What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
5.9 today.

Adrian is travelling up from Oxford today for a few days to celebrate our 50th anniversary with us and we all will be going for a meal on Saturday at the Hardwick Inn and have invited a couple of friends to join us so should be a good day.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5.9 today.

Adrian is travelling up from Oxford today for a few days to celebrate our 50th anniversary with us and we all will be going for a meal on Saturday at the Hardwick Inn and have invited a couple of friends to join us so should be a good day.
Smashing and congratulations on your 50th anniversary which deserves to be celebrated in fine fashion.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone on what bodes to be a sun shiny bin day here in the dark and dangerous north. Lovely day yesterday. All the doors wedged open and windows thrown wide. We spent a nice hour on the outside deck of a restaurant that overlooks the sea; drinking green tea, watching the surfers falling off their boards and keeping an eye out for dolphins and other big sea dwellers that seem to be on the increase in these parts. Mrs Miggins took to the garden in the afternoon. I had a nasty turn and washed the little car. We might go out in it today and put the roof down. But that depends upon quite a lot of current unknowns. Art bit - trees, a bit rushed, never mind. You only get one shot of today, I wonder what you will make of it before it slips through your fingers and becomes the past? I shall finish my koffy first and then guide the three bees that are clambering on the window to make good their exits.


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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all on Ascension day 2024 from what could (eventually) be a sunny 23°C drip trip day. Bin day eve here due to the Public holiday so the pavements are and will remain littered with blue and brown bins - very inconvenient for prams/pushchairs and people with impaired mobility. @JohnEGreen hearty congratulations to yourself and Judith. Enjoy today with Adrian and Saturday plus any other celebrations. @dunelm thank you for sharing your wonderful art. Yesterday sounds like a good day way up there. The weather was ok here but not shorts and no socks good. We ventured into Cambs yesterday to visit the grave and stopped to buy strawberries and asparagus on the way. Both amazing and, depending on which part of the field they grew in, Cambs or Suffick grown but all within 5 miles. I may return for produce today or Saturday. Ideally need to source some new laid eggs to go with the asparagus - miss our hens and asparagus bed this time of year but blessed to have found this local grower - thanks be to God. Enjoy your Thursday.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
6.2 this morning. Lovely to have the conservatory door open in the sunshine.

I still wore my fleece on the dog walk as it was a bit chilly at 7am but we met two neighbours wearing sleeveless tops - no jackets. I was wearing gloves as well as a fleece.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
5.9 today.

Adrian is travelling up from Oxford today for a few days to celebrate our 50th anniversary with us and we all will be going for a meal on Saturday at the Hardwick Inn and have invited a couple of friends to join us so should be a good day.
Congratulations on your 50th anniversary. Amazing how quickly all those years roll by. Have a great celebratory day/week/year. You both deserve it.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning all from L.A. where we are promised a few days of less sub-optimal warmth. Today is the anniversary of my world record tea drinking attempt brought on by telling relatives of the death of first my dad then my mum. A double tour of Cambs as events unfolded. One was expected, the other a big shock initially but obvious looking back. Moving on. Bloods revealed an fbg of 4.1 yesterday and an HbA1c of 33 so not awful. @dunelm I liked the Vicar funny and the trees so thank you. @gennepher thank you for sharing the sketch and hug for the sleep issues. We are all different but I sleep best on hot nights uncovered, with windows open but blinds and curtains closed obviously. Ceiling fans are great - who knew? @JohnEGreen hug for pollen issues as I don't do well with tree pollen which has become very noticeable here. I'll share my personal May 8th song which I chose for my parents' funeral entry - very much what it seems mum did. Enjoy Wednesday as much as possible.
Brilliant HbA1c of 33 @ianpspurs


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
BG was around the 8's and 9's all day yesterday despite taking my basal insulin and no food. At 03.30 today it was 5.1 - only one cup of tea since then but haven't checked again (Libre needs recharging and I can't stir myself to get the fingerprick kit out). I've just phoned and cancelled my leg bandaging appointment for this afternoon. No way will I be able to go and, in any case, Neil is none too bright today. Legs will have to do for another week now. The pain is nowhere near as bad today as it was but still there.

Had a phone call yesterday to let me know that I've been transferred back to the GP practice for my diabetic care and have been given an appointment for 30th May. Might, at least, get a bit more out of them than from the, now, almost non-existant hospital service.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
5.9 today.

Adrian is travelling up from Oxford today for a few days to celebrate our 50th anniversary with us and we all will be going for a meal on Saturday at the Hardwick Inn and have invited a couple of friends to join us so should be a good day.
Congratulations on your 50th anniversary @JohnEGreen


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on what bodes to be a sun shiny bin day here in the dark and dangerous north. Lovely day yesterday. All the doors wedged open and windows thrown wide. We spent a nice hour on the outside deck of a restaurant that overlooks the sea; drinking green tea, watching the surfers falling off their boards and keeping an eye out for dolphins and other big sea dwellers that seem to be on the increase in these parts. Mrs Miggins took to the garden in the afternoon. I had a nasty turn and washed the little car. We might go out in it today and put the roof down. But that depends upon quite a lot of current unknowns. Art bit - trees, a bit rushed, never mind. You only get one shot of today, I wonder what you will make of it before it slips through your fingers and becomes the past? I shall finish my koffy first and then guide the three bees that are clambering on the window to make good their exits.
Brilliant trees @dunelm


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.8

Nighttime wildlife video
Cat watches Fox
34 secs

Creative...one line squiggle of a man walking past the shops...holding a very large paper carrier bag...

Fell asleep, in a deep sleep, hot day today...it is now 3 pm...my 3 (!) bottles of water are empty...I need to refill them...too hot for tea...although I made a flask of tea a couple of hours ago, and it is right besides me...might as well have a cuppa before I move...I am still half asleep...

The cats have all disappeared, as they always do in hot weather. No idea where Midnight is. He usually pops his little head out from nowhere, around 5 pm on a hot day.

Have your best day.

I think a half hour meditation for me with a hot cuppa in my hands...



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.8

Nighttime wildlife video
Cat watches Fox
34 secs

Creative...one line squiggle of a man walking past the shops...holding a very large paper carrier bag...

Fell asleep, in a deep sleep, hot day today...it is now 3 pm...my 3 (!) bottles of water are empty...I need to refill them...too hot for tea...although I made a flask of tea a couple of hours ago, and it is right besides me...might as well have a cuppa before I move...I am still half asleep...

The cats have all disappeared, as they always do in hot weather. No idea where Midnight is. He usually pops his little head out from nowhere, around 5 pm on a hot day.

Have your best day.

I think a half hour meditation for me with a hot cuppa in my hands...

View attachment 67545
Amazingly detailed sketch, thank you. Amazing to read that is a one line squiggle because it is so detailed as though you spent hours perfecting it.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Amazingly detailed sketch, thank you. Amazing to read that is a one line squiggle because it so detailed as though you spent hours perfecting it.
I fell asleep again! For another hour!!!

I nearly didn't post these sketches initially because I felt they were so rough @ianpspurs and I felt a fraud because it had only taken me 10 to 12 seconds for each sketch. And thus I couldn't possibly post these as art work. I still have those same emotional feelings about this series of sketches.

And each one I do, I nearly press the delete button. It is so hard not to press that delete button, and go on to post them publicly.

Is this a common artist's feeling? Or is this just me? It was ingrained in me as a child constantly, by parents and teachers, that I would never amount to anything because I was a girl, and because I was deaf, and that my paintings and drawings were rubbish and they would be ripped up telling me I should try harder. A teacher once ripped up my entire term's drawings and paintings in front of the whole shocked class, who could not understand why this was happening to me. Even now at the age of 75 I can remember the details of every picture that was harshly criticised or ripped up in my childhood, and there was a lot of them. I used to adore drawing horses as a child, but my father ripped them all up saying they were rubbish. They were not rubbish, I knew that even then. But I find it very difficult to draw horses now.

I had this technique of stepping out of my body when this was happening, and watching the scene as if I were a detached observer, and I watched and studied the face of the person criticising or ripping up my work. I never cried or got upset even as a small child. I am guessing now, it was probably looked on as insolence, but it wasn't.

I can still do that technique in a difficult situation.

I am grateful for your lovely praise of these sketches.

I keep them in a folder on my iPad, and I have just been looking at the last month's worth of sketches, and I am realising each one has picked up at least one distinct characteristic of that person, the way they hold their body etc. I did not see that characteristic before I started the squiggle. My first thought is HELP, where am I going to start with this person. I usually start with the head/hair/face, but if panic has set in, and the person will have walked off before I have started, then I start with the shoulders and then do the head. There are at least another 2 or 3 points in the one line squiggle of that person when I panic and you might see a line going up and down a few times because I realise I have missed the arm or the leg etc...there are many different emotions in me as I do each person in that 10-12 second sketch.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
5.9 today.

Adrian is travelling up from Oxford today for a few days to celebrate our 50th anniversary with us and we all will be going for a meal on Saturday at the Hardwick Inn and have invited a couple of friends to join us so should be a good day.
Congrats mate or.........
Enjoy your meal, if not sure ask the chef...

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Good morning everyone on what bodes to be a sun shiny bin day here in the dark and dangerous north. Lovely day yesterday. All the doors wedged open and windows thrown wide. We spent a nice hour on the outside deck of a restaurant that overlooks the sea; drinking green tea, watching the surfers falling off their boards and keeping an eye out for dolphins and other big sea dwellers that seem to be on the increase in these parts. Mrs Miggins took to the garden in the afternoon. I had a nasty turn and washed the little car. We might go out in it today and put the roof down. But that depends upon quite a lot of current unknowns. Art bit - trees, a bit rushed, never mind. You only get one shot of today, I wonder what you will make of it before it slips through your fingers and becomes the past? I shall finish my koffy first and then guide the three bees that are clambering on the window to make good their exits.
Speaking of National bin day. Fishi rishi has pledged to reduce your bins and make it easier to recycle.l
OMG, it is sooooooooo important.!!!!

If he could reduce the number of food banks or those that in poverty, it might be a vote winner.
But who would believe him?

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Fbg 6.8

Nighttime wildlife video
Cat watches Fox
34 secs

Creative...one line squiggle of a man walking past the shops...holding a very large paper carrier bag...

Fell asleep, in a deep sleep, hot day today...it is now 3 pm...my 3 (!) bottles of water are empty...I need to refill them...too hot for tea...although I made a flask of tea a couple of hours ago, and it is right besides me...might as well have a cuppa before I move...I am still half asleep...

The cats have all disappeared, as they always do in hot weather. No idea where Midnight is. He usually pops his little head out from nowhere, around 5 pm on a hot day.

Have your best day.

I think a half hour meditation for me with a hot cuppa in my hands...

View attachment 67545
Just because I went the butchers today!!!!!!!!

6.0 again! Pre counselling day.
did another morning of phone calls, emails, docs, running around for form filling with the chores inbetween. And of course Mrs L 's needs.
this afternoon, my penultimate session, and his (counsellor) assessment of my demeanour was so positive.
I will never be free of my general anxiety and the worry over Mrs L as she will deteriorate steadily is having to cope with it all is really awful to contemplate.
But I do feel more positive about it all. And my anger issue has been reduced when things don't go to plan or accidents happen.

Another weather day like the last couple but only to the low twentys, but the garden needs watering.
It's typical!
From one extreme to another, we will have our Welsh water cut off, if things continue.
Household are defo done and have already cut them back, the rest will have to wait.
In my new project, some thing has decided to attack one of my plants. I did put two of the same venue but this thing has attacked one but not the other!!!!! Have put some protection, will see if it works.

Pork steak today.

Hopefully a restful day tomorrow!

Enjoy your Thursday evening.

My best wishes to you all as always.