What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Sorry! Live! But love quite good error!
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Through my photographs you are catching glimpses of my country through my own eyes, the eyes of someone who is looking for beauty.

That is what my walks are to me, an opportunity to slow down enough to take notice of all the things we normally pass by without paying any any attention. A kind of reconnecting with the land, the world and ultimately life itself. Yes it is a source of joy.

Today I woke up too late to take a morning walk so I decided to take a night walk instead. Same route completely different ambience.

For one smells become a lot more noticeable.


Jasmin is a delicate and beatiful scent often encountered as I walk past neighbours gardens (usually Jasmin is planted by the front gate to greet visitors) , much stronger at night than during the day.

Nobody could accuse the scent of this plant of being subtle.


You can smell Cestrum Nocturnum the Queen of the Night from tens of meters away. Not for everyone perhaps but I have grown to love it.

Photographing flowers at nighttime proves a different experience







I may be passionate about my own country but beauty can be found in all countries, as long as we open our eyes to it.
17/9/17 at 6am
Not too bad considering I'm not getting consistent sleep pattern

You love in a beautiful place! Your walks must be so joyful
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Hi @pavlosn
Your photos are beautiful... I agree ... beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and we all see things in a slightly different way! Vive la difference! :) We have lovely scenic spots here in the West of Wales (Pembrokeshire). We also have rather high, gusts of wind which would ruin those delicate flowers!
I will try to load a photo with my morning FBG entry :cat: not sure why, but when I load a photo to a thread, it usually ends up sideways :wacky::confused: then I get a crick in my neck looking at the results!! :hilarious:
Sorry folks.... more than a little chat!! and no BG entry either :oops::sorry:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
6.8 yesterday am for me...I think this jump from 5.7 the day before is probably down to something other than things that are easily explained...such as things that are difficult to explain...just coz it was a Sunday and the cat didn't sleep at the end of the bed as long as the day before.....or something.


I gazed into the sky this morning at the great diabetic celestial heavenly bodies and after wiping the bird poo from my eye dropped on me by a seagull with a sarcastic streak and an aim akin to Wing Commander Guy Gibson the spheres aligned kinda 3.4mmols stylee. Time to walk my pooch and then a wonderful Monday morning at work - NOT!!!!!! May you all have a wonderful week.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi @pavlosn
Your photos are beautiful... I agree ... beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and we all see things in a slightly different way! Vive la difference! :) We have lovely scenic spots here in the West of Wales (Pembrokeshire). We also have rather high, gusts of wind which would ruin those delicate flowers!
I will try to load a photo with my morning FBG entry :cat: not sure why, but when I load a photo to a thread, it usually ends up sideways :wacky::confused: then I get a crick in my neck looking at the results!! :hilarious:
Sorry folks.... more than a little chat!! and no BG entry either :oops::sorry:
To my eternal shame I have never visited Wales. Furthest west I have been in the UK is Weston-super-Mare. Now to someone who had never seen a tide in his life that was a shock as was the greyish color of the sea