What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Back in the 5s today with a 5,7mmol/l on waking coming down to 5,2 before breakfast and following my usual 5km walk.

It is getting colder these days and it stays dark longer so less people are out walking early in the morning. Winter is coming! Or what passes for winter in these parts anyway.

If you recall there was no walk for me yesterday morning but mercifully, I did manage 5km last night. Once I set up a sequence I hate to break it, probably for fear that I will not come back to it

So that is at least 5km of walking, every single day for the whole of September and October now.


Much more interestingly, here is a photo of a lovely hymenocallis lily in bloom in our garden.


Have a great day everyone



Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Back in the 5s today with a 5,7mmol/l on waking coming down to 5,2 before breakfast and following my usual 5km walk.

It is getting colder these days and it stays dark longer so less people are out walking early in the morning. Winter is coming! Or what passes for winter in these parts anyway.

If you recall there was no walk for me yesterday morning but mercifully, I did manage 5km last night. Once I set up a sequence I hate to break it, probably for fear that I will not come back to it

So that is at least 5km of walking, every single day for the whole of September and October now.


Much more interestingly, here is a photo of a lovely hymenocallis lily in bloom in our garden.


Have a great day everyone

Beautiful picture pav as usual


i was 23.1 at 7 am

Hello Willie and welcome to you. 23.1 is very high. A lot higher than possibly any of us might want. Do you know how it has got to this? Have you eaten something recently to make it spike or is this the continuation of a general upward trend that you have been experiencing? Either way I would suggest something to try and bring your blood sugars down. The ideal is of course around 5mmols but how about working at it in stages so that it is more achievable and you have smaller targets to get to and you can gauge where you are up to? There are loads of resources on the Forum from lots of diabetics with real time practical experience of blood glucose control or alternatively seek a qualified medical opinion.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Morning all. 6.1 today. My numbers are gradually creeping up. I think I am getting complacent and have increased the amount of protein I am eating. And because I have had 3 small children during the day I have not been walking as much. Any advice would be great.
Have a good middle of the week everyone.


We're both kn*ckered, not to put too fine a point on it.

I am sorry but you must retract this statement. I was planning to book you both to do up my house and my gardens up now that you have finished your own while I just loaf around watching you both work. I cannot carry out my plan if you are both kn*ckered :shifty: