening themselves or maybe hoping they will be found out?
Daffs are cheerful little things!The badger dug them all up last year, and these are what I managed to replant!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone on a blissfully quiet start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.4 at 0600 this am. There are 13 snowbells sticking up out of the lawn that was newly laid last summer. A prime example of how flowers move about when you are looking the other way. We are going to try and decant them to where other members of their gang live, at the front of the house. Another day of exploration yesterday with the grandchildren; down to the beach through some woods where the light is encouraging better growth of the wild garlic. Picking and eating - looking at plantains, sampling early beech leaves. Down on the beach searching for treasure. A few fossilised mussels, Little Miss Pamplemouse found an ammonite (photo below). “Is this is older than you grandad?” Throwing pebbles into the sea, water over the tops of welly boots, ice creams. Discussions from the pier about the different colours on the sea. Can you see light through the lens of a microscope? Colour is just light frequency, rainbows - what have I got myself into? Back to the house for food before they all left for home leaving the grandparents to flop on the sofas! Total of 6 miles wandering about. Art bit - just a wee start. Today will be a quiet day. Hugs aplenty for anyone who needs a few. I must finish my koffy and tend to some washing.


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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
It was @dunelm
Thank you
Yes, they were draining. I don't think people realise when they give you a secret that they say must never be spoken of. They are unburdening themselves or maybe hoping they will be found out?
Daffs are cheerful little things!The badger dug them all up last year, and these are what I managed to replant!
We have daffs all along the street on the grass verges - some tall and a wonderful few native ones. Most gardens and street ends are filled with pockets of snowdrops at the moment. This area was woodland until the 1960’s.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
We have daffs all along the street on the grass verges - some tall and a wonderful few native ones. Most gardens and street ends are filled with pockets of snowdrops at the moment. This area was woodland until the 1960’s.
That sounds beautiful @dunelm
My snowdrops are still leaves, no buds/flowers.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on a blissfully quiet start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.4 at 0600 this am. There are 13 snowbells sticking up out of the lawn that was newly laid last summer. A prime example of how flowers move about when you are looking the other way. We are going to try and decant them to where other members of their gang live, at the front of the house. Another day of exploration yesterday with the grandchildren; down to the beach through some woods where the light is encouraging better growth of the wild garlic. Picking and eating - looking at plantains, sampling early beech leaves. Down on the beach searching for treasure. A few fossilised mussels, Little Miss Pamplemouse found an ammonite (photo below). “Is this is older than you grandad?” Throwing pebbles into the sea, water over the tops of welly boots, ice creams. Discussions from the pier about the different colours on the sea. Can you see light through the lens of a microscope? Colour is just light frequency, rainbows - what have I got myself into? Back to the house for food before they all left for home leaving the grandparents to flop on the sofas! Total of 6 miles wandering about. Art bit - just a wee start. Today will be a quiet day. Hugs aplenty for anyone who needs a few. I must finish my koffy and tend to some washing.
Tell Little Miss Pamplemouse I have a chalk ammonite I found when I was about her age, and I am nearly 75 years old now, a batty old lady, and I still have that ammonite in a little red box @dunelm


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and something or other.

Blood sugars this Morening were a 5.6

I have never found a fossil, but have been referred to as an old fossil and have been known to tell my grandchildren I had a Stegosaurus as a pet when I was a child, these days the little darlings roll their eyes and give me one of those looks when tell them that.
Isn’t that sort of thing the prerogative of being a grandfather?

Thought for the day, well my day.
As me, me’s and myself say time is not a constant, but a variable therefore perhaps the world was made in seven days, but not the days used on this the third rock from the sun.

Stay safe all and enjoy your day by avoiding Tilehurst Towers.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning everyone on a day alternating twixt sunshine and showers. Did we go straight to April? @gennepher I hope you slept well and today is as dull as can be - no need for the Silent Witness team although they usually need a body. @dunelm thanks for sharing the photo and art. So much in that post a sort of instant lifestyle description. Just add a little thought about what all that involves and embodies - multum in parvo: sounds like somewhere the Chipping Norton set would live. Half term here so childcare and care home combined along with two very, very up close and personal procedures. Modern science is wonderful and so simple to follow.. Here's a weeks worth of poems for anyone feeling like accompanying me on my pilgrimage. Enjoy as much as possible of your Monday.
Edit: At the moment the links to the audio versions and R S Thomas one seem to be in transit.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning everyone on a day alternating twixt sunshine and showers. Did we go straight to April? @gennepher I hope you slept well and today is as dull as can be - no need for the Silent Witness team although they usually need a body. @dunelm thanks for sharing the photo and art. So much in that post a sort of instant lifestyle description. Just add a little thought about what all that involves and embodies - multum in parvo: sounds like somewhere the Chipping Norton set would live. Half term here so childcare and care home combined along with two very, very up close and personal procedure. Modern science is wonderful and so simple to follow.. Here's a weeks worth of poems for anyone feeling like accompanying me on my pilgrimage. Enjoy as much as possible of your Monday.
Thank you @ianpspurs and yes, a lot fun and joy crammed into a small space in the time continuum. Got to love Stanley Unwin.