What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Whoop whoop!!
6.1 this morning! Another drop and THIS close to getting into the hive.

@PenguinMum when my 1st grandchild was born, while looking for a greetings card to send, I found a wee porcelain heart which read “grandchildren fill the space in your heart you didn’t know was empty” So true.
@Ashybang congrats on your result and fingers crossed you aren’t coming down with anything
@DEBBIESCOTT for the first time ever I had a Libre fall off (literally) on Saturday. I rang Abbott, and a new one is on its way. Meanwhile I feel lost without one. Incidentally, the FreeStyle Libre uses a small needle as part of the sensor application process. No needle is left in the site at all, it’s how the flexible soft filament is inserted under the skin.
I’ve had no filaments, just the large needle, check your replacement before using it, they’re replacing all mine, had one for over 2 years & lost without it


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Ladynijo hope you've warmed up
@ianpspurs how did the tree turn out?
8.1... Had I angered the trend gods by celebrating 7 days of under 7, or had the sugar free jelly at 10pm caused a blip? :arghh: So retested....6.2, twice.:happy: Relief all round. The jelly/trend gods aren't displeased with me. Hope you all have the best Tuesday you can.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6.2 today. Was feeling a bit bilious yesterday & thought I was coming down with something, but seems to have stabilised now.

Training day today, so I’ll go for a swift swim so my hair is dry for the zoom calls later. Got to look the part, even if I’ve got my snuggly PJs on the bottom half.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
I’ve had no filaments, just the large needle, check your replacement before using it, they’re replacing all mine, had one for over 2 years & lost without it
Thanks @DEBBIESCOTT I will check when my replacement arrives.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All
Sneaked in with 6.9 today. @RosemaryJackson please don’t fret about FBG getting pain relief is most important right now. Be very kind to yourself and hope you can get some naps if possible. I know its hard to medicate sciatica pain.
@flonvic sending big hug. @callyandy and @Ashybang great stuff!
Yesterday was one of our happiest days the sort you count on one hand @ianpspurs looking forward to dressing the tree with him.
Take care everyone, hope those who need to get better.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I feel blessed today, with lots of praise for achieving a low BG reading.
I'm very happy and owe everyone a big Thank you, for helping me to stay on track and giving me motivation to keep going.
I feel for everybody as I'm finding out just how difficult it can be to skip treats, and favourite meals are consigned to history books.
Everyone deserves huge pats on the back, for their endeavours.
You are all Brilliant!


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Last day of Swipey so who knows if any readings are even close but a 6.2 fbg certainly isn't @callyandy poor tree image attached along with a little village and singing Santa - fan favourite. Took 2 yo 20 secs to work out how to clap and make him sing. I took the tree image, i never take photos, never really liked them. I'll get JKP to take a better one to do justice to the job. @PenguinMum you will have so much joy and so many precious memories.


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