What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Forgot to say take care if you're driving today,we have been warned not to drive today,so will stay in and watch the snow fall.It was heavy here for us.My grandson finds my weather watching a laugh as he's over here at uni at the moment but my daughter and family live in the French alpine region,I think he really misses their deep snow!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
No snow for me, but a 7.2

And still pondering liver dumps and Metformin. So the dump means my liver's making glucose from somewhere, which could be a good thing. At least until I hit my target weight. But if my scales are accurate, I seem to be losing muscle, not fat.. And I thought the process should prefer fat over muscle. And Metformin's meant to supress liver glucose production, so if that helps or hinders fat reduction. Or maybe I should ask the doc for some slow-release Metformin to use during the sleep fasting.

Slow release metformin is the best , we do also lose muscle when loosing weight , But if you eat very low carb and get the right amount of proteins it will be less than if you eat too little protein in a day .
When not doing resistance exercise / weight lifting and alike most People need around 0.8 -1.0 grams of pro kg body weight ... so if you weigh around 100 kg you should eat at least 100 grams of protein Daily . And if you do resistance exercises Then aim for around 1.5 - 2.0 grams ( 150 -200 grams of protein in a day )
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Slow release metformin is the best , we do also lose muscle when loosing weight , But it you eat very low carb and get the right amount of proteins it will be less than if you eat too little protein in a day .

Thanks for that. Currently I'm working on dropping from my diagnosis weight of 95kg back to my fighting weight of 81kg. My scales tell me that should be 70kg, but I was 66kg muscle. The joy of BMI.. Fat was 28%, and I dropped that to 25%, but looks like I.. lapsed a bit over Xmas & New Year. Which is traditional I guess. For now, I'll probably aim for 18-20% fat. It's never fun having that very low during winter, although I guess shivering burns calories. I've been eating a bit more protein and a bit less fat, and think I'm back on track now though.. And I really should be doing some more exercise :)

Oh, and a 6.3 this morning, so liver seems to have calmed down a bit.


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Diet only
Available fast foods in Supermarkets
Hi Mbaker how the eke do you keep your BG so low, I would be happy with regular 5s what's your secret? K
I have found that my version of LCHF keeps me satiated, so I don't snack. I start the day with a squeezed hot lemon, move onto a couple of black coffees. I eat either 1 or 2 meals a day, mainly 1 since December. If it is 1 meal, I have a LCHF main supplemented with 2 level spoons of mixed seeds, around 700 calories worth of mixed home roasted nuts (sprinkled with cinnamon, ginger and cayenne pepper and half a tumbler of apple cider vinegar - neat and about around 6 squares of 100% dark chocolate (this is my basic desert, sometimes topped up with crunchy peanut butter on celery and whatever my wife may have created).

Since Christmas I have walked a minimum of 6 miles in one go a day at three quarter maximum pace, fasted and then on most days a weights session, before dinner. I try to do a short walk after my last meal around 17.00 and drink loads of red and herbal teas. My fat levels are coming down nicely which I think is helping on the mainly 1 meal a day. I expect 4's in the morning as I am flying late back from Spain tonight, driving for around 100 miles and have stuffed myself for my one meal this evening (LCHF of course) at a buffet. I estimate I am eating around 3000 calories, but for example my Fibit is saying I have burned 3823 calories at 19.35 Spainish time.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Good evening all.
Mine was 8.8 this morning. I am kind of happy cos I was diagnosed just 2 weeks ago with 17.6. So I am making progress I guess. I hope to land in the 4-6 bracket and maintain it before the month ends
That's what I like to see positive thinking and don't let any one tell you it's impossible.:)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
7.3 my fasting level is like a random yoyo it just go up and down everyday as it like.

I want to ask you Gabrielle, can you still eat noodles, dumplings, spring rolls, sushi etc on insulin?

Or do you still have to carb count and avoid most oriental foods?

I’ve lived in the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong and I miss the foods so much!

Just curious.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
5.3 this morning.........the lowest for several weeks.......in the continuing saga of the ferry traffic at 3am ......not a peep,literally.......could that be the police presence at our end of the village....answers on a postcard!!
Thank goodness for that Glenmac...selfish so and so's...you must be relishing the peace & quiet...hope those idiots have learned their lesson.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning...was sleeping well...then woken by the noise ...the wind is howling like a banshee...fingers crossed the chimney stack & roof stay intact...was supposed to be driving up to York today for work...someone at our office got the date wrong which irritated me immensely at first...now relieved not to be driving in this weather... right on cue feeling a little bit snotty and with review early next month need to head this cold off...just before the last one got an infection...mustn't panic...woke to a 4.7