What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 6.1 this morning which I think is down to two great nights sleep in a bed. Some great numbers people, especially for you @ianpspurs but you dont need to get up in the dark. There must be some way of you getting back to sleep.
@PenguinMum Only one way I know of and that is a team game:angelic: Glad you are sleeping better and numbers are coming back to normal/ levels you want


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who disagree with the standard model. Guess who's been at the physics books again, must have been all that poetry yesterday.

An astounding 7.2 greeted me this morning.

Well folks I have my youngest grandson he is 2 1/2 yes old, here today and he has promised to teach all 6 of me's how to throw a proper tantrum. Mrs J is not impressed.
Have a good one folks.


Well-Known Member
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pain, being dependent, egoistic people & jealousy
Morning All,
Mine was 9.1 today without any reason. I'm having a very grumpy day so far because my old dog Cecilia was howling at 3.45 am because she wanted to sleep in my other dog's bed. The older she gets, the more stubborn she becomes. I couldn't get back to sleep, feeling really rough.

Providence 62

Well-Known Member
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Not riding my bike
8 is
Morning All,
Mine was 9.1 today without any reason. I'm having a very grumpy day so far because my old dog Cecilia was howling at 3.45 am because she wanted to sleep in my other dog's bed. The older she gets, the more stubborn she becomes. I couldn't get back to sleep, feeling really rough.
Sounds like you might be going down with something. I find that if I am woken up at that hour and don't manage to get back to sleep immediately, I feel physically sick for the rest of the day. Getting up before 5 is dreadful. Hope you feel better soon.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Morning all. My fbs yesterday was 8.7! This morning's was down to 6.9. Still feeling a little under the weather and in pain so that could explain things. Planning to have a good rest today after the last two busy days. Bliss! Enjoy your Friday and the weekend folks.:)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone - a mad busy week with lots of early starts so I've been a bit lax at taking readings some days. Generally all fine though and a 6.5 to start my day today.
It's my birthday today, and apparently it is the most common birthday in America (although I'm not American, I still find this interesting).
Looking at the list of people through history with whom I share my birthday includes a 18c German prince Count Heinrich von Battenburg - I was disappointed to discover he had nothing to do with the pink and yellow marzipan cake I remember so fondly from my childhood.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6.8 this morning.
Early appointment with nurse to take blood for my HbA1c, not overly looking forward to the results as I've been in the 6's for a while.
Enjoy the day :)

Good luck with that - 6-7 will get you 37 to 42. So could be better than your last test, but shouldn't be much worse. Either way, it's information that you can use. Remember where you started. You're in a far better place now.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello all.

Feeling like I'm skirting a cold. Will try to get a bit more sleep this weekend and hope to avoid the worst.

Experimented a bit last night and took two bg measurements during sleep. (My GP surmised that my blood sugars must be high in the night to explain an HbA1c that was significantly higher than predicted by daily testing.) Turns out that blood sugars neither seem to dip nor rise during sleep. Not that the result surprised me a lot.

Blood sugars during the night were 5.1 today and also 5.1 at 10 a.m. Had a bit of a lie in and blood sugars rose to 5.6. After having an espresso with cream, blood sugars dropped back to 5.1. within 15 minutes.

Weather will be great today and tomorrow, so looking forward to spending some time outside.

@HarrisonK -- Keeping my fingers crossed for your blood tests.
@rhubarb73 -- Happy birthday. Have a fabulous day.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone - a mad busy week with lots of early starts so I've been a bit lax at taking readings some days. Generally all fine though and a 6.5 to start my day today.
It's my birthday today, and apparently it is the most common birthday in America (although I'm not American, I still find this interesting).
Looking at the list of people through history with whom I share my birthday includes a 18c German prince Count Heinrich von Battenburg - I was disappointed to discover he had nothing to do with the pink and yellow marzipan cake I remember so fondly from my childhood.
Many happy, well controlled diabetes, returns @rhubarb73


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Good morning everyone - a mad busy week with lots of early starts so I've been a bit lax at taking readings some days. Generally all fine though and a 6.5 to start my day today.
It's my birthday today, and apparently it is the most common birthday in America (although I'm not American, I still find this interesting).
Looking at the list of people through history with whom I share my birthday includes a 18c German prince Count Heinrich von Battenburg - I was disappointed to discover he had nothing to do with the pink and yellow marzipan cake I remember so fondly from my childhood.
have a very happy birthday rhubarb73 :happy:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning All,
Mine was 9.1 today without any reason. I'm having a very grumpy day so far because my old dog Cecilia was howling at 3.45 am because she wanted to sleep in my other dog's bed. The older she gets, the more stubborn she becomes. I couldn't get back to sleep, feeling really rough.
Probably lack of sleep & aggravation that have pushed those numbers up enzina...pets can drive us to distraction...but...what would we do without them...try for a little shut eye this afternoon...all those kind of issues can give those BG's a real spike.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello all.

Feeling like I'm skirting a cold. Will try to get a bit more sleep this weekend and hope to avoid the worst.

Experimented a bit last night and took two bg measurements during sleep. (My GP surmised that my blood sugars must be high in the night to explain an HbA1c that was significantly higher than predicted by daily testing.) Turns out that blood sugars neither seem to dip nor rise during sleep. Not that the result surprised me a lot.

Blood sugars during the night were 5.1 today and also 5.1 at 10 a.m. Had a bit of a lie in and blood sugars rose to 5.6. After having an espresso with cream, blood sugars dropped back to 5.1. within 15 minutes.

Weather will be great today and tomorrow, so looking forward to spending some time outside.

@HarrisonK -- Keeping my fingers crossed for your blood tests.
@rhubarb73 -- Happy birthday. Have a fabulous day.
Comfort food Ziggy...definitely needed with the first signs of a cold...I usually get a little 'something' around my review time (the end of this month) which of course is not beneficial for the HbA1c test...I'm convinced it's some kind of diabetic conspiracy...hope you feel better soon:)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Morning...shattered after a long day yesterday...ate badly...ate badly again before bed (a Mars Bar chocolate brownie yum)...relieved with my 6.2 this morning.
i got sent home from work full of cold this morning went straight back to bed with a lemsip but feel much better now after more sleep just gonna have a very relaxing day doing nothing ;)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone - a mad busy week with lots of early starts so I've been a bit lax at taking readings some days. Generally all fine though and a 6.5 to start my day today.
It's my birthday today, and apparently it is the most common birthday in America (although I'm not American, I still find this interesting).
Looking at the list of people through history with whom I share my birthday includes a 18c German prince Count Heinrich von Battenburg - I was disappointed to discover he had nothing to do with the pink and yellow marzipan cake I remember so fondly from my childhood.
Happy birthday rhubarb.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
i got sent home from work full of cold this morning went straight back to bed with a lemsip but feel much better now after more sleep just gonna have a very relaxing day doing nothing ;)
So am I Karen...I was shattered by six & a half hours driving...I'm making sure I am rested today...when we're tired it's the ideal time for colds/flu/whatever to sneak up on us...a day at home sounds like just what's needed...it's amazing how doing nothing is the ideal therapy for recovery...enjoy it:)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone - a mad busy week with lots of early starts so I've been a bit lax at taking readings some days. Generally all fine though and a 6.5 to start my day today.
It's my birthday today, and apparently it is the most common birthday in America (although I'm not American, I still find this interesting).
Looking at the list of people through history with whom I share my birthday includes a 18c German prince Count Heinrich von Battenburg - I was disappointed to discover he had nothing to do with the pink and yellow marzipan cake I remember so fondly from my childhood.
Happy birthday!