What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)



Dobro jutro svima vama i vjerujem da je to vikend. This morning I have been making some weird shapes using only the power of my very limited imagination, a pair of wallpaper scissors, some purple coloured embossed wallpaper some paste and a bottle of cheap strong vodka. I have now talked myself into a corner and have absolutely nowhere left to go with this mornings tale of misadventure. Somebody help me? It's too much and it's too early and I wanna go back to sleep. My waking blood sugar are 3.8mmols. I have that Friday feeling whoop, whoop and thrice whoop

Of course the silly thing is that when I started my post I really felt that I was on a roll. BOOM BOOM
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

Two photos of trees today.

The first one of a lone pine tree growing in the Macheras area of the Troodos mountains. My 14 year old son will be hiking and camping there today with schoolmates as part of his Duke of Edinburgh bronze award scheme. He has zero previous experience and this will be his first night away alone away from home. So we are both excited and concerned about it.

The second


It's that time of the year again. Not Christmas time but the time when the tree and decorations go up. I swear it gets earlier each year. I will be living in Santa's grotto for the next month and a half! Lol

I am giving myself a couple of days off monitoring my glucose so no morning level today.

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow

Have a great Friday



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

Two photos of trees today.

The first one of a lone pine tree growing in the Macheras area of the Troodos mountains. My 14 year old son will be hiking and camping there today with schoolmates as part of his Duke of Edinburgh bronze award scheme. He has zero previous experience and this will be his first night away alone away from home. So we are both excited and concerned about it.

The second


It's that time of the year again. Not Christmas time but the time when the tree and decorations go up. I swear it gets earlier each year. I will be living in Santa's grotto for the next month and a half! Lol

I am giving myself a couple of days off monitoring my glucose so no morning level today.

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow

Have a great Friday

Wow...that's some tree.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning...just up...listening to the weather forecast...weatherman says' it's chilly'...typical BBC understatement...it's freezing...where's that central heating switch...coffee...possibly retreating back to bed...woke to a 5.3.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

Two photos of trees today.

The first one of a lone pine tree growing in the Macheras area of the Troodos mountains. My 14 year old son will be hiking and camping there today with schoolmates as part of his Duke of Edinburgh bronze award scheme. He has zero previous experience and this will be his first night away alone away from home. So we are both excited and concerned about it.

The second


It's that time of the year again. Not Christmas time but the time when the tree and decorations go up. I swear it gets earlier each year. I will be living in Santa's grotto for the next month and a half! Lol

I am giving myself a couple of days off monitoring my glucose so no morning level today.

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow

Have a great Friday

Wow fabulous tree pav and i hope your son enjoys his camping


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Love the tree pav.My 17 year old grandson in Devon is training for the Ten Tors on Dartmoor next year.Last year I could track his groups progress on my iPad.Isnt all this technology wonderful.......this morning I was 6.2.Have a good Friday everyone.:):)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good morning all :)

4.6 today

We're taking mum's little dog for her pre-winter clip today, need to take a good blanket and some nice chicken titbits with us or she won't be friends with us afterward ;) she looks a bit like a shaggy teddy bear at the moment, lovely and fluffy but it's not a good look after she's been out for a walk and she takes ages to dry out. we'd rather put her in a little quilted coat for every walk than have her get rheumatism :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Morning...just up...listening to the weather forecast...weatherman says' it's chilly'...typical BBC understatement...it's freezing...where's that central heating switch...coffee...possibly retreating back to bed...woke to a 5.3.

I call it brass monkey weather. ( if you are of a sensitive nature dont ask why. LOL )


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Snap mr d 3.8 for me this morning my plan is treat hypo mug of tea couple of biscuits then bk to bed cos im off today prob wont sleep but will watch tv have a great friday all
Hi Karen nice to see your getting the hang of your Libre, enjoy your day of relaxation and make MR D so very jealous! Haha!! K.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
The Brass Monkey was a brass triangular plate with holes in upon which cannon balls where stacked to form a pyramid on board navel vessels. In extremely cold weather the cannon balls and plate would shrink at different rates causing the cannon balls to dislodge hence the term cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Good morning everyone
BG on waking 6.1
Went out with dogs 45 minute walk BG 5.2
Dogs can walk easier these cold mornings and it puts a quickness to my step brrrrr chilly!
Enjoy your day one and all!K