What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all, 5.2 this morning and 5.3 last night graph’s a flat line
Doing great @RD02. What's your average time in range? I'm sure it must be good. :) My DIL's brother has finally been given a libre to use, he calls himself type 1 but he has a damaged pancreas so maybe a 3c?. He was refused a CGM initially because his control was too good. Wouldn't you think they would reward the diligent ones with tools to make life easier but no he had to wait at least a couple of years from initially asking.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Doing great @RD02. What's your average time in range? I'm sure it must be good. :) My DIL's brother has finally been given a libre to use, he calls himself type 1 but he has a damaged pancreas so maybe a 3c?. He was refused a CGM initially because his control was too good. Wouldn't you think they would reward the diligent ones with tools to make life easier but no he had to wait at least a couple of years from initially asking.

My time in range is way above the gold standard of 70% that I’m asked to try to achieve. My last Hba1c at 38.

Even though I have extremely good control,I’m going on Omnipod 5 closed loop this October.

There is technology out there that can take away the multiple decisions I have to make everyday, and take away the constant mental burden of T1.

I’m having to self fund due to not meeting the regulations and the only way I can get funding would be to deliberately take my eye off the ball and allow my stats to worsen.

I eat normally but have fine turned my ratios and normally bang on.

Seems I’m penalised for good control, saving the nhs interventions, no matter what the mental burden.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning
Libre 5.9
Expected after a large roast last night with all the trimmings
Pt@8 then off to Cadwell Park for the bike racing
Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts everyone
My first date with my husband was at Cadwell Park. That was in 1979! The fumes from the bikes burning fuel was intoxicating :watching: